AttributeSuggestionsUpdateConfig - Amazon Kendra API Reference


Updates the configuration information for the document fields/attributes that you want to base query suggestions on.

To deactivate using documents fields for query suggestions, set the mode to INACTIVE. You must also set SuggestionTypes as either QUERY or DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES and then call GetQuerySuggestions. If you set to QUERY, then Amazon Kendra uses the query history to base suggestions on. If you set to DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES, then Amazon Kendra uses the contents of document fields to base suggestions on.



You can set the mode to ACTIVE or INACTIVE. You must also set SuggestionTypes as either QUERY or DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES and then call GetQuerySuggestions. If Mode to use query history is set to ENABLED when calling UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfig and AttributeSuggestionsMode to use fields/attributes is set to ACTIVE, and you haven't set your SuggestionTypes preference to DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES, then Amazon Kendra uses the query history.

Type: String


Required: No


The list of fields/attributes that you want to set as suggestible for query suggestions.

Type: Array of SuggestableConfig objects

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: