View device details using AWS Network Manager - AWS Network Manager

View device details using AWS Network Manager

View details about a device. On the device details page you can access tabs:

  • Overview

    This tab provides general information about the device, such as the device State, Vendor, and Model. You can also edit, delete, and associate or disassociate the device with a site,

  • Links

    Associate or disassociate a link with a device.

  • On-premises associations

    Associate or disassociate a device with a customer gateway. You must have at least one gateway set up and one link to create the association.

  • Connect peer associations

    Associate a Connect peer with a device, allowing you to connect with a transit gateway. You must have at least one Connect peer and one link.

  • Connections

    Create a connection between two devices using a link. You can create a connection between two devices in your global network. The connection can be between a physical or virtual appliance and a third-party appliance in a VPC, or between physical appliances in an on-premises network. A connection is created for a specific global network and cannot be shared with other global networks.

  • VPNs

    View the VPNs associated with the device. On this tab you can only view the associations of a transit gateway with a device.

  • Monitoring

    Monitor the device's data in, data out, and Tunnel down count average with CloudWatch metrics. You can modify the CloudWatch time frame as well as add these metrics to your global network dashboard.