Best practice 3.6 – Implement encryption policies
Data encryption is a way of translating data from plaintext (unencrypted) to ciphertext (encrypted). Encryption is a critical component of a defense in depth strategy. Therefore, it is highly recommended that your organization implement a well-designed encryption and key management system by separating access to the decryption key from access to your data to provide data security.
Suggestion 3.6.1 – Implement encryption policies for data at rest and in transit
Each analytics service provides different types of encryption methods. Review the viable encryption methods of your solutions and implement as necessary.
For more details, refer to the following information:
AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) encryption best practices
AWS Big Data Blog: Best Practices for Securing Amazon EMR
AWS Big Data Blog: Encrypt Your Amazon Redshift Loads with Amazon S3 and AWS KMS
AWS Big Data Blog: Encrypt and Decrypt Amazon Kinesis Records Using AWS KMS
AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog: Data Tokenization with Amazon Redshift and Protegrity