MalaysiaAdditionalInfo - AWS Billing and Cost Management


Additional tax information associated with your TRN in Malaysia.



The tax registration number (TRN) in Malaysia.

For individual, you can specify the taxInformationNumber in MalaysiaAdditionalInfo with NRIC type, and a valid MyKad or NRIC number. For business, you must specify a businessRegistrationNumber in MalaysiaAdditionalInfo with a TIN type and tax identification number. For business resellers, you must specify a businessRegistrationNumber and taxInformationNumber in MalaysiaAdditionalInfo with a sales and service tax (SST) type and a valid SST number.

For business resellers with service codes, you must specify businessRegistrationNumber, taxInformationNumber, and distinct serviceTaxCodes in MalaysiaAdditionalInfo with a SST type and valid sales and service tax (SST) number. By using this API operation, AWS registers your self-declaration that you’re an authorized business reseller registered with the Royal Malaysia Customs Department (RMCD), and have a valid SST number.

Type: String

Pattern: ^[0-9]{12}$

Required: No


List of service tax codes for your TRN in Malaysia.

Type: Array of strings

Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 4 items.

Valid Values: Consultancy | Digital Service And Electronic Medium | IT Services | Training Or Coaching

Required: No


The tax information number in Malaysia.

For individual, you can specify the taxInformationNumber in MalaysiaAdditionalInfo with NRIC type, and a valid MyKad or NRIC number. For business resellers, you must specify a businessRegistrationNumber and taxInformationNumber in MalaysiaAdditionalInfo with a sales and service tax (SST) type and a valid SST number.

For business resellers with service codes, you must specify businessRegistrationNumber, taxInformationNumber, and distinct serviceTaxCodes in MalaysiaAdditionalInfo with a SST type and valid sales and service tax (SST) number. By using this API operation, AWS registers your self-declaration that you’re an authorized business reseller registered with the Royal Malaysia Customs Department (RMCD), and have a valid SST number.

Type: String

Pattern: ^[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9]{1,11}$

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: