Neptune ML 管理 API のエラーと例外
すべての Neptune ML 管理 API 例外は 400 HTTP コードを返します。これらの例外を受け取った後、例外を生成したコマンドは再試行しないでください。
- エラーメッセージ:Required credentials are missing. Please add IAM role to the cluster or pass as a parameter to this request.
- エラーメッセージ (複数) :Invalid ML instance type.
Invalid ID provided. ID can be 1-48 alphanumeric characters.
Invalid ID provided. Must contain only letters, digits, or hyphens.
Invalid ID provided. Please check whether a resource with the given ID exists.
Another resource with same ID already exists. Please use a new ID.
Failed to stop the job because it has already completed or failed.
- エラーメッセージ (複数) :Invalid S3 URL or incorrect S3 permissions. Please check your S3 configuration.
Provided ModelTraining job has not completed.
Provided SageMaker Training job has not completed.
Provided MLDataProcessing job is not completed.
Provided MLModelTraining job doesn't exist.
Provided ModelTransformJob doesn't exist.
Unable to find SageMaker resource. Please check your input.