BeforeAllowTraffic Lambda 함수에 대한 파일 생성 - AWS CodeDeploy

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BeforeAllowTraffic Lambda 함수에 대한 파일 생성

beforeAllowTraffic 후크 Lambda 함수에 대한 파일을 생성합니다.

  1. 텍스트 파일을 생성하고 SAM-Tutorial 디렉터리에 beforeAllowTraffic.js로 저장합니다.

  2. 다음 Node.js 코드를 beforeAllowTraffic.js에 복사합니다. 이 함수는 배포의 BeforeAllowTraffic 후크 중에 실행됩니다.

    'use strict'; const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const codedeploy = new AWS.CodeDeploy({apiVersion: '2014-10-06'}); var lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => { console.log("Entering PreTraffic Hook!"); // Read the DeploymentId and LifecycleEventHookExecutionId from the event payload var deploymentId = event.DeploymentId; var lifecycleEventHookExecutionId = event.LifecycleEventHookExecutionId; var functionToTest = process.env.NewVersion; console.log("BeforeAllowTraffic hook tests started"); console.log("Testing new function version: " + functionToTest); // Create parameters to pass to the updated Lambda function that // include the newly added "time" option. If the function did not // update, then the "time" option is invalid and function returns // a statusCode of 400 indicating it failed. var lambdaParams = { FunctionName: functionToTest, Payload: "{\"option\": \"time\"}", InvocationType: "RequestResponse" }; var lambdaResult = "Failed"; // Invoke the updated Lambda function. lambda.invoke(lambdaParams, function(err, data) { if (err){ // an error occurred console.log(err, err.stack); lambdaResult = "Failed"; } else{ // successful response var result = JSON.parse(data.Payload); console.log("Result: " + JSON.stringify(result)); console.log("statusCode: " + result.statusCode); // Check if the status code returned by the updated // function is 400. If it is, then it failed. If // is not, then it succeeded. if (result.statusCode != "400"){ console.log("Validation succeeded"); lambdaResult = "Succeeded"; } else { console.log("Validation failed"); } // Complete the PreTraffic Hook by sending CodeDeploy the validation status var params = { deploymentId: deploymentId, lifecycleEventHookExecutionId: lifecycleEventHookExecutionId, status: lambdaResult // status can be 'Succeeded' or 'Failed' }; // Pass CodeDeploy the prepared validation test results. codedeploy.putLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatus(params, function(err, data) { if (err) { // Validation failed. console.log("CodeDeploy Status update failed"); console.log(err, err.stack); callback("CodeDeploy Status update failed"); } else { // Validation succeeded. console.log("CodeDeploy status updated successfully"); callback(null, "CodeDeploy status updated successfully"); } }); } }); }