CreateLoadBalancer - Elastic Load Balancing


Creates an Application Load Balancer, Network Load Balancer, or Gateway Load Balancer.

To create listeners for your load balancer, use CreateListener. To describe your current load balancers, see DescribeLoadBalancers. When you are finished with a load balancer, you can delete it using DeleteLoadBalancer.

For more information, see the following:

This operation is idempotent, which means that it completes at most one time. If you attempt to create multiple load balancers with the same settings, each call succeeds.

Request Parameters

For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.


[Application Load Balancers on Outposts] The ID of the customer-owned address pool (CoIP pool).

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256.

Pattern: ^(ipv4pool-coip-)[a-zA-Z0-9]+$

Required: No


Note: Internal load balancers must use the ipv4 IP address type.

[Application Load Balancers] The IP address type. The possible values are ipv4 (for only IPv4 addresses), dualstack (for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses), and dualstack-without-public-ipv4 (for IPv6 only public addresses, with private IPv4 and IPv6 addresses).

[Network Load Balancers] The IP address type. The possible values are ipv4 (for only IPv4 addresses) and dualstack (for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses). You can’t specify dualstack for a load balancer with a UDP or TCP_UDP listener.

[Gateway Load Balancers] The IP address type. The possible values are ipv4 (for only IPv4 addresses) and dualstack (for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses).

Type: String

Valid Values: ipv4 | dualstack | dualstack-without-public-ipv4

Required: No


The name of the load balancer.

This name must be unique per region per account, can have a maximum of 32 characters, must contain only alphanumeric characters or hyphens, must not begin or end with a hyphen, and must not begin with "internal-".

Type: String

Required: Yes


The nodes of an Internet-facing load balancer have public IP addresses. The DNS name of an Internet-facing load balancer is publicly resolvable to the public IP addresses of the nodes. Therefore, Internet-facing load balancers can route requests from clients over the internet.

The nodes of an internal load balancer have only private IP addresses. The DNS name of an internal load balancer is publicly resolvable to the private IP addresses of the nodes. Therefore, internal load balancers can route requests only from clients with access to the VPC for the load balancer.

The default is an Internet-facing load balancer.

You cannot specify a scheme for a Gateway Load Balancer.

Type: String

Valid Values: internet-facing | internal

Required: No


[Application Load Balancers and Network Load Balancers] The IDs of the security groups for the load balancer.

Type: Array of strings

Required: No


The IDs of the subnets. You can specify only one subnet per Availability Zone. You must specify either subnets or subnet mappings, but not both.

[Application Load Balancers] You must specify subnets from at least two Availability Zones. You cannot specify Elastic IP addresses for your subnets.

[Application Load Balancers on Outposts] You must specify one Outpost subnet.

[Application Load Balancers on Local Zones] You can specify subnets from one or more Local Zones.

[Network Load Balancers] You can specify subnets from one or more Availability Zones. You can specify one Elastic IP address per subnet if you need static IP addresses for your internet-facing load balancer. For internal load balancers, you can specify one private IP address per subnet from the IPv4 range of the subnet. For internet-facing load balancer, you can specify one IPv6 address per subnet.

[Gateway Load Balancers] You can specify subnets from one or more Availability Zones. You cannot specify Elastic IP addresses for your subnets.

Type: Array of SubnetMapping objects

Required: No


The IDs of the subnets. You can specify only one subnet per Availability Zone. You must specify either subnets or subnet mappings, but not both. To specify an Elastic IP address, specify subnet mappings instead of subnets.

[Application Load Balancers] You must specify subnets from at least two Availability Zones.

[Application Load Balancers on Outposts] You must specify one Outpost subnet.

[Application Load Balancers on Local Zones] You can specify subnets from one or more Local Zones.

[Network Load Balancers] You can specify subnets from one or more Availability Zones.

[Gateway Load Balancers] You can specify subnets from one or more Availability Zones.

Type: Array of strings

Required: No


The tags to assign to the load balancer.

Type: Array of Tag objects

Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item.

Required: No


The type of load balancer. The default is application.

Type: String

Valid Values: application | network | gateway

Required: No

Response Elements

The following element is returned by the service.


Information about the load balancer.

Type: Array of LoadBalancer objects


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


The specified allocation ID does not exist.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The specified Availability Zone is not supported.

HTTP Status Code: 400


A load balancer with the specified name already exists.

HTTP Status Code: 400


A tag key was specified more than once.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The requested configuration is not valid.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The requested scheme is not valid.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The specified security group does not exist.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The specified subnet is out of available addresses.

HTTP Status Code: 400


This operation is not allowed.

HTTP Status Code: 400


A specified resource is in use.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The specified subnet does not exist.

HTTP Status Code: 400


You've reached the limit on the number of load balancers for your AWS account.

HTTP Status Code: 400


You've reached the limit on the number of tags for this resource.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Create an Internet-facing load balancer

This example creates an Internet-facing load balancer and enables the Availability Zones for the specified subnets.

Sample Request &Name=my-load-balancer &Subnets.member.1=subnet-8360a9e7 &Subnets.member.2=subnet-b7d581c0 &Version=2015-12-01 &AUTHPARAMS

Sample Response

<CreateLoadBalancerResponse xmlns=""> <CreateLoadBalancerResult> <LoadBalancers> <member> <LoadBalancerArn>arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:123456789012:loadbalancer/app/my-internal-load-balancer/50dc6c495c0c9188</LoadBalancerArn> <Scheme>internet-facing</Scheme> <LoadBalancerName>my-load-balancer</LoadBalancerName> <VpcId>vpc-3ac0fb5f</VpcId> <CanonicalHostedZoneId>Z2P70J7EXAMPLE</CanonicalHostedZoneId> <CreatedTime>2016-03-25T21:29:48.850Z</CreatedTime> <AvailabilityZones> <member> <SubnetId>subnet-8360a9e7</SubnetId> <ZoneName>us-west-2a</ZoneName> </member> <member> <SubnetId>subnet-b7d581c0</SubnetId> <ZoneName>us-west-2b</ZoneName> </member> </AvailabilityZones> <SecurityGroups> <member>sg-5943793c</member> </SecurityGroups> <DNSName></DNSName> <State> <Code>provisioning</Code> </State> <Type>application</Type> </member> </LoadBalancers> </CreateLoadBalancerResult> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>32d531b2-f2d0-11e5-9192-3fff33344cfa</RequestId> </ResponseMetadata> </CreateLoadBalancerResponse>

Create an internal load balancer

This example creates an internal load balancer and enables the Availability Zones for the specified subnets.

Sample Request &Name=my-internal-load-balancer &Scheme=internal &Subnets.member.1=subnet-8360a9e7 &Subnets.member.2=subnet-b7d581c0 &Version=2015-12-01 &AUTHPARAMS

Sample Response

<CreateLoadBalancerResponse xmlns=""> <CreateLoadBalancerResult> <LoadBalancers> <member> <LoadBalancerArn>arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:123456789012:loadbalancer/app/my-internal-load-balancer/5b49b8d4303115c2</LoadBalancerArn> <Scheme>internal</Scheme> <LoadBalancerName>my-internal-load-balancer</LoadBalancerName> <VpcId>vpc-3ac0fb5f</VpcId> <CanonicalHostedZoneId>Z2P70J7EXAMPLE</CanonicalHostedZoneId> <CreatedTime>2016-03-25T21:29:48.850Z</CreatedTime> <AvailabilityZones> <member> <SubnetId>subnet-8360a9e7</SubnetId> <ZoneName>us-west-2a</ZoneName> </member> <member> <SubnetId>subnet-b7d581c0</SubnetId> <ZoneName>us-west-2b</ZoneName> </member> </AvailabilityZones> <SecurityGroups> <member>sg-5943793c</member> </SecurityGroups> <DNSName></DNSName> <State> <Code>provisioning</Code> </State> <Type>application</Type> </member> </LoadBalancers> </CreateLoadBalancerResult> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>b37b9c3e-f2d0-11e5-a53c-67205c0d10fd</RequestId> </ResponseMetadata> </CreateLoadBalancerResponse>

Create a Network Load Balancer

This example creates a Network Load Balancer and associates an Elastic IP address with each of the specified subnets.

Sample Request &Name=my-network-load-balancer &Type=network &SubnetMappings.member.1.SubnetId=subnet-8360a9e7 &SubnetMappings.member.1.AllocationId=eipalloc-5723d13e &SubnetMappings.member.2.SubnetId=subnet-b7d581c0 &SubnetMappings.member.2.AllocationId=eipalloc-fc5ca095 &Version=2015-12-01 &AUTHPARAMS

Create a Gateway Load Balancer

This example creates a Gateway Load Balancer.

Sample Request &Name=my-gateway-load-balancer &Type=gateway &Subnets.member.1.SubnetId=subnet-066877671789bd71b &Subnets.member.2.SubnetId=subnet-09ed24a70bc19bbe4 &Version=2015-12-01 &AUTHPARAMS

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: