Review assignments - Amazon Mechanical Turk

Review assignments

It's convenient to review small batches of results so that you can approve or reject work.

To approve or reject work
  1. On the Mechanical Turk Requester website at, choose the Manage tab and then choose Results.

  2. Under Manage Batches, choose the arrow next to Batches ready for review.

  3. Choose Results on the batch you want to review.

  4. On the Review Results page, do one of the following:

    To... Do This...
    Approve individual results Select the check box in the rows of results you want to approve, and then choose Approve.
    Reject individual results Select the check box in the rows of results you want to reject, and the choose Reject.
    Approve all results in the batch Select Approve All or select the check box in the column heading of check boxes, and then choose Approve.
    Reject all results in the batch Select the check box in the column heading of check boxes, and then choose Reject.
  5. If you want to sort the list by Worker, choose the Worker ID column heading.

You can easily approve or reject all of a Worker's work. Over time, you might find a Worker who consistently submits excellent work and therefore has a very high approval rating. In that case, you can approve all of the Worker's work without reviewing all of it.

Mechanical Turk processes payments several times a day so there is almost always a small delay between approval and payment. When there is a delay, Workers see HITs as Approved-pending payment in their dashboard. The dashboard displays Paid for processed payments.