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Creating a profile job using a ruleset - AWS Glue DataBrew
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Creating a profile job using a ruleset

After you create a ruleset as described preceding, you are directed to the Data quality rules page, which displays all rulesets in your account.

To create a profile job including a ruleset
  1. Choose the name of the ruleset that you previously created to view its details.

  2. Choose Create profile job with ruleset.

    The Job name is automatically filled, but you can change it as needed.

  3. For Job run sample, you can choose to run the entire dataset or a limited number of rows.

    If you choose to run a limited sample size, be aware that for certain rules, results might differ compared to the full dataset.

  4. For Job output settings, choose an S3 location for the job output. Choose any folder in a named Amazon S3 bucket that you have access to. If you enter a folder name for this bucket that doesn't exist, this folder is created.

    Upon successful completion of the profile job, this folder will contain profiles of the data and data quality rules validation report in JSON format.

  5. Under Data quality rules, note your ruleset is listed under Data quality ruleset name.

  6. Under Permissions, select or create a role to grant DataBrew access to read from the input Amazon S3 location and write to the job output location. If you don't have a role ready, select Create new IAM role.

  7. Modify any other optional settings as described in Creating and working with AWS Glue DataBrew profile jobs, if needed.

  8. Choose Create and run job.

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