또는 와 StartSpeechSynthesisTaskAWS SDK 함께 사용 CLI - AWS SDK 코드 예제

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또는 와 StartSpeechSynthesisTaskAWS SDK 함께 사용 CLI

다음 코드 예제는 StartSpeechSynthesisTask의 사용 방법을 보여 줍니다.


텍스트를 합성하는 방법

다음 start-speech-synthesis-task 예제에서는 에서 텍스트를 합성text_file.txt하고 결과 MP3 파일을 지정된 버킷에 저장합니다.

aws polly start-speech-synthesis-task \ --output-format mp3 \ --output-s3-bucket-name my-s3-bucket \ --text file://text_file.txt \ --voice-id Joanna


{ "SynthesisTask": { "TaskId": "70b61c0f-57ce-4715-a247-cae8729dcce9", "TaskStatus": "scheduled", "OutputUri": "https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/my-s3-bucket/70b61c0f-57ce-4715-a247-cae8729dcce9.mp3", "CreationTime": 1603911042.689, "RequestCharacters": 1311, "OutputFormat": "mp3", "TextType": "text", "VoiceId": "Joanna" } }

자세한 내용을 알아보려면 Amazon Polly 개발자 안내서의 긴 오디오 파일 생성을 참조하세요.

SDK Python용(Boto3)

에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

class PollyWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon Polly functions.""" def __init__(self, polly_client, s3_resource): """ :param polly_client: A Boto3 Amazon Polly client. :param s3_resource: A Boto3 Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) resource. """ self.polly_client = polly_client self.s3_resource = s3_resource self.voice_metadata = None def do_synthesis_task( self, text, engine, voice, audio_format, s3_bucket, lang_code=None, include_visemes=False, wait_callback=None, ): """ Start an asynchronous task to synthesize speech or speech marks, wait for the task to complete, retrieve the output from Amazon S3, and return the data. An asynchronous task is required when the text is too long for near-real time synthesis. :param text: The text to synthesize. :param engine: The kind of engine used. Can be standard or neural. :param voice: The ID of the voice to use. :param audio_format: The audio format to return for synthesized speech. When speech marks are synthesized, the output format is JSON. :param s3_bucket: The name of an existing Amazon S3 bucket that you have write access to. Synthesis output is written to this bucket. :param lang_code: The language code of the voice to use. This has an effect only when a bilingual voice is selected. :param include_visemes: When True, a second request is made to Amazon Polly to synthesize a list of visemes, using the specified text and voice. A viseme represents the visual position of the face and mouth when saying part of a word. :param wait_callback: A callback function that is called periodically during task processing, to give the caller an opportunity to take action, such as to display status. :return: The audio stream that contains the synthesized speech and a list of visemes that are associated with the speech audio. """ try: kwargs = { "Engine": engine, "OutputFormat": audio_format, "OutputS3BucketName": s3_bucket, "Text": text, "VoiceId": voice, } if lang_code is not None: kwargs["LanguageCode"] = lang_code response = self.polly_client.start_speech_synthesis_task(**kwargs) speech_task = response["SynthesisTask"] logger.info("Started speech synthesis task %s.", speech_task["TaskId"]) viseme_task = None if include_visemes: kwargs["OutputFormat"] = "json" kwargs["SpeechMarkTypes"] = ["viseme"] response = self.polly_client.start_speech_synthesis_task(**kwargs) viseme_task = response["SynthesisTask"] logger.info("Started viseme synthesis task %s.", viseme_task["TaskId"]) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't start synthesis task.") raise else: bucket = self.s3_resource.Bucket(s3_bucket) audio_stream = self._wait_for_task( 10, speech_task["TaskId"], "speech", wait_callback, bucket ) visemes = None if include_visemes: viseme_data = self._wait_for_task( 10, viseme_task["TaskId"], "viseme", wait_callback, bucket ) visemes = [ json.loads(v) for v in viseme_data.read().decode().split() if v ] return audio_stream, visemes