There are three rules that define how RDF triples correspond to LPG concepts:
Case RDF triple ⇆ LPG concept ----------------------------------------------------------------- Case #1 { <iri> rdf:type <iri> } ⇆ vertex with id + label Case #2 { <iri> <iri> "literal"} ⇆ vertex property Case #3 { <iri> <iri> <iri> } ⇆ edge with label
Case #1: Vertex with id and label
A triple like:
<> rdf:type <>
is equivalent to creating the vertex in openCypher like:
CREATE (:`<>` {`~id`: "<>"})
In this example, the vertex label <>
is interpreted
and stored as an IRI.
The back quote syntax ``
is part of openCypher which allows inserting characters that
normally cannot be used in labels. Using this mechanism, it’s possible to include complete IRIs in a query.
, the same CREATE
query could look like:
PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX ex: <> CREATE (: foaf::Person {`~id`: ex::Alice})
To match the newly created vertex based on its id:
MATCH (v {`~id`: "<>"}) RETURN v
or equivalently:
PREFIX ex: <> MATCH (v {`~id`: ex::Alice}) RETURN v
To find vertices with that RDF Class/LPG Label:
MATCH (v:`<>`) RETURN v
or equivalently:
PREFIX foaf: <> MATCH (v : foaf::Person) RETURN v
Case #2: Vertex property
A triple like:
<> <> "Alice Smith"
is equivalent to defining with openCypher node with a given ~id
and property, where both the ~id
and the property key are IRIs:
CREATE ({`~id`: "<>", `<>`: "Alice Smith" })
or equivalently:
PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX ex: <> CREATE ({`~id`: ex::Alice, foaf::name: "Alice Smith" })
To match the vertex with that property:
MATCH (v {`<>`: "Alice Smith"}) RETURN v
or equivalently:
PREFIX foaf: <> MATCH (v { foaf::name : "Alice Smith"}) RETURN v
Case #3: Edge
A triple like:
<> <> <>
is equivalent to defining with OpenCypher an edge like this, where the edge label and vertices ids are all IRIs:
CREATE ({`~id`: "<>"}) -[:`<>`]->({`~id`: "<>"})
or equivalently:
PREFIX ex: <> CREATE ({`~id`: ex::Alice })-[: ex::knows ]->({`~id`: ex::Bob })
To match the edges with that label:
MATCH (v)-[:`<>`]->(w) RETURN v, w
or equivalently:
PREFIX ex: <> MATCH (v)-[: ex::knows ]->(w) RETURN v, w
Query Examples
Matching language-tagged literals
If this triple was loaded from a dataset:
<> <> "Hallo"@de
then it will not be matched by this query:
MATCH (n) WHERE n.`<>` = "Hallo"
because the language-tagged literal "Hallo"@de
and the string “Hallo” are not equal. For more information,
see Language-tagged literals.
The query can use TOSTRING()
in order to find the match:
MATCH (n) WHERE TOSTRING(n.`<>`) = "Hallo"