Using Ready2Run workflows in the console is similar to using a private workflow. One key difference is that the workflow publisher provides sample data, so that you can try out the workflow without creating your own data.
To use a Ready2Run workflow in the console
Open the HealthOmics console
. In the left navigation pane, choose Ready2Run workflows.
On the Ready2Run workflows page, choose the workflow that you want to use. The console opens the details page for that workflow.
The details tab lists information such as the name, list price per run, description, workflow language type, run storage capacity, status, creation date, and parameters with descriptions. The details tab also tells you whether the workflow requires a subscription.
To use the workflow, choose Create run
In the Specify run details page, enter a run name. You can also add run priority to your run.
Enter or select an Amazon S3 location for the run output.
For Run metadata retention mode, choose whether to retain or remove run metadata.
In the Service role panel, choose whether to use an existing service role or create a new one.
(Optional) Add tags to help identify and manage your run.
Choose Next.
From the Add parameters page, choose one of the options to add the run parameter values:
Select a parameter file (in JSON format) from an Amazon S3 location.
Select a parameter file (in JSON format) from your local drive.
Manually enter the parameter values.
Run workflow with Ready2Run sample data provided by the workflow publisher.
If you upload a JSON file, the console parses the file and performs inline validation. You can then manually update the values of your parameters as needed.
Choose Next.
Review your inputs, then choose Start run.