예: AWS SDK for .NET 문서 모델을 사용하는 CRUD 작업 - Amazon DynamoDB

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예: AWS SDK for .NET 문서 모델을 사용하는 CRUD 작업

다음 C# 코드 예는 다음과 같은 작업을 수행합니다.

  • ProductCatalog 테이블에서 책 항목을 생성합니다.

  • 책 항목을 검색합니다.

  • 책 항목을 업데이트합니다. 이 코드 예는 새 속성을 추가하고 기존 속성을 업데이트하는 일반적인 업데이트를 보여 줍니다. 또한 기존 가격 값이 코드에 지정된 값인 경우에만 책 가격을 업데이트하는 조건부 업데이트를 보여줍니다.

  • 책 항목을 삭제합니다.

다음 예제를 테스트하기 위한 step-by-step 지침은 을 참조하십시오. .NET 코드 예시

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Amazon.DynamoDBv2; using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel; using Amazon.Runtime; namespace com.amazonaws.codesamples { class MidlevelItemCRUD { private static AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(); private static string tableName = "ProductCatalog"; // The sample uses the following id PK value to add book item. private static int sampleBookId = 555; static void Main(string[] args) { try { Table productCatalog = Table.LoadTable(client, tableName); CreateBookItem(productCatalog); RetrieveBook(productCatalog); // Couple of sample updates. UpdateMultipleAttributes(productCatalog); UpdateBookPriceConditionally(productCatalog); // Delete. DeleteBook(productCatalog); Console.WriteLine("To continue, press Enter"); Console.ReadLine(); } catch (AmazonDynamoDBException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } // Creates a sample book item. private static void CreateBookItem(Table productCatalog) { Console.WriteLine("\n*** Executing CreateBookItem() ***"); var book = new Document(); book["Id"] = sampleBookId; book["Title"] = "Book " + sampleBookId; book["Price"] = 19.99; book["ISBN"] = "111-1111111111"; book["Authors"] = new List<string> { "Author 1", "Author 2", "Author 3" }; book["PageCount"] = 500; book["Dimensions"] = "8.5x11x.5"; book["InPublication"] = new DynamoDBBool(true); book["InStock"] = new DynamoDBBool(false); book["QuantityOnHand"] = 0; productCatalog.PutItem(book); } private static void RetrieveBook(Table productCatalog) { Console.WriteLine("\n*** Executing RetrieveBook() ***"); // Optional configuration. GetItemOperationConfig config = new GetItemOperationConfig { AttributesToGet = new List<string> { "Id", "ISBN", "Title", "Authors", "Price" }, ConsistentRead = true }; Document document = productCatalog.GetItem(sampleBookId, config); Console.WriteLine("RetrieveBook: Printing book retrieved..."); PrintDocument(document); } private static void UpdateMultipleAttributes(Table productCatalog) { Console.WriteLine("\n*** Executing UpdateMultipleAttributes() ***"); Console.WriteLine("\nUpdating multiple attributes...."); int partitionKey = sampleBookId; var book = new Document(); book["Id"] = partitionKey; // List of attribute updates. // The following replaces the existing authors list. book["Authors"] = new List<string> { "Author x", "Author y" }; book["newAttribute"] = "New Value"; book["ISBN"] = null; // Remove it. // Optional parameters. UpdateItemOperationConfig config = new UpdateItemOperationConfig { // Get updated item in response. ReturnValues = ReturnValues.AllNewAttributes }; Document updatedBook = productCatalog.UpdateItem(book, config); Console.WriteLine("UpdateMultipleAttributes: Printing item after updates ..."); PrintDocument(updatedBook); } private static void UpdateBookPriceConditionally(Table productCatalog) { Console.WriteLine("\n*** Executing UpdateBookPriceConditionally() ***"); int partitionKey = sampleBookId; var book = new Document(); book["Id"] = partitionKey; book["Price"] = 29.99; // For conditional price update, creating a condition expression. Expression expr = new Expression(); expr.ExpressionStatement = "Price = :val"; expr.ExpressionAttributeValues[":val"] = 19.00; // Optional parameters. UpdateItemOperationConfig config = new UpdateItemOperationConfig { ConditionalExpression = expr, ReturnValues = ReturnValues.AllNewAttributes }; Document updatedBook = productCatalog.UpdateItem(book, config); Console.WriteLine("UpdateBookPriceConditionally: Printing item whose price was conditionally updated"); PrintDocument(updatedBook); } private static void DeleteBook(Table productCatalog) { Console.WriteLine("\n*** Executing DeleteBook() ***"); // Optional configuration. DeleteItemOperationConfig config = new DeleteItemOperationConfig { // Return the deleted item. ReturnValues = ReturnValues.AllOldAttributes }; Document document = productCatalog.DeleteItem(sampleBookId, config); Console.WriteLine("DeleteBook: Printing deleted just deleted..."); PrintDocument(document); } private static void PrintDocument(Document updatedDocument) { foreach (var attribute in updatedDocument.GetAttributeNames()) { string stringValue = null; var value = updatedDocument[attribute]; if (value is Primitive) stringValue = value.AsPrimitive().Value.ToString(); else if (value is PrimitiveList) stringValue = string.Join(",", (from primitive in value.AsPrimitiveList().Entries select primitive.Value).ToArray()); Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", attribute, stringValue); } } } }