DynamicKVInput を使用してウィザード入力を生成し、カスタムブループリントのフロントエンドウィザード要素を動的に作成できます。
DynamicKVInput タイプを使用して、カスタム bluerpint のデフォルトを使用してフロントエンドウィザード入力を生成できます。最新のスキーマを表示するには、「DynamicKVInput 定義
import { DynamicKVInput } from '@amazon-codecatalyst/blueprints.blueprint'; export interface Options extends ParentOptions { parameters: DynamicKVInput[]; }
{ "parameters": [ { "key": "AWS_REGION", "value": "us-west-2", "displayType": "region", "possibleValues": [ "us-west-1", "us-west-2", "us-east-1", "us-east-2" ], "displayName": "AWS Region", "description": "AWS Region to deploy the solution to." }, { "key": "SchedulingActive", "value": "Yes", "displayType": "dropdown", "possibleValues": [ "Yes", "No" ], "displayName": "Scheduling Active", "description": "Activate or deactivate scheduling." }, { "key": "ScheduledServices", "value": "Both", "displayType": "dropdown", "possibleValues": [ "EC2", "RDS", "Both" ], "displayName": "Scheduled Services", "description": "Services to schedule." }, { "key": "ScheduleRdsClusters", "value": "No", "displayType": "dropdown", "possibleValues": [ "Yes", "No" ], "displayName": "Schedule RDS Clusters", "description": "Enable scheduling of Aurora clusters for RDS service." }, { "key": "CreateRdsSnapshot", "value": "No", "displayType": "dropdown", "possibleValues": [ "Yes", "No" ], "displayName": "Create RDS Snapshot", "description": "Create snapshot before stopping RDS instances (does not apply to Aurora Clusters)." }, { "key": "MemorySize", "value": "128", "displayType": "dropdown", "possibleValues": [ "128", "384", "512", "640", "768", "896", "1024", "1152", "1280", "1408", "1536" ], "displayName": "Memory Size", "description": "Size of the Lambda function running the scheduler, increase size when processing large numbers of instances." }, { "key": "UseCloudWatchMetrics", "value": "No", "displayType": "dropdown", "possibleValues": [ "Yes", "No" ], "displayName": "Use CloudWatch Metrics", "description": "Collect instance scheduling data using CloudWatch metrics." }, { "key": "LogRetentionDays", "value": "30", "displayType": "dropdown", "possibleValues": [ "1", "3", "5", "7", "14", "30", "60", "90", "120", "150", "180", "365", "400", "545", "731", "1827", "3653" ], "displayName": "Log Retention Days", "description": "Retention days for scheduler logs." }, { "key": "Trace", "value": "No", "displayType": "dropdown", "possibleValues": [ "Yes", "No" ], "displayName": "Trace", "description": "Enable debug-level logging in CloudWatch logs." }, { "key": "EnableSSMMaintenanceWindows", "value": "No", "displayType": "dropdown", "possibleValues": [ "Yes", "No" ], "displayName": "Enable SSM Maintenance Windows", "description": "Enable the solution to load SSM Maintenance Windows, so that they can be used for EC2 instance Scheduling." }, { "key": "DefaultTimezone", "value": "UTC", "displayType": "string", "displayName": "Default Timezone", "description": "Default timezone to use for scheduling." }, { "key": "Regions", "value": "us-west-2", "displayType": "string", "displayName": "Regions", "description": "List of regions in which instances should be scheduled, leave blank for current region only." }, { "key": "UsingAWSOrganizations", "value": "No", "displayType": "dropdown", "possibleValues": [ "Yes", "No" ], "displayName": "Using AWS Organizations", "description": "Use AWS Organizations to automate spoke account registration." }, { "key": "Principals", "displayType": "string", "optional": false, "displayName": "Principals", "description": "(Required) If using AWS Organizations, provide the Organization ID. Eg. o-xxxxyyy. Else, provide a comma separated list of spoke account ids to schedule. Eg.: 1111111111, 2222222222 or {param: ssm-param-name}" }, { "key": "Namespace", "value": "Default", "displayType": "string", "displayName": "Namespace", "description": "Provide unique identifier to differentiate between multiple solution deployments (No Spaces). Example: Dev" }, { "key": "SchedulerFrequency", "value": 5, "displayType": "number", "displayName": "Scheduler Frequency", "description": "Scheduler running frequency in minutes." } ] }
//blueprint.ts export interface Options extends ParentOptions { ... dynamicOptions: OptionsSchemaDefinition<'optionsIdentifier', KVSchema>; }
その後、 Options
import { OptionsSchemaDefinition, OptionsSchema, } from '@amazon-codecatalyst/blueprints.blueprint'; ... // dynamically renders a number in the place where 'optionsIdentifier' was set in the original options type. new OptionsSchema<KVSchema>(this, 'optionsIdentifier', [ { "key": "SchedulerFrequency", "value": 5, "displayType": "number", "displayName": "Scheduler Frequency", "description": "Scheduler running frequency in minutes." } ]);