AdminScope - AWS Firewall Manager


Defines the resources that the Firewall Manager administrator can manage. For more information about administrative scope, see Managing Firewall Manager administrators in the Firewall Manager Developer Guide.



Defines the accounts that the specified Firewall Manager administrator can apply policies to.

Type: AccountScope object

Required: No


Defines the AWS Organizations organizational units that the specified Firewall Manager administrator can apply policies to. For more information about OUs in Organizations, see Managing organizational units (OUs) in the Organizations User Guide.

Type: OrganizationalUnitScope object

Required: No


Defines the Firewall Manager policy types that the specified Firewall Manager administrator can create and manage.

Type: PolicyTypeScope object

Required: No


Defines the AWS Regions that the specified Firewall Manager administrator can perform actions in.

Type: RegionScope object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: