LEFT - AWS Glue DataBrew


Given a number of characters, takes the leftmost number of characters in the string from the source column or custom string, and returns the specified number of leftmost characters in a new column.

  • sourceColumn – The name of an existing column.

  • value – A character string to evaluate.

  • position – The character position to begin with, from the left end of the string.

  • targetColumn – The name of the new column to be created.


You can specify either sourceColumn or value, but not both.


{ "RecipeAction": { "Operation": "LEFT", "Parameters": { "position": "3", "sourceColumn": "city", "targetColumn": "city_left" } } }

{ "RecipeAction": { "Operation": "LEFT", "Parameters": { "position": "5", "value": "How now brown cow", "targetColumn": "how_now_5_left_chars" } } }