AWS SDK を使用した Amazon OpenSearch Serverless の操作 - Amazon OpenSearch サービス


AWS SDK を使用した Amazon OpenSearch Serverless の操作

このセクションには、AWS SDK を使用して Amazon OpenSearch Serverless を操作する方法の例が含まれています。これらのコードサンプルには、セキュリティポリシーとコレクションの作成方法が示されています。


コードサンプルは、現在作成中です。コードサンプル (Java、Go など) を提供したい場合は、GitHub リポジトリ内で直接プルリクエストを開きます。



次のサンプルスクリプトでは、Python の opensearch-py クライアントおよび AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) を使用して、暗号化、ネットワーク、データアクセスポリシーを作成します。また、一致するコレクションを作成し、いくつかのサンプルデータをインデックス化します。


pip install opensearch-py pip install boto3 pip install botocore pip install requests-aws4auth

スクリプト内の Principal 要素を、リクエストに署名するユーザーまたはロールの Amazon リソースネーム (ARN) に置き換えます。必要に応じて、region を変更することもできます。

from opensearchpy import OpenSearch, RequestsHttpConnection from requests_aws4auth import AWS4Auth import boto3 import botocore import time # Build the client using the default credential configuration. # You can use the CLI and run 'aws configure' to set access key, secret # key, and default region. client = boto3.client('opensearchserverless') service = 'aoss' region = 'us-east-1' credentials = boto3.Session().get_credentials() awsauth = AWS4Auth(credentials.access_key, credentials.secret_key, region, service, session_token=credentials.token) def createEncryptionPolicy(client): """Creates an encryption policy that matches all collections beginning with tv-""" try: response = client.create_security_policy( description='Encryption policy for TV collections', name='tv-policy', policy=""" { \"Rules\":[ { \"ResourceType\":\"collection\", \"Resource\":[ \"collection\/tv-*\" ] } ], \"AWSOwnedKey\":true } """, type='encryption' ) print('\nEncryption policy created:') print(response) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ConflictException': print( '[ConflictException] The policy name or rules conflict with an existing policy.') else: raise error def createNetworkPolicy(client): """Creates a network policy that matches all collections beginning with tv-""" try: response = client.create_security_policy( description='Network policy for TV collections', name='tv-policy', policy=""" [{ \"Description\":\"Public access for TV collection\", \"Rules\":[ { \"ResourceType\":\"dashboard\", \"Resource\":[\"collection\/tv-*\"] }, { \"ResourceType\":\"collection\", \"Resource\":[\"collection\/tv-*\"] } ], \"AllowFromPublic\":true }] """, type='network' ) print('\nNetwork policy created:') print(response) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ConflictException': print( '[ConflictException] A network policy with this name already exists.') else: raise error def createAccessPolicy(client): """Creates a data access policy that matches all collections beginning with tv-""" try: response = client.create_access_policy( description='Data access policy for TV collections', name='tv-policy', policy=""" [{ \"Rules\":[ { \"Resource\":[ \"index\/tv-*\/*\" ], \"Permission\":[ \"aoss:CreateIndex\", \"aoss:DeleteIndex\", \"aoss:UpdateIndex\", \"aoss:DescribeIndex\", \"aoss:ReadDocument\", \"aoss:WriteDocument\" ], \"ResourceType\": \"index\" }, { \"Resource\":[ \"collection\/tv-*\" ], \"Permission\":[ \"aoss:CreateCollectionItems\" ], \"ResourceType\": \"collection\" } ], \"Principal\":[ \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role\/Admin\" ] }] """, type='data' ) print('\nAccess policy created:') print(response) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ConflictException': print( '[ConflictException] An access policy with this name already exists.') else: raise error def createCollection(client): """Creates a collection""" try: response = client.create_collection( name='tv-sitcoms', type='SEARCH' ) return(response) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ConflictException': print( '[ConflictException] A collection with this name already exists. Try another name.') else: raise error def waitForCollectionCreation(client): """Waits for the collection to become active""" response = client.batch_get_collection( names=['tv-sitcoms']) # Periodically check collection status while (response['collectionDetails'][0]['status']) == 'CREATING': print('Creating collection...') time.sleep(30) response = client.batch_get_collection( names=['tv-sitcoms']) print('\nCollection successfully created:') print(response["collectionDetails"]) # Extract the collection endpoint from the response host = (response['collectionDetails'][0]['collectionEndpoint']) final_host = host.replace("https://", "") indexData(final_host) def indexData(host): """Create an index and add some sample data""" # Build the OpenSearch client client = OpenSearch( hosts=[{'host': host, 'port': 443}], http_auth=awsauth, use_ssl=True, verify_certs=True, connection_class=RequestsHttpConnection, timeout=300 ) # It can take up to a minute for data access rules to be enforced time.sleep(45) # Create index response = client.indices.create('sitcoms-eighties') print('\nCreating index:') print(response) # Add a document to the index. response = client.index( index='sitcoms-eighties', body={ 'title': 'Seinfeld', 'creator': 'Larry David', 'year': 1989 }, id='1', ) print('\nDocument added:') print(response) def main(): createEncryptionPolicy(client) createNetworkPolicy(client) createAccessPolicy(client) createCollection(client) waitForCollectionCreation(client) if __name__ == "__main__": main()


次のサンプルスクリプトでは、JavaScript の opensearch-js クライアントおよび SDK for JavaScript in Node.js を使用して、暗号化、ネットワーク、データアクセスポリシーを作成します。また、一致するコレクションおよびインデックスを作成して、いくつかのサンプルデータをインデックス化します。


npm i aws-sdk npm i aws4 npm i @opensearch-project/opensearch

スクリプト内の Principal 要素を、リクエストに署名するユーザーまたはロールの Amazon リソースネーム (ARN) に置き換えます。必要に応じて、region を変更することもできます。

var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var aws4 = require('aws4'); var { Client, Connection } = require("@opensearch-project/opensearch"); var { OpenSearchServerlessClient, CreateSecurityPolicyCommand, CreateAccessPolicyCommand, CreateCollectionCommand, BatchGetCollectionCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-opensearchserverless"); var client = new OpenSearchServerlessClient(); async function execute() { await createEncryptionPolicy(client) await createNetworkPolicy(client) await createAccessPolicy(client) await createCollection(client) await waitForCollectionCreation(client) } async function createEncryptionPolicy(client) { // Creates an encryption policy that matches all collections beginning with 'tv-' try { var command = new CreateSecurityPolicyCommand({ description: 'Encryption policy for TV collections', name: 'tv-policy', type: 'encryption', policy: " \ { \ \"Rules\":[ \ { \ \"ResourceType\":\"collection\", \ \"Resource\":[ \ \"collection\/tv-*\" \ ] \ } \ ], \ \"AWSOwnedKey\":true \ }" }); const response = await client.send(command); console.log("Encryption policy created:"); console.log(response['securityPolicyDetail']); } catch (error) { if ( === 'ConflictException') { console.log('[ConflictException] The policy name or rules conflict with an existing policy.'); } else console.error(error); }; } async function createNetworkPolicy(client) { // Creates a network policy that matches all collections beginning with 'tv-' try { var command = new CreateSecurityPolicyCommand({ description: 'Network policy for TV collections', name: 'tv-policy', type: 'network', policy: " \ [{ \ \"Description\":\"Public access for television collection\", \ \"Rules\":[ \ { \ \"ResourceType\":\"dashboard\", \ \"Resource\":[\"collection\/tv-*\"] \ }, \ { \ \"ResourceType\":\"collection\", \ \"Resource\":[\"collection\/tv-*\"] \ } \ ], \ \"AllowFromPublic\":true \ }]" }); const response = await client.send(command); console.log("Network policy created:"); console.log(response['securityPolicyDetail']); } catch (error) { if ( === 'ConflictException') { console.log('[ConflictException] A network policy with that name already exists.'); } else console.error(error); }; } async function createAccessPolicy(client) { // Creates a data access policy that matches all collections beginning with 'tv-' try { var command = new CreateAccessPolicyCommand({ description: 'Data access policy for TV collections', name: 'tv-policy', type: 'data', policy: " \ [{ \ \"Rules\":[ \ { \ \"Resource\":[ \ \"index\/tv-*\/*\" \ ], \ \"Permission\":[ \ \"aoss:CreateIndex\", \ \"aoss:DeleteIndex\", \ \"aoss:UpdateIndex\", \ \"aoss:DescribeIndex\", \ \"aoss:ReadDocument\", \ \"aoss:WriteDocument\" \ ], \ \"ResourceType\": \"index\" \ }, \ { \ \"Resource\":[ \ \"collection\/tv-*\" \ ], \ \"Permission\":[ \ \"aoss:CreateCollectionItems\" \ ], \ \"ResourceType\": \"collection\" \ } \ ], \ \"Principal\":[ \ \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role\/Admin\" \ ] \ }]" }); const response = await client.send(command); console.log("Access policy created:"); console.log(response['accessPolicyDetail']); } catch (error) { if ( === 'ConflictException') { console.log('[ConflictException] An access policy with that name already exists.'); } else console.error(error); }; } async function createCollection(client) { // Creates a collection to hold TV sitcoms indexes try { var command = new CreateCollectionCommand({ name: 'tv-sitcoms', type: 'SEARCH' }); const response = await client.send(command); return (response) } catch (error) { if ( === 'ConflictException') { console.log('[ConflictException] A collection with this name already exists. Try another name.'); } else console.error(error); }; } async function waitForCollectionCreation(client) { // Waits for the collection to become active try { var command = new BatchGetCollectionCommand({ names: ['tv-sitcoms'] }); var response = await client.send(command); while (response.collectionDetails[0]['status'] == 'CREATING') { console.log('Creating collection...') await sleep(30000) // Wait for 30 seconds, then check the status again function sleep(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); } var response = await client.send(command); } console.log('Collection successfully created:'); console.log(response['collectionDetails']); // Extract the collection endpoint from the response var host = (response.collectionDetails[0]['collectionEndpoint']) // Pass collection endpoint to index document request indexDocument(host) } catch (error) { console.error(error); }; } async function indexDocument(host) { var client = new Client({ node: host, Connection: class extends Connection { buildRequestObject(params) { var request = super.buildRequestObject(params) request.service = 'aoss'; request.region = 'us-east-1'; // e.g. us-east-1 var body = request.body; request.body = undefined; delete request.headers['content-length']; request.headers['x-amz-content-sha256'] = 'UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD'; request = aws4.sign(request, AWS.config.credentials); request.body = body; return request } } }); // Create an index try { var index_name = "sitcoms-eighties"; var response = await client.indices.create({ index: index_name }); console.log("Creating index:"); console.log(response.body); // Add a document to the index var document = "{ \"title\": \"Seinfeld\", \"creator\": \"Larry David\", \"year\": \"1989\" }\n"; var response = await client.index({ index: index_name, body: document }); console.log("Adding document:"); console.log(response.body); } catch (error) { console.error(error); }; } execute()