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Manage and govern functions to interoperate - Management and Governance Cloud Environment Guide
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Manage and govern functions to interoperate

The eight management and governance functions, supported by AWS services and AWS Partner solutions, should interoperate together in an informative relationship to help you manage and govern your environments at scale. Outputs from these functions are used to inform or integrate with other functions.

As an example, a report in AWS Cost Explorer shows a spike in month-to-month EC2 usage in a development environment. Further investigation leads you to discover that a new team has been launching m5.16xlarge instances, but using less than two percent of the CPU capacity. AWS Cost Explorer insights reveal that the development environment did not require the same instance size as test or production. As an input to controls, you can define a detective AWS Config rule in the development environment to alert on unapproved m5.16xlarge instances. In addition, you can permit builders to only self-service provision nano instance types in the development environment by using template constraints from Service Catalog, or you can assign an AWS Organizations service control policy to restrict the instance types that can be launched in that environment.

With this interoperability example, you can tune the financial operations of your IT functions to automate cost controls, which permit you to continually evaluate mechanisms that can reduce your AWS costs. Although similar manual mechanisms might be effective, they are not as efficient as you scale further workloads on AWS. Throughout this M&G Guide, you will see the additive benefits of an interoperable and automated foundation of the proposed eight capabilities in your AWS environments.

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