CreateCrawler で を使用する AWS SDK または CLI - AWS 接着語


CreateCrawler で を使用する AWS SDK または CLI

以下のコード例は、CreateCrawler の使用方法を示しています。



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/// <summary> /// Create an AWS Glue crawler. /// </summary> /// <param name="crawlerName">The name for the crawler.</param> /// <param name="crawlerDescription">A description of the crawler.</param> /// <param name="role">The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to /// be assumed by the crawler.</param> /// <param name="schedule">The schedule on which the crawler will be executed.</param> /// <param name="s3Path">The path to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) /// bucket where the Python script has been stored.</param> /// <param name="dbName">The name to use for the database that will be /// created by the crawler.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value indicating the success of the action.</returns> public async Task<bool> CreateCrawlerAsync( string crawlerName, string crawlerDescription, string role, string schedule, string s3Path, string dbName) { var s3Target = new S3Target { Path = s3Path, }; var targetList = new List<S3Target> { s3Target, }; var targets = new CrawlerTargets { S3Targets = targetList, }; var crawlerRequest = new CreateCrawlerRequest { DatabaseName = dbName, Name = crawlerName, Description = crawlerDescription, Targets = targets, Role = role, Schedule = schedule, }; var response = await _amazonGlue.CreateCrawlerAsync(crawlerRequest); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; }
  • API 詳細については、CreateCrawler「」の「」を参照してください 。AWS SDK for .NET API リファレンス

SDK C++ 用

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Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration clientConfig; // Optional: Set to the AWS Region in which the bucket was created (overrides config file). // clientConfig.region = "us-east-1"; Aws::Glue::GlueClient client(clientConfig); Aws::Glue::Model::S3Target s3Target; s3Target.SetPath("s3://crawler-public-us-east-1/flight/2016/csv"); Aws::Glue::Model::CrawlerTargets crawlerTargets; crawlerTargets.AddS3Targets(s3Target); Aws::Glue::Model::CreateCrawlerRequest request; request.SetTargets(crawlerTargets); request.SetName(CRAWLER_NAME); request.SetDatabaseName(CRAWLER_DATABASE_NAME); request.SetTablePrefix(CRAWLER_DATABASE_PREFIX); request.SetRole(roleArn); Aws::Glue::Model::CreateCrawlerOutcome outcome = client.CreateCrawler(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << "Successfully created the crawler." << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Error creating a crawler. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; deleteAssets("", CRAWLER_DATABASE_NAME, "", bucketName, clientConfig); return false; }
  • API 詳細については、CreateCrawler「」の「」を参照してください 。AWS SDK for C++ API リファレンス

SDK for Java 2.x

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import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Before running this Java V2 code example, set up your development * environment, including your credentials. * * For more information, see the following documentation topic: * * */ public class CreateCrawler { public static void main(String[] args) { final String usage = """ Usage: <IAM> <s3Path> <cron> <dbName> <crawlerName> Where: IAM - The ARN of the IAM role that has AWS Glue and S3 permissions.\s s3Path - The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) target that contains data (for example, CSV data). cron - A cron expression used to specify the schedule (i.e., cron(15 12 * * ? *). dbName - The database name.\s crawlerName - The name of the crawler.\s """; if (args.length != 5) { System.out.println(usage); System.exit(1); } String iam = args[0]; String s3Path = args[1]; String cron = args[2]; String dbName = args[3]; String crawlerName = args[4]; Region region = Region.US_EAST_1; GlueClient glueClient = GlueClient.builder() .region(region) .build(); createGlueCrawler(glueClient, iam, s3Path, cron, dbName, crawlerName); glueClient.close(); } public static void createGlueCrawler(GlueClient glueClient, String iam, String s3Path, String cron, String dbName, String crawlerName) { try { S3Target s3Target = S3Target.builder() .path(s3Path) .build(); // Add the S3Target to a list. List<S3Target> targetList = new ArrayList<>(); targetList.add(s3Target); CrawlerTargets targets = CrawlerTargets.builder() .s3Targets(targetList) .build(); CreateCrawlerRequest crawlerRequest = CreateCrawlerRequest.builder() .databaseName(dbName) .name(crawlerName) .description("Created by the AWS Glue Java API") .targets(targets) .role(iam) .schedule(cron) .build(); glueClient.createCrawler(crawlerRequest); System.out.println(crawlerName + " was successfully created"); } catch (GlueException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); System.exit(1); } } }
  • API 詳細については、CreateCrawler「」の「」を参照してください 。AWS SDK for Java 2.x API リファレンス

SDK の JavaScript (v3)

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const createCrawler = (name, role, dbName, tablePrefix, s3TargetPath) => { const client = new GlueClient({}); const command = new CreateCrawlerCommand({ Name: name, Role: role, DatabaseName: dbName, TablePrefix: tablePrefix, Targets: { S3Targets: [{ Path: s3TargetPath }], }, }); return client.send(command); };
  • API 詳細については、CreateCrawler「」の「」を参照してください 。AWS SDK for JavaScript API リファレンス

SDK Kotlin 用

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suspend fun createGlueCrawler( iam: String?, s3Path: String?, cron: String?, dbName: String?, crawlerName: String, ) { val s3Target = S3Target { path = s3Path } // Add the S3Target to a list. val targetList = mutableListOf<S3Target>() targetList.add(s3Target) val targetOb = CrawlerTargets { s3Targets = targetList } val request = CreateCrawlerRequest { databaseName = dbName name = crawlerName description = "Created by the AWS Glue Kotlin API" targets = targetOb role = iam schedule = cron } GlueClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { glueClient -> glueClient.createCrawler(request) println("$crawlerName was successfully created") } }
  • API 詳細については、CreateCrawler「」の「」を参照してください 。AWS SDK Kotlin リファレンスの API

PHP に関する SDK

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$crawlerName = "example-crawler-test-" . $uniqid; $role = $iamService->getRole("AWSGlueServiceRole-DocExample"); $path = 's3://crawler-public-us-east-1/flight/2016/csv'; $glueService->createCrawler($crawlerName, $role['Role']['Arn'], $databaseName, $path); public function createCrawler($crawlerName, $role, $databaseName, $path): Result { return $this->customWaiter(function () use ($crawlerName, $role, $databaseName, $path) { return $this->glueClient->createCrawler([ 'Name' => $crawlerName, 'Role' => $role, 'DatabaseName' => $databaseName, 'Targets' => [ 'S3Targets' => [[ 'Path' => $path, ]] ], ]); }); }
  • API 詳細については、CreateCrawler「」の「」を参照してください 。AWS SDK for PHP API リファレンス

SDK for Python (Boto3)

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class GlueWrapper: """Encapsulates AWS Glue actions.""" def __init__(self, glue_client): """ :param glue_client: A Boto3 Glue client. """ self.glue_client = glue_client def create_crawler(self, name, role_arn, db_name, db_prefix, s3_target): """ Creates a crawler that can crawl the specified target and populate a database in your AWS Glue Data Catalog with metadata that describes the data in the target. :param name: The name of the crawler. :param role_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that grants permission to let AWS Glue access the resources it needs. :param db_name: The name to give the database that is created by the crawler. :param db_prefix: The prefix to give any database tables that are created by the crawler. :param s3_target: The URL to an S3 bucket that contains data that is the target of the crawler. """ try: self.glue_client.create_crawler( Name=name, Role=role_arn, DatabaseName=db_name, TablePrefix=db_prefix, Targets={"S3Targets": [{"Path": s3_target}]}, ) except ClientError as err: logger.error( "Couldn't create crawler. Here's why: %s: %s", err.response["Error"]["Code"], err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise
  • API 詳細については、CreateCrawler「」の「」を参照してください 。AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) APIリファレンス

SDK Ruby 用

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# The `GlueWrapper` class serves as a wrapper around the AWS Glue API, providing a simplified interface for common operations. # It encapsulates the functionality of the AWS SDK for Glue and provides methods for interacting with Glue crawlers, databases, tables, jobs, and S3 resources. # The class initializes with a Glue client and a logger, allowing it to make API calls and log any errors or informational messages. class GlueWrapper def initialize(glue_client, logger) @glue_client = glue_client @logger = logger end # Creates a new crawler with the specified configuration. # # @param name [String] The name of the crawler. # @param role_arn [String] The ARN of the IAM role to be used by the crawler. # @param db_name [String] The name of the database where the crawler stores its metadata. # @param db_prefix [String] The prefix to be added to the names of tables that the crawler creates. # @param s3_target [String] The S3 path that the crawler will crawl. # @return [void] def create_crawler(name, role_arn, db_name, db_prefix, s3_target) @glue_client.create_crawler( name: name, role: role_arn, database_name: db_name, targets: { s3_targets: [ { path: s3_target } ] } ) rescue Aws::Glue::Errors::GlueException => e @logger.error("Glue could not create crawler: \n#{e.message}") raise end
  • API 詳細については、CreateCrawler「」の「」を参照してください 。AWS SDK for Ruby API リファレンス

SDK Rust 用

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let create_crawler = glue .create_crawler() .name(self.crawler()) .database_name(self.database()) .role(self.iam_role.expose_secret()) .targets( CrawlerTargets::builder() .s3_targets(S3Target::builder().path(CRAWLER_TARGET).build()) .build(), ) .send() .await; match create_crawler { Err(err) => { let glue_err: aws_sdk_glue::Error = err.into(); match glue_err { aws_sdk_glue::Error::AlreadyExistsException(_) => { info!("Using existing crawler"); Ok(()) } _ => Err(GlueMvpError::GlueSdk(glue_err)), } } Ok(_) => Ok(()), }?;
  • API 詳細については、CreateCrawler「」の「」を参照してください 。AWS SDK Rust APIリファレンスの

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