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[O.CM.5] Detect performance issues using application performance monitoring - DevOps Guidance
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[O.CM.5] Detect performance issues using application performance monitoring


Application Performance Monitoring (APM) refers to the use of tools to monitor and manage the ongoing, real-time performance and availability of systems in production environments. APM tools help in maintaining the performance of systems by identifying performance issues early on. This leads to quicker resolution of issues, improved user experience, and reduced downtime.

To comprehensively monitor application performance, implement both Real-User Monitoring (RUM) and Synthetic Monitoring. These APM tools are recommended detect and diagnose performance issues in production systems. These APM tools enable teams to proactively detect and diagnose complex application performance problems to maintain an expected level of service.

RUM captures performance metrics based on actual user interactions. Analyze real user data to understand areas of the system that are frequently used and might benefit from performance improvements. This data can then be used to identify and debug client-side issues to optimize end-user experience.

On the other hand, Synthetic Monitoring involves writing scripts that simulate user interactions, known as canaries, to continuously monitor endpoints and APIs. Canaries follow the same routes and perform the same actions as a customer, allowing for the continuous verification of the customer experience even in the absence of actual customer traffic. By using insights from RUM, you can optimize which canaries to run continuously, ensuring they closely mimic the most common user paths. This strategy ensures potential issues are identified before impacting users, offering a seamless user experience.

Both tools collect metrics on response time, resource utilization, and other performance-related indicators, forming a holistic approach to continuous performance monitoring in production environments.

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