AWS SDK (Android および iOS SDK を除く) は、「Amazon OpenSearch Service API リファレンス」に定義されているすべてのオペレーションをサポートします。これには、次も含まれます。
このサンプルスクリプトは、AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) の OpenSearchServiceinstance_type
import boto3
from botocore.config import Config
# Build the client using the default credential configuration.
# You can use the CLI and run 'aws configure' to set access key, secret
# key, and default region.
my_config = Config(
# Optionally lets you specify a region other than your default.
client = boto3.client('opensearch', config=my_config)
instance_type = '' # e.g. m4.2xlarge.search
def describe_RI_offerings(client):
"""Gets the Reserved Instance offerings for this account"""
response = client.describe_reserved_instance_offerings()
offerings = (response['ReservedInstanceOfferings'])
return offerings
def check_instance(offering):
"""Returns True if instance type is the one you specified above"""
if offering['InstanceType'] == instance_type:
return True
return False
def get_instance_id():
"""Iterates through the available offerings to find the ID of the one you specified"""
instance_type_iterator = filter(
check_instance, describe_RI_offerings(client))
offering = list(instance_type_iterator)
id = offering[0]['ReservedInstanceOfferingId']
return id
def purchase_RI_offering(client):
"""Purchase Reserved Instances"""
response = client.purchase_reserved_instance_offering(
ReservedInstanceOfferingId = get_instance_id(),
ReservationName = 'my-reservation',
InstanceCount = 1
print('Purchased reserved instance offering of type ' + instance_type)
def main():
"""Purchase Reserved Instances"""
AWS SDK のインストールと使用の詳細については、「AWS Software Development Kits