Best practice 2.1 – Use version control for job and application changes - Data Analytics Lens

Best practice 2.1 – Use version control for job and application changes

Version control systems support tracking changes and the ability to revert to previous versions of an analytics system should changes cause unintended consequences. Your team should version control code repositories for both analytics infrastructure as code (IaC) and analytics applications logic.

Suggestion 2.1.1 – Use infrastructure as code and version control systems so that a failed deployment can be rolled back to a previous good state

Follow software development best practices when building analytics systems. For example, deploy resources using code templates, such as AWS CloudFormation or Hashicorp Terraform, so that all deployments occur exactly as intended. Use version control systems (for example, code repositories such as GitHub) to hold current and previous versions of your code templates. Using these tools, if a new change results in unwanted outcomes, you can easily roll back to the previous code template.

For more details, refer to the following information: