Troubleshoot AWS Launch Wizard for SAP
Each application in your account in the same AWS Region can be uniquely identified by the application name specified at the time of a deployment. The application name can be used to view the details related to the application launch.
Launch Wizard provisioning events
Launch Wizard captures events from SSM Automation and AWS CloudFormation to track the status of an ongoing application deployment. If an application deployment fails, you can view the deployment events for this application by selecting Deployments from the navigation pane. A failed event shows a status of Failed along with a failure message.
CloudWatch Logs
Launch Wizard streams provisioning logs from all of the AWS log sources, such as AWS CloudFormation, SSM, and CloudWatch Logs. You can access CloudWatch logs for your SAP deployment with the following steps.
Sign in to and go to AWS Launch Wizard.
Under Deployments on the left panel, go to SAP and you can see the list of your SAP deployments.
Select the failed deployment for which you want to verify the logs.
Choose Actions > View/Manage resources > View CloudWatch application logs.
You can now view the detailed logs and log streams that provide additional information on the SAP application type that failed during deployment.
AWS CloudFormation stack
Launch Wizard uses AWS CloudFormation to provision the infrastructure resources of an application. Launch Wizard launches various stacks in your account for validation and application resource creation. You can verify the stacks via AWS console or AWS CLI.
Pre- and post-deployment configuration scripts
Can't find the output of my scripts
Cause: Customizations are key scripts that you want to run on the EC2 instances and the logs from script deployments are not included with the provisioning logs.
Solution: The logs for scripts that run on EC2 instances are included in the CloudWatch log group that Launch Wizard creates in your account for the workload. The CloudWatch log group can be identified as
. You can find the following logs in this log group.APPLICATION_NAME
— For pre-deployment configuration scripts that run on the specified EC2 instance.<instance-id>
/preDeploymentConfiguration -
— For post-deployment configuration scripts that run on the specified EC2 instance.<instance-id>
Application launch quotas
Launch Wizard allows for a maximum of 25 active applications for any given application type. Up
to three applications can be in progress
at a time. If you want to increase
this limit, contact Support
Instance level logs
To check the progress of a deployment, you can log in to an instance as soon its
instance state is listed as running. When the deployment is
finished, the log files are moved to /tmp
By default, your provisioned Amazon EC2 instances are retained when a deployment fails. If you created your Launch Wizard deployment with these default settings, you can navigate to the following paths for further evaluation.
Directory | Purpose |
/root/install |
The working directory of Launch Wizard SAP deployment. |
/root/install/scripts |
The home directory of Launch Wizard SAP deployment. It contains all the scripts called by Launch Wizard. |
/root/install/scripts/log |
All the logs related to the deployment (install.log
file). |
/tmp/ |
Based on the SAP components that are deployed on an Amazon EC2 instance, Launch Wizard creates a folder in this directory for SAP software application deployment logs. |
/var/log/messages |
The unhandled exceptions of an Amazon EC2 instance. |
/var/log/zypper.log |
All the logs for SLES operating system package installation failures. |
/var/log/yum.log |
All the logs for RHEL operating system package installation failures. |
/var/log/pacemaker |
All the logs for pacemaker cluster. |
/var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log |
/var/log/cluster/corosync.log |
SAP application software deployment logs
Depending on which SAP components are deployed on an instance, Launch Wizard creates a folder
in /tmp
to log all of the SAP software application deployment logs. If a
database component is deployed on an instance, the folder name in the file will be
. If an application server is deployed, the folder name will
. For single node deployments, there will be multiple
folders, such as NW_ABAP_DB
, which represent
the different components deployed on the instance.
Your requested instance type is not supported in your requested Availability Zone
Cause: This failure might occur during the launch of your instance, or during the validation of the instances that Launch Wizard launches in your selected subnets.
Solution: For this scenario, you must choose a different Availability Zone and retry the deployment from the initial page of the Launch Wizard console.
Infrastructure template already exists
Cause: This failure occurs when you choose to create a new infrastructure configuration and then navigate back to the first step in the wizard to review or adjust any settings. Launch Wizard has already registered the configuration template, so choosing Next results in the error "Template name already exists. Select a new template name."
Perform one of the following actions to continue with your deployment.
Change the name of the configuration template and continue.
Choose another template and continue.
Delete the template causing the error by navigating to the Saved Infrastructure Setting tab under Deployments – SAP, and then continue with your configuration using the same configuration name.
AWS Systems Manager for SAP
An Internal Error Occurred
Cause: For users using AWS Systems Manager for the first time, the CloudFormation resource (
) can fail with a messageAn Internal Error Occurred
due to issues during the SLR (service-linked role)AWSSSMForSAPServiceLinkedRolePolicy
creation. -
Use the IAM console
to ensure that AWSSSMForSAPServiceLinkedRolePolicy
is in your account. -
Retry the Launch Wizard deployment to complete the registration successfully.
If errors persist, contact Support
For more information, see Troubleshooting AWS Systems Manager for SAP.
If your deployment is failing after following the troubleshooting steps listed here, we recommend you to create a support case with the following information.
[Error description]:<Provide a brief description of the error.> [Deployment information]: Provide information about the failed deployment. Account number: <AWS account number> Deployment name: <Enter deployment name> Deployment type: <Single-instance/Multi-instance/High availability> SAP HANA version: <Enter SAP HANA database version> SAP application: <Enter SAP application name> OS type: <Enter operating system> OS version: <Enter operating system version> Amazon EC2 instance family: <Enter Amazon EC2 instance family> Amazon EC2 instance type: <Enter Amazon EC2 instance type> If used proxy: <Yes/No> AMI type: <BYOI/BYOS/Marketplace> Instances retained: <Yes/No> FailedStackID (optional): [Required logs] Provide the following logs. Based on the scenario and state of deployment, some logs may not be available. /root/install/scripts/log/ /tmp/install.log /tmp/inputs.json /var/log/cloud-init.log /var/log/hdblcm.log (If SAP HANA install is selected) /tmp/NW directory (If SAP HANA install is selected) If you haven't retained your Amazon EC2 instance, provide the logs extracted from CloudWatch logs. [Troubleshooting] Provide the details of the troubleshooting steps that you carried out and the results from them.
For more information, see Creating a support case.