Configuration profile: pseudoparameter substitution - AMS Accelerate User Guide

Configuration profile: pseudoparameter substitution

In either of the configuration profiles, you can specify pseudoparameters that are substituted in place as follows:

  • Global - anywhere in the profile:

    • ${AWS::AccountId}: Replaced with your AWS account ID

    • ${AWS::Partition}: Replaced with the partition of the AWS Region the resource is in (this is 'aws' for most Regions); for more information, see the entry for partition in the ARN reference.

    • ${AWS::Region}: Replaced with the Region name of the Region that your resource is deployed to (for example us-east-1)

  • In an AWS::EC2::Instance resource type block:

    • ${EC2::InstanceId}: (identifier) replaced by the instance ID of your Amazon EC2 instance.

    • ${EC2::InstanceName}: replaced by the name of your Amazon EC2 instance.

  • In an AWS::EC2::Instance::Disk resource type block:

    • ${EC2::InstanceId}: (identifier) Replaced by the instance ID of your Amazon EC2 instance.

    • ${EC2::InstanceName}: Replaced by the name of your Amazon EC2 instance.

    • ${EC2::Disk::Device}: (identifier) Replaced by the name of the disk. (Linux only, on instances managed by the CloudWatch Agent).

    • ${EC2::Disk::FSType}: (identifier) Replaced by the file system type of the disk. (Linux only, on instances managed by the CloudWatchAgent).

    • ${EC2::Disk::Path}: (identifier) Replaced by the disk path. On Linux, this is the mount point of the disk (for example, /), while in Windows this is the drive label (for example, c:/ ) (only on an instance managed by the CloudWatch Agent).

    • ${EC2::Disk::UUID}: (identifier) Replaced by a generated UUID that uniquely identifies the disk, this must be specified in the name of the alarm, as an alarm under AWS::EC2::Instance::Disk resource type will create one alarm per volume. Specifying ${EC2::Disk::UUID} will maintain uniqueness of alarm names.

  • In an AWS::EKS::Cluster resource type block:

    • ${EKS::ClusterName}: (identifier) replaced by the name of your EKS Cluster.

  • In an AWS::OpenSearch::Domain resource type block:

    • ${OpenSearch::DomainName}: (identifier) replaced by the name of your EKS Domain.

  • In an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer resource type block:

    • ${ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer::Name}: (identifier) replaced by the name of your V1 Load Balancer.

  • In an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer resource type block:

    • ${ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer::Arn}: (identifier) replaced by the ARN of your V2 Load Balancer.

    • ${ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer::Name}: (identifier) replaced by the name of your V2 Load Balancer.

    • ${ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer::FullName}: (identifier) replaced by the full name of your V2 Load Balancer.

  • In an AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer::TargetGroup resource type block:

    • ${ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup::FullName}: (identifier) replaced by the target group name of your V2 Load Balancer.

    • ${ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup::UUID}: (identifier) replaced by a generated UUID for your V2 Load Balancer.

  • In an AWS::EC2::NatGateway resource type block:

    • ${NatGateway::NatGatewayId}: (identifier) replaced by the NAT Gateway ID.

  • In an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type block:

    • ${RDS::DBInstanceIdentifier}: (identifier) replaced by your RDS DB instance identifier.

  • In an AWS::RDS::DBCluster resource type block:

    • ${RDS::DBClusterIdentifier}: (identifier) replaced by your RDS DB cluster identifier.

  • In an AWS::Redshift::Cluster resource type block:

    • ${Redshift::ClusterIdentifier}: (identifier) replaced by your Redshift cluster identifier.

  • In an AWS::Synthetics::Canary resource type block:

    • ${Synthetics::CanaryName}: (identifier) replaced by the name of your CloudWatch Synthetics canary.

  • In an AWS::EC2::VPNConnection resource type block:

    • ${AWS::EC2::VpnConnectionId}: (identifier) replaced by your VPN ID.

  • In an AWS::EFS::FileSystem resource type block:

    • ${EFS::FileSystemId}: (identifier) Replaced by the file system ID of your EFS file system.

  • In an AWS::FSx::FileSystem::ONTAP resource type block:

    • ${FSx::FileSystemId}: (identifier) Replaced by the file system ID of your FSX filesystem.

    • ${FSx::FileSystem::Throughput}: Replaced by the throughput of your FSX file system.

    • ${FSx::FileSystem::Iops}: Replaced by the IOPS of the FSX file system.

  • In an AWS::FSx::FileSystem::ONTAP::Volume resource type block:

    • ${FSx::FileSystemId}: (identifier) Replaced by the file system ID of your FSX file system.

    • ${FSx::ONTAP::VolumeId}: (identifier) Replaced by the volume ID.

  • In an AWS::FSx::FileSystem::Windows resource type block:

    • ${FSx::FileSystemId}: (identifier) Replaced by the file system ID of your FSX file system.

    • ${FSx::FileSystem::Throughput}: Replaced by the throughput of your FSX file system.


All parameters marked with identifier are used as a prefix for the name of created alarms, unless you specify that identifier in the alarm name.