Deleting a custom source from Security Lake - Amazon Security Lake

Deleting a custom source from Security Lake

Delete a custom source to stop sending data from the source to Security Lake. When you remove the source, Security Lake stops collecting data from that source in the specified Regions and accounts, and subscribers can no longer consume new data from the source. However, subscribers can still consume data that Security Lake collected from the source before removal. You can only use these instructions to remove a custom source. For information about removing a natively-supported AWS service, see Collecting data from AWS services in Security Lake.

  1. Open the Security Lake console at

  2. By using the AWS Region selector in the upper-right corner of the page, select the Region that you want to remove the custom source from.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Custom sources.

  4. Select the custom source that you want to remove.

  5. Choose Deregister custom source and then choose Delete to confirm the action.


To delete a custom source programmatically, use the DeleteCustomLogSource operation of the Security Lake API. If you're using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), run the delete-custom-log-source command. Use the operation in the AWS Region where you want to delete the custom source.

In your request, use the sourceName parameter to specify the name of the custom source to delete. Or specify the name of the custom source and use the sourceVersion parameter to limit the scope of the deletion to only a specific version of data from the custom source.

The following example deletes a custom log source from Security Lake.

This example is formatted for Linux, macOS, or Unix, and it uses the backslash (\) line-continuation character to improve readability.

$ aws securitylake delete-custom-log-source \ --source-name EXAMPLE_CUSTOM_SOURCE