Migration quick tips - SQL Server to Aurora MySQL Migration Playbook

Migration quick tips

This section provides migration tips that can help save time as you transition from SQL Server to Aurora MySQL. They address many of the challenges faced by administrators new to Aurora MySQL. Some of these tips describe functional differences in similar features between SQL Server and Aurora MySQL.


  • The concept of a database in MySQL isn’t the same as SQL Server. A database in MySQL is synonymous with schema. For more information, see Databases and Schemas.

  • You can’t create explicit statistics objects in Aurora MySQL. Statistics are collected and maintained for indexes only.

  • The equivalent of CREATE DATABASE…​ AS SNAPSHOT OF…​ in SQL Server resembles Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition (Aurora MySQL) Database cloning. However, unlike SQL Server snapshots, which are read-only, Aurora MySQL cloned databases are updatable.

  • In Aurora MySQL, database snapshot is equivalent to BACKUP DATABASE…​ WITH COPY_ONLY in SQL Server.

  • Partitioning in Aurora MySQL supports more partition types than SQL Server. However, be aware that partitioning in Aurora MySQL restricts the use of many other fundamental features such as foreign keys.

  • Partition SWITCH in SQL Server can be performed between any two partitions of any two tables. In Aurora MySQL, you can only EXCHANGE a table partition with a full table.

  • Unlike SQL Server statistics, Aurora MySQL doesn’t collect detailed key value distribution; it relies on selectivity only. When troubleshooting runtime, be aware that parameter values are insignificant to plan choices.


  • Triggers work differently in Aurora MySQL. You can run triggers for each row. The syntax for inserted and deleted for each row is new and old. They always contain 0, or 1 row.

  • You can’t modify triggers in Aurora MySQL using the ALTER command. Drop and replace a trigger instead.

  • Aurora MySQL doesn’t support @@FETCH_STATUS system parameter for cursors. When you declare cursors in Aurora MySQL, create an explicit HANDLER object, which can set a variable based on the row not found in cursor event. For more information, see Stored Procedures.

  • To run a stored procedure, use CALL instead of EXECUTE.

  • To run a string as a query, use Aurora MySQL Prepared Statements instead of sp_executesql or EXECUTE (<String>).

  • Aurora MySQL supports AFTER and BEFORE triggers. There is no equivalent to INSTEAD OF triggers. The only difference between BEFORE and INSTEAD OF triggers is that DML statements are applied row by row to the base table when using BEFORE and doesn’t require an explicit action in the trigger. To make changes to data affected by a trigger, you can UPDATE the new and old tables; the changes are persisted.

  • Aurora MySQL doesn’t support user defined types. Use base types instead and add column constraints as needed.

  • The CASE keyword in Aurora MySQL isn’t only a conditional expression as in SQL Server. Depending on the context where it appears, you can use CASE for flow control similar to IF <condition> BEGIN <Statement block> END ELSE BEGIN <statement block> END.

  • In Aurora MySQL, terminate IF blocks with END IF. Also, terminate WHILE loops with END WHILE. The same rule applies to REPEATEND REPEAT and LOOPEND LOOP.

  • You can’t deallocate cursors in Aurora MySQL. Closing them provides the same behavior.

  • Aurora MySQL syntax for opening a transaction is START TRANSACTION as opposed to BEGIN TRANSACTION. COMMIT and ROLLBACK are used without the TRANSACTION keyword.

  • The default isolation level in Aurora MySQL is REPEATABLE READ as opposed to READ COMMITTED in SQL Server. By default, it also uses consistent reads similar to READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT in SQL Server.

  • Aurora MySQL supports Boolean expressions in SELECT lists using the = operator. In SQL Server, = operators in select lists are used to assign aliases. SELECT Col1 = 1 FROM T in Aurora MySQL returns a column with the alias Col1 = 1, and the value 1 for the rows where Col1 = 1, and 0 for the rows where Col1 <> 1 OR Col1 IS NULL.

  • Aurora MySQL doesn’t use special data types for UNICODE data. All string types may use any character set and any relevant collation including multiple types of character sets not supported by SQL Server such as UTF-8, UTF-32, and so on. A VARCHAR column can be of a UTF-8 character set, and have a latin1_CI collation for example. Similarly, there is no N prefix for string literals.

  • You can define collations at the server, database, and column level similar to SQL Server. You can also define collations at the table level.

  • In SQL Server, you can use the DELETE <Table Name> syntax omitting the FROM keyword. This syntax isn’t valid in Aurora MySQL. Add the FROM keyword to all delete statements.

  • UPDATE expressions in Aurora MySQL are evaluated in order from left to right. This behavior is different from SQL Server and the ANSI standard which require an all at once evaluation. For example, in the statement UPDATE Table SET Col1 = Col1 + 1, Col2 = Col1, Col2 is set to the new value of Col1. The end result is Col1 = Col2.

  • In Aurora MySQL, you can use multiple rows with NULL for a UNIQUE constraint. In SQL Server, you can use only one row. Aurora MySQL follows the behavior specified in the ANSI standard.

  • Although Aurora MySQL supports the syntax for CHECK constraints, they are parsed, but ignored.

  • Aurora MySQL AUTO_INCREMENT column property is similar to IDENTITY in SQL Server. However, there is a major difference in the way sequences are maintained. SQL Server caches a set of values in memory and records the last allocation on disk. When the service restarts, some values may be lost, but the sequence continues from where it left off. In Aurora MySQL, each time you restart the service, the seed value to AUTO_INCREMET is reset to one increment interval larger than the largest existing value. Sequence position isn’t maintained across service restarts.

  • Parameter names in Aurora MySQL don’t require a preceding "@". You can declare local variables such as DECLARE MyParam1 INTEGER.

  • Parameters that use the @sign don’t have to be declared first. You can assign a value directly, which implicitly declares the parameter. For example, SET @MyParam = 'A'.

  • The local parameter scope isn’t limited to an run scope. You can define or set a parameter in one statement, run it, and then query it in the following batch.

  • Error handling in Aurora MySQL is called condition handling. It uses explicitly created objects, named conditions, and handlers. Instead of THROW and RAISERROR, it uses the SIGNAL and RESIGNAL statements.

  • Aurora MySQL doesn’t support the MERGE statement. Use the REPLACE statement and the INSERT…​ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement as alternatives.

  • In Aurora MySQL, you can’t concatenate strings with the + operator. In Aurora MySQL, 'A' + 'B' isn’t a valid expression. Use the CONCAT function instead. For example, CONCAT('A', 'B').

  • Aurora MySQL doesn’t support aliasing in the select list using the 'String Alias' = Expression. Aurora MySQL treats it as a logical predicate, returns 0 or FALSE, and will alias the column with the full expression. Use the AS syntax instead. Also note that this syntax has been deprecated as of SQL Server 2008 R2.

  • Aurora MySQL doesn’t support using the DEFAULT keyword for INSERT statements. Use explicit NULL instead. Also note that this syntax has been deprecated as of SQL Server 2008 R2.

  • Aurora MySQL has a large set of string functions that is much more diverse than SQL Server. Some of the more useful string functions are:

    • TRIM isn’t limited to full trim or spaces. The syntax is TRIM([{BOTH | LEADING | TRAILING} [<remove string>] FROM] <source string>)).

    • LENGTH in MySQL is equivalent to DATALENGTH in T-SQL. CHAR_LENGTH is the equivalent of LENGTH in T-SQL.

    • SUBSTRING_INDEX returns a substring from a string before the specified number of occurrences of the delimiter.

    • FIELD returns the index position of the first argument in the subsequent arguments.

    • FIND_IN_SET returns the index position of the first argument within the second argument.

    • REGEXP and RLIKE provide support for regular expressions.

    • STRCMP provides string comparison.

    • For more information, see String Functions and Operators.

  • Aurora MySQL Date and Time functions differ from SQL Server functions and can cause confusion during migration. Consider the following example:

    • DATEADD is supported, but is only used to add dates. Use TIMESTAMPADD, DATE_ADD, or DATE_SUB. There is similar behavior for DATEDIFF.

    • Do not use CAST and CONVERT for date formatting styles. In Aurora MySQL, use DATE_FORMAT and TIME_FORMAT.

    • If your application uses the ANSI CURRENT_TIMESTAMP syntax, conversion isn’t required. Use NOW in place of GETDATE.

  • Object identifiers are case sensitive by default in Aurora MySQL. If you get an Object not found error, verify the object name case.

  • In Aurora MySQL, you can’t declare variables interactively in a script but only within stored routines such as stored procedures, functions, and triggers.

  • Aurora MySQL is much stricter than SQL Server in terms of statement terminators. Make sure that you always use a semicolons at the end of statements.

  • The syntax for CREATE PROCEDURE requires parenthesis after the procedure name, similar to user-defined functions in SQL Server. You can’t use the AS keyword before the procedure body.

  • Beware of control characters when copying and pasting a script to Aurora MySQL clients. Aurora MySQL is much more sensitive to these than SQL Server, and they result in frustrating syntax errors that are hard to spot.