Tutorial: Configuring a business data catalog in Amazon FinSpace - Amazon FinSpace

Tutorial: Configuring a business data catalog in Amazon FinSpace


Amazon FinSpace Dataset Browser will be discontinued on November 29, 2024. Starting November 29, 2023, FinSpace will no longer accept the creation of new Dataset Browser environments. Customers using Amazon FinSpace with Managed Kdb Insights will not be affected. For more information, review the FAQ or contact AWS Support to assist with your transition.

The section outlines the procedures to configure a business data catalog for browsing datasets by using categories, controlled vocabularies, and attribute sets. You will take following steps in this tutorial:

  • Create categories – Data Types and Data Source.

  • Create controlled vocabulary – Data Classification.

  • Create attribute set with attributes of type category and controlled vocabulary – Data and Source Information.

  • Create a dataset – Industrial production total index.

  • Associate attribute set with the newly created Dataset.

  • Verify if the dataset is accessible from business data catalog via categories menu.


Before you begin, learn about the concepts that are used for configuring a business data catalog by referring to Core concepts and terms.


In order to use this tutorial, you must be a member of a group with the necessary permissions - Create Datasets, Manage Categories and Controlled Vocabularies, Manage Attribute Sets.

Step 1: Create categories in Amazon FinSpace

Use the following procedures to create the Data Types and Data Source categories.

To create the Data Types Category
  1. Sign in to the FinSpace web application. For more information, see Signing in to the Amazon FinSpace web application.

  2. On the left navigation bar of the home page, choose Manage Data.

  3. On the Manage Data page, choose Manage Categories.

  4. Choose Add New Top Level Category.

  5. For category name, enter Data Types.

  6. (Optional) Add a description for the category. For example, you can enter Type of data. This will show up as a tool tip when hovering over the menu.

  7. Choose Add Sub-Category to add one or more sub-categories. You can add as many sub-categories as you like. In this example, for sub-category names enter Economic Data, Commodities Data, and Alternative Data.

  8. Choose Done to add the sub-category.

  9. Choose Save.

To create the Data Source category
  1. Sign in to the FinSpace web application. For more information, see Signing in to the Amazon FinSpace web application.

  2. On the left navigation bar of the home page, choose Manage Data.

  3. On the Manage Data page, choose Manage Categories.

  4. Choose Add New Top Level Category.

  5. For category name, enter Data Source.

  6. (Optional) Add a description for the category. For example, you can enter Source of data. This will show up as a tool tip when hovering over the menu.

  7. Choose Add Sub-Category to add one or more sub-categories. You can add as many sub-categories as you like. In this example, for sub-category names enter Central Bank, Vendor, and Exchange.

  8. Choose Done to add the sub-category.

  9. Choose Save.

Change visibility of the categories in data browser

On the Categories page, uncheck the eye (Icon of a crossed-out eye, representing a hidden or invisible state.) icon for both categories that you created in above procedures to make them visible in the data browser.

A screenshot that shows how to make categories visible in FinSpace

Step 2: Create controlled vocabulary in Amazon FinSpace

To create the Data Classification controlled vocabulary
  1. On the left navigation bar of the home page, choose Manage Data.

  2. On the Manage Data page, choose Manage Controlled Vocabularies.

  3. Choose Create Controlled Vocabulary.

  4. For vocabulary name, enter Data Classification.

  5. (Optional) Add a description for the vocabulary. For example, you can enter Data Classification scheme.

  6. Choose Add Field to add one or more fields under a vocabulary. You can add as many fields as you like. In this example, for field names enter Public Data, Internal Data, and Restricted Data.

  7. Choose Save.

Step 3: Create attribute sets in Amazon FinSpace

To create the attribute set for Data and Source Information
  1. On the left navigation bar of the home page, choose Manage Data.

  2. On the Manage Data page, choose Manage Attribute Sets.

  3. Choose Create Attribute Set.

  4. For attribute name, enter Data and Source Information.

  5. Choose Categorization to add a categorization field type.

  6. On the Add Categorization Field page, do the following:

    1. Choose Data Types as the categorization field type.

    2. Choose Add Field.

    Repeat these steps again and choose Data Source as the as the categorization field type.

  7. Choose Controlled Vocabulary to add a controlled vocabulary field type.

  8. On the Add Controlled Vocabulary Field page, do the following:

    1. Choose Data Classification as the controlled vocabulary field type.

    2. Choose Add Field.

  9. Choose Save.

Step 4: Create a dataset in Amazon FinSpace

To create a dataset
  1. On the left navigation bar of the home page, choose Add Data. The source of the data is Federal reserve bank of St.Louis.

  2. Drag and drop the Industrial production total index.csv file on the page or choose Browse Files to select a new file.

  3. On the Add Data page, verify if the derived schema is correct.

  4. If the derived schema is incorrect, choose Edit Derived Schema to edit it.

    For example, in this sample file, the inferred data type for the column date is String, change it to Date.

  5. After editing the schema, choose Save Schema.

  6. Choose an appropriate perimission group that should be associated to the dataset when it gets created. You can add additional permission groups after the dataset creation is complete.

  7. Choose Confirm Schema & Upload File.

    This action creates a dataset with name Industrial production total index and takes you to the Dataset details page.


    For small files of up to 100 megabytes, data view creation takes approximately 2 minutes. For larger files of around 1 gigabyte, expect data view creation to take approximately 3-4 minutes. Views with partitioning and sorting schemes may take longer.

    Once the upload of the sample data file is complete, a process is kicked off to create a data view that can be analyzed in a notebook.

Step 5: Associate an attribute set with a dataset in Amazon FinSpace

To associate Data and Source Information attribute set with Industrial production total index dataset
  1. On the homepage, search for Industrial production total index dataset in the search box.

  2. On the Catalog page, choose Industrial production total index from the results, to go to the Dataset details page.

  3. On the dataset details page for Industrial production total index, under Details About This Dataset, choose Add Attribute Set.

  4. On Add Attribute Set page, do the following

    1. From the drop down menu, choose Data and Source Information.

    2. Choose Add Attribute Set.

  5. Edit the values for Data and Source Information as following:

    1. For Data Types, enter Economic Data.

    2. For Data Source, enter Central Bank.

    3. For Data Classification, enter Public Data.

  6. Choose Save.

Step 6: Search the dataset from data browser in Amazon FinSpace

To search dataset Industrial production total index using the data browser
  1. On the left navigation bar of the home page, choose Catalog.

  2. On the Catalog page, under CATEGORIES on the data browser, choose the Data Types drop down.

  3. Choose Economic Data. You should see Industrial production total index on the right.

    Your business data catalog is now ready. The Industrial production total index dataset is now discoverable from the data browser.