This EgoNet algorithm finds the (filtered) EgoNet of a vertex to its hopCount-neighbors. An EgoNet, also known as the egocentric network, is a subgraph of a social network that encapsulates the connections of a single individual, known as the ego, and all the people they are socially connected to, known as alters. EgoNet can be used for further analysis in social networks.
Neptune Analytics supports the following EgoNet algorithms:
.egonet – The EgoNet algorithm finds the (filtered) EgoNet of a vertex to its hopCount-neighbors. An EgoNet, also known as the egocentric network, is a subgraph of a social network that encapsulates the connections of a single individual, known as the ego, and all the people they are socially connected to, known as alters.
.egonet.edgeList – This algorithm has a different output schema than egonet.