Given the following CSV file:
<s3 path> colA:byte,colB:short,colC:int,colD:long,colE:float,colF:double,colG:string -128,-32768,-2147483648,-9223372036854775808,1.23456,1.23457,first 127,32767,2147483647,9223372036854775807,nan,nan,second 0,0,0,0,-inf,-inf,third 0,0,0,0,inf,inf,fourth
This example shows the output returned by
using the following query:
aws neptune-graph execute-query \ --graph-identifier ${graphIdentifier} \ --query-string "CALL{source: '<s3 path>', format: 'csv'}) YIELD row RETURN row" \ --language open_cypher \ /tmp/out.txt cat /tmp/out.txt { "results": [{ "row": { "colD": -9223372036854775808, "colC": -2147483648, "colE": 1.23456, "colB": -32768, "colF": 1.2345699999999999, "colG": "first", "colA": -128 } }, { "row": { "colD": 9223372036854775807, "colC": 2147483647, "colE": "NaN", "colB": 32767, "colF": "NaN", "colG": "second", "colA": 127 } }, { "row": { "colD": 0, "colC": 0, "colE": "-INF", "colB": 0, "colF": "-INF", "colG": "third", "colA": 0 } }, { "row": { "colD": 0, "colC": 0, "colE": "INF", "colB": 0, "colF": "INF", "colG": "fourth", "colA": 0 } }] }%
Currently, there is no way to set a node or edge label to a data field coming from a csv file. It is recommended that you partition the queries into multiple queries, one for each label/type.
CALL{source: '<s3 path>', format: 'csv'}) YIELD row WHERE row.`~label` = 'airport' CREATE (n:airport) CALL{source: '<s3 path>', format: 'csv'}) YIELD row WHERE row.`~label` = 'country' CREATE (n:country)