Front-end I/O metrics - Amazon File Cache

Front-end I/O metrics

The following metrics report cache-level information on system read and write operations. All these metrics take one dimension (FileCacheId) and are published into the AWS/FSx namespace in CloudWatch.

Metric Description

The number of bytes for cache read operations.

The Sum statistic is the total number of bytes associated with read operations during the period. The Minimum statistic is the minimum number of bytes associated with read operations on a single disk. The Maximum statistic is the maximum number of bytes associated with read operations on the disk. The Average statistic is the average number of bytes associated with read operations per disk. The SampleCount statistic is the number of disks.

To calculate the average throughput (bytes per second) for a period, divide the Sum statistic by the number of seconds in the period.


  • Bytes for Sum, Minimum, Maximum, and Average.

  • Count for SampleCount.

Valid statistics: Sum, Minimum, Maximum, Average, SampleCount.


The number of bytes for cache write operations.

The Sum statistic is the total number of bytes associated with write operations. The Minimum statistic is the minimum number of bytes associated with write operations on a single disk. The Maximum statistic is the maximum number of bytes associated with write operations on the disk. The Average statistic is the average number of bytes associated with write operations per disk. The SampleCount statistic is the number of disks.

To calculate the average throughput (bytes per second) for a period, divide the Sum statistic by the number of seconds in the period.


  • Bytes for Sum, Minimum, Maximum, and Average.

  • Count for SampleCount.

Valid statistics: Sum, Minimum, Maximum, Average, SampleCount.


The number of read operations.

The Sum statistic is the total number of read operations. The Minimum statistic is the minimum number of read operations on a single disk. The Maximum statistic is the maximum number of read operations on the disk. The Average statistic is the average number of read operations per disk. The SampleCount statistic is the number of disks.

To calculate the average number of read operations (operations per second) for a period, divide the Sum statistic by the number of seconds in the period.


  • Bytes for Sum, Minimum, Maximum, and Average.

Valid statistics: Sum, Minimum, Maximum, Average, SampleCount.


The number of write operations.

The Sum statistic is the total number of write operations. The Minimum statistic is the minimum number of write operations on a single disk. The Maximum statistic is the maximum number write operations on the disk. The Average statistic is the average number of write operations per disk. The SampleCount statistic is the number of disks.

To calculate the average number of write operations (operations per second) for a period, divide the Sum statistic by the number of seconds in the period.


  • Bytes for Sum, Minimum, Maximum, and Average.

  • Count for SampleCount.

Valid statistics: Sum, Minimum, Maximum, Average, SampleCount.


The number of metadata operations.

The Sum statistic is the count of metadata operations. The Minimum statistic is the minimum number of metadata operations per disk. The Maximum statistic is the maximum number of metadata operations per disk. The Average statistic is the average number of metadata operations per disk. The SampleCount statistic is the number of disks.

To calculate the average number of metadata operations (operations per second) for a period, divide the Sum statistic by the number of seconds in the period.


  • Count for Sum, Minimum, Maximum, Average, and SampleCount.

Valid statistics: Sum, Minimum, Maximum, Average, SampleCount.