Configuring AWS - AWS Service Management Connector

Configuring AWS

This section describes how to configure AWS Health integration in ServiceNow.

Configure AWS for health-integration features
  1. Set up an Amazon SQS queue to sync AWS Health events. Name the queue, AwsServiceManagementConnectorForHealthDashboardQueue, to align with the default name in the ServiceNow System Properties for the AWS Health integration. For more information, refer to Getting started with Amazon SQS.

  2. Set up an Amazon EventBridge rule to detect Health Event changes and push them to the queue. For more information, refer to Getting started with Amazon EventBridge. The rule should have the following event pattern and point to the Amazon SQS queue from step 1:

"EventPattern": { "source": [ "" ] }

The SQS queue synchronizes every five minutes. To change this threshold, navigate to Scheduled Jobs, and modify the Repeat Interval value of the Synchronize AWS Health job.


You can use baseline AWS CloudFormation tempates to automate AWS Health integration features. For more information, refer to Baseline Permissions.