를 사용한 Amazon S3 예제 AWS SDK for .NET - AWS SDK for .NET

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를 사용한 Amazon S3 예제 AWS SDK for .NET

다음 코드 예제에서는 Amazon S3와 AWS SDK for .NET 함께 를 사용하여 작업을 수행하고 일반적인 시나리오를 구현하는 방법을 보여줍니다.

기본 사항은 서비스 내에서 필수 작업을 수행하는 방법을 보여주는 코드 예제입니다.

작업은 대규모 프로그램에서 발췌한 코드이며 컨텍스트에 맞춰 실행해야 합니다. 작업은 개별 서비스 함수를 직접적으로 호출하는 방법을 보여주며 관련 시나리오의 컨텍스트에 맞는 작업을 볼 수 있습니다.

시나리오는 동일한 서비스 내에서 또는 다른 AWS 서비스와 결합된 상태에서 여러 함수를 호출하여 특정 태스크를 수행하는 방법을 보여주는 코드 예제입니다.

각 예제에는 컨텍스트에서 코드를 설정하고 실행하는 방법에 대한 지침을 찾을 수 있는 전체 소스 코드에 대한 링크가 포함되어 있습니다.

기본 사항

다음 코드 예시는 다음과 같은 작업을 수행하는 방법을 보여줍니다.

  • 버킷을 만들고 버킷에 파일을 업로드합니다.

  • 버킷에서 객체를 다운로드합니다.

  • 버킷의 하위 폴더에 객체를 복사합니다.

  • 버킷의 객체를 나열합니다.

  • 버킷 객체와 버킷을 삭제합니다.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

public class S3_Basics { public static async Task Main() { // Create an Amazon S3 client object. The constructor uses the // default user installed on the system. To work with Amazon S3 // features in a different AWS Region, pass the AWS Region as a // parameter to the client constructor. IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(); string bucketName = string.Empty; string filePath = string.Empty; string keyName = string.Empty; var sepBar = new string('-', Console.WindowWidth); Console.WriteLine(sepBar); Console.WriteLine("Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) basic"); Console.WriteLine("procedures. This application will:"); Console.WriteLine("\n\t1. Create a bucket"); Console.WriteLine("\n\t2. Upload an object to the new bucket"); Console.WriteLine("\n\t3. Copy the uploaded object to a folder in the bucket"); Console.WriteLine("\n\t4. List the items in the new bucket"); Console.WriteLine("\n\t5. Delete all the items in the bucket"); Console.WriteLine("\n\t6. Delete the bucket"); Console.WriteLine(sepBar); // Create a bucket. Console.WriteLine($"\n{sepBar}"); Console.WriteLine("\nCreate a new Amazon S3 bucket.\n"); Console.WriteLine(sepBar); Console.Write("Please enter a name for the new bucket: "); bucketName = Console.ReadLine(); var success = await S3Bucket.CreateBucketAsync(client, bucketName); if (success) { Console.WriteLine($"Successfully created bucket: {bucketName}.\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Could not create bucket: {bucketName}.\n"); } Console.WriteLine(sepBar); Console.WriteLine("Upload a file to the new bucket."); Console.WriteLine(sepBar); // Get the local path and filename for the file to upload. while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { Console.Write("Please enter the path and filename of the file to upload: "); filePath = Console.ReadLine(); // Confirm that the file exists on the local computer. if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { Console.WriteLine($"Couldn't find {filePath}. Try again.\n"); filePath = string.Empty; } } // Get the file name from the full path. keyName = Path.GetFileName(filePath); success = await S3Bucket.UploadFileAsync(client, bucketName, keyName, filePath); if (success) { Console.WriteLine($"Successfully uploaded {keyName} from {filePath} to {bucketName}.\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Could not upload {keyName}.\n"); } // Set the file path to an empty string to avoid overwriting the // file we just uploaded to the bucket. filePath = string.Empty; // Now get a new location where we can save the file. while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { // First get the path to which the file will be downloaded. Console.Write("Please enter the path where the file will be downloaded: "); filePath = Console.ReadLine(); // Confirm that the file exists on the local computer. if (File.Exists($"{filePath}\\{keyName}")) { Console.WriteLine($"Sorry, the file already exists in that location.\n"); filePath = string.Empty; } } // Download an object from a bucket. success = await S3Bucket.DownloadObjectFromBucketAsync(client, bucketName, keyName, filePath); if (success) { Console.WriteLine($"Successfully downloaded {keyName}.\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Sorry, could not download {keyName}.\n"); } // Copy the object to a different folder in the bucket. string folderName = string.Empty; while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderName)) { Console.Write("Please enter the name of the folder to copy your object to: "); folderName = Console.ReadLine(); } while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyName)) { // Get the name to give to the object once uploaded. Console.Write("Enter the name of the object to copy: "); keyName = Console.ReadLine(); } await S3Bucket.CopyObjectInBucketAsync(client, bucketName, keyName, folderName); // List the objects in the bucket. await S3Bucket.ListBucketContentsAsync(client, bucketName); // Delete the contents of the bucket. await S3Bucket.DeleteBucketContentsAsync(client, bucketName); // Deleting the bucket too quickly after deleting its contents will // cause an error that the bucket isn't empty. So... Console.WriteLine("Press <Enter> when you are ready to delete the bucket."); _ = Console.ReadLine(); // Delete the bucket. await S3Bucket.DeleteBucketAsync(client, bucketName); } }


다음 코드 예시에서는 AbortMultipartUploads을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Transfer; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to use the Amazon Simple Storage Service /// (Amazon S3) to stop a multi-part upload process using the Amazon S3 /// TransferUtility. /// </summary> public class AbortMPU { public static async Task Main() { string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; // If the AWS Region defined for your default user is different // from the Region where your Amazon S3 bucket is located, // pass the Region name to the S3 client object's constructor. // For example: RegionEndpoint.USWest2. IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(); await AbortMPUAsync(client, bucketName); } /// <summary> /// Cancels the multi-part copy process. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized client object used to create /// the TransferUtility object.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the S3 bucket where the /// multi-part copy operation is in progress.</param> public static async Task AbortMPUAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { try { var transferUtility = new TransferUtility(client); // Cancel all in-progress uploads initiated before the specified date. await transferUtility.AbortMultipartUploadsAsync( bucketName, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7)); } catch (AmazonS3Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.Message}"); } } }

다음 코드 예시에서는 CopyObject을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; public class CopyObject { public static async Task Main() { // Specify the AWS Region where your buckets are located if it is // different from the AWS Region of the default user. IAmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(); // Remember to change these values to refer to your Amazon S3 objects. string sourceBucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket1"; string destinationBucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket2"; string sourceObjectKey = "testfile.txt"; string destinationObjectKey = "testfilecopy.txt"; Console.WriteLine($"Copying {sourceObjectKey} from {sourceBucketName} to "); Console.WriteLine($"{destinationBucketName} as {destinationObjectKey}"); var response = await CopyingObjectAsync( s3Client, sourceObjectKey, destinationObjectKey, sourceBucketName, destinationBucketName); if (response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { Console.WriteLine("\nCopy complete."); } } /// <summary> /// This method calls the AWS SDK for .NET to copy an /// object from one Amazon S3 bucket to another. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The Amazon S3 client object.</param> /// <param name="sourceKey">The name of the object to be copied.</param> /// <param name="destinationKey">The name under which to save the copy.</param> /// <param name="sourceBucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 bucket /// where the file is located now.</param> /// <param name="destinationBucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 /// bucket where the copy should be saved.</param> /// <returns>Returns a CopyObjectResponse object with the results from /// the async call.</returns> public static async Task<CopyObjectResponse> CopyingObjectAsync( IAmazonS3 client, string sourceKey, string destinationKey, string sourceBucketName, string destinationBucketName) { var response = new CopyObjectResponse(); try { var request = new CopyObjectRequest { SourceBucket = sourceBucketName, SourceKey = sourceKey, DestinationBucket = destinationBucketName, DestinationKey = destinationKey, }; response = await client.CopyObjectAsync(request); } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error copying object: '{ex.Message}'"); } return response; } }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조CopyObject의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 CreateBucket을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

/// <summary> /// Shows how to create a new Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">An initialized Amazon S3 client object.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket to create.</param> /// <returns>A boolean value representing the success or failure of /// the bucket creation process.</returns> public static async Task<bool> CreateBucketAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { try { var request = new PutBucketRequest { BucketName = bucketName, UseClientRegion = true, }; var response = await client.PutBucketAsync(request); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error creating bucket: '{ex.Message}'"); return false; } }

객체 잠금을 활성화한 버킷을 생성합니다.

/// <summary> /// Create a new Amazon S3 bucket with object lock actions. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket to create.</param> /// <param name="enableObjectLock">True to enable object lock on the bucket.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> CreateBucketWithObjectLock(string bucketName, bool enableObjectLock) { Console.WriteLine($"\tCreating bucket {bucketName} with object lock {enableObjectLock}."); try { var request = new PutBucketRequest { BucketName = bucketName, UseClientRegion = true, ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = enableObjectLock, }; var response = await _amazonS3.PutBucketAsync(request); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error creating bucket: '{ex.Message}'"); return false; } }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조CreateBucket의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 DeleteBucket을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

/// <summary> /// Shows how to delete an Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">An initialized Amazon S3 client object.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to delete.</param> /// <returns>A boolean value that represents the success or failure of /// the delete operation.</returns> public static async Task<bool> DeleteBucketAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { var request = new DeleteBucketRequest { BucketName = bucketName, }; var response = await client.DeleteBucketAsync(request); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조DeleteBucket의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 DeleteBucketCors을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

/// <summary> /// Deletes a CORS configuration from an Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used /// to delete the CORS configuration from the bucket.</param> private static async Task DeleteCORSConfigurationAsync(AmazonS3Client client) { DeleteCORSConfigurationRequest request = new DeleteCORSConfigurationRequest() { BucketName = BucketName, }; await client.DeleteCORSConfigurationAsync(request); }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조DeleteBucketCors의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 DeleteBucketLifecycle을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

/// <summary> /// This method removes the Lifecycle configuration from the named /// S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The S3 client object used to call /// the RemoveLifecycleConfigAsync method.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">A string representing the name of the /// S3 bucket from which the configuration will be removed.</param> public static async Task RemoveLifecycleConfigAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { var request = new DeleteLifecycleConfigurationRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, }; await client.DeleteLifecycleConfigurationAsync(request); }

다음 코드 예시에서는 DeleteObject을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

버저닝되지 않은 S3 버킷에서 객체를 삭제합니다.

using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to delete an object from a non-versioned Amazon /// Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. /// </summary> public class DeleteObject { /// <summary> /// The Main method initializes the necessary variables and then calls /// the DeleteObjectNonVersionedBucketAsync method to delete the object /// named by the keyName parameter. /// </summary> public static async Task Main() { const string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; const string keyName = "testfile.txt"; // If the Amazon S3 bucket is located in an AWS Region other than the // Region of the default account, define the AWS Region for the // Amazon S3 bucket in your call to the AmazonS3Client constructor. // For example RegionEndpoint.USWest2. IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(); await DeleteObjectNonVersionedBucketAsync(client, bucketName, keyName); } /// <summary> /// The DeleteObjectNonVersionedBucketAsync takes care of deleting the /// desired object from the named bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">An initialized Amazon S3 client used to delete /// an object from an Amazon S3 bucket.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket from which the /// object will be deleted.</param> /// <param name="keyName">The name of the object to delete.</param> public static async Task DeleteObjectNonVersionedBucketAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string keyName) { try { var deleteObjectRequest = new DeleteObjectRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = keyName, }; Console.WriteLine($"Deleting object: {keyName}"); await client.DeleteObjectAsync(deleteObjectRequest); Console.WriteLine($"Object: {keyName} deleted from {bucketName}."); } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error encountered on server. Message:'{ex.Message}' when deleting an object."); } } }

버저닝된 S3 버킷에서 객체를 삭제합니다.

using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// This example creates an object in an Amazon Simple Storage Service /// (Amazon S3) bucket and then deletes the object version that was /// created. /// </summary> public class DeleteObjectVersion { public static async Task Main() { string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; string keyName = "verstioned-object.txt"; // If the AWS Region of the default user is different from the AWS // Region of the Amazon S3 bucket, pass the AWS Region of the // bucket region to the Amazon S3 client object's constructor. // Define it like this: // RegionEndpoint bucketRegion = RegionEndpoint.USWest2; IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(); await CreateAndDeleteObjectVersionAsync(client, bucketName, keyName); } /// <summary> /// This method creates and then deletes a versioned object. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to /// create and delete the object.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the /// object will be created and deleted.</param> /// <param name="keyName">The key name of the object to create.</param> public static async Task CreateAndDeleteObjectVersionAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string keyName) { try { // Add a sample object. string versionID = await PutAnObject(client, bucketName, keyName); // Delete the object by specifying an object key and a version ID. DeleteObjectRequest request = new DeleteObjectRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = keyName, VersionId = versionID, }; Console.WriteLine("Deleting an object"); await client.DeleteObjectAsync(request); } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {ex.Message}"); } } /// <summary> /// This method is used to create the temporary Amazon S3 object. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 object which will be used /// to create the temporary Amazon S3 object.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the object /// will be created.</param> /// <param name="objectKey">The name of the Amazon S3 object co create.</param> /// <returns>The Version ID of the created object.</returns> public static async Task<string> PutAnObject(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string objectKey) { PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectKey, ContentBody = "This is the content body!", }; PutObjectResponse response = await client.PutObjectAsync(request); return response.VersionId; } }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조DeleteObject의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 DeleteObjects을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

S3 버킷에서 모든 객체를 삭제합니다.

/// <summary> /// Delete all of the objects stored in an existing Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">An initialized Amazon S3 client object.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket from which the /// contents will be deleted.</param> /// <returns>A boolean value that represents the success or failure of /// deleting all of the objects in the bucket.</returns> public static async Task<bool> DeleteBucketContentsAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { // Iterate over the contents of the bucket and delete all objects. var request = new ListObjectsV2Request { BucketName = bucketName, }; try { ListObjectsV2Response response; do { response = await client.ListObjectsV2Async(request); response.S3Objects .ForEach(async obj => await client.DeleteObjectAsync(bucketName, obj.Key)); // If the response is truncated, set the request ContinuationToken // from the NextContinuationToken property of the response. request.ContinuationToken = response.NextContinuationToken; } while (response.IsTruncated); return true; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error deleting objects: {ex.Message}"); return false; } }

버저닝되지 않은 S3 버킷에서 여러 개의 객체를 삭제합니다.

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to delete multiple objects from an Amazon Simple /// Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. /// </summary> public class DeleteMultipleObjects { /// <summary> /// The Main method initializes the Amazon S3 client and the name of /// the bucket and then passes those values to MultiObjectDeleteAsync. /// </summary> public static async Task Main() { const string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; // If the Amazon S3 bucket from which you wish to delete objects is not // located in the same AWS Region as the default user, define the // AWS Region for the Amazon S3 bucket as a parameter to the client // constructor. IAmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(); await MultiObjectDeleteAsync(s3Client, bucketName); } /// <summary> /// This method uses the passed Amazon S3 client to first create and then /// delete three files from the named bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// Amazon S3 methods.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where objects /// will be created and then deleted.</param> public static async Task MultiObjectDeleteAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { // Create three sample objects which we will then delete. var keysAndVersions = await PutObjectsAsync(client, 3, bucketName); // Now perform the multi-object delete, passing the key names and // version IDs. Since we are working with a non-versioned bucket, // the object keys collection includes null version IDs. DeleteObjectsRequest multiObjectDeleteRequest = new DeleteObjectsRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Objects = keysAndVersions, }; // You can add a specific object key to the delete request using the // AddKey method of the multiObjectDeleteRequest. try { DeleteObjectsResponse response = await client.DeleteObjectsAsync(multiObjectDeleteRequest); Console.WriteLine("Successfully deleted all the {0} items", response.DeletedObjects.Count); } catch (DeleteObjectsException e) { PrintDeletionErrorStatus(e); } } /// <summary> /// Prints the list of errors raised by the call to DeleteObjectsAsync. /// </summary> /// <param name="ex">A collection of exceptions returned by the call to /// DeleteObjectsAsync.</param> public static void PrintDeletionErrorStatus(DeleteObjectsException ex) { DeleteObjectsResponse errorResponse = ex.Response; Console.WriteLine("x {0}", errorResponse.DeletedObjects.Count); Console.WriteLine($"Successfully deleted {errorResponse.DeletedObjects.Count}."); Console.WriteLine($"No. of objects failed to delete = {errorResponse.DeleteErrors.Count}"); Console.WriteLine("Printing error data..."); foreach (DeleteError deleteError in errorResponse.DeleteErrors) { Console.WriteLine($"Object Key: {deleteError.Key}\t{deleteError.Code}\t{deleteError.Message}"); } } /// <summary> /// This method creates simple text file objects that can be used in /// the delete method. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The Amazon S3 client used to call PutObjectAsync.</param> /// <param name="number">The number of objects to create.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket where the objects /// will be created.</param> /// <returns>A list of keys (object keys) and versions that the calling /// method will use to delete the newly created files.</returns> public static async Task<List<KeyVersion>> PutObjectsAsync(IAmazonS3 client, int number, string bucketName) { List<KeyVersion> keys = new List<KeyVersion>(); for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { string key = "ExampleObject-" + new System.Random().Next(); PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = key, ContentBody = "This is the content body!", }; PutObjectResponse response = await client.PutObjectAsync(request); // For non-versioned bucket operations, we only need the // object key. KeyVersion keyVersion = new KeyVersion { Key = key, }; keys.Add(keyVersion); } return keys; } }

버저닝된 S3 버킷에서 여러 개의 객체를 삭제합니다.

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to delete objects in a version-enabled Amazon /// Simple StorageService (Amazon S3) bucket. /// </summary> public class DeleteMultipleObjects { public static async Task Main() { string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; // If the AWS Region for your Amazon S3 bucket is different from // the AWS Region of the default user, define the AWS Region for // the Amazon S3 bucket and pass it to the client constructor // like this: // RegionEndpoint bucketRegion = RegionEndpoint.USWest2; IAmazonS3 s3Client; s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(); await DeleteMultipleObjectsFromVersionedBucketAsync(s3Client, bucketName); } /// <summary> /// This method removes multiple versions and objects from a /// version-enabled Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// DeleteObjectVersionsAsync, DeleteObjectsAsync, and /// RemoveDeleteMarkersAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket from which to delete /// objects.</param> public static async Task DeleteMultipleObjectsFromVersionedBucketAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { // Delete objects (specifying object version in the request). await DeleteObjectVersionsAsync(client, bucketName); // Delete objects (without specifying object version in the request). var deletedObjects = await DeleteObjectsAsync(client, bucketName); // Additional exercise - remove the delete markers Amazon S3 returned from // the preceding response. This results in the objects reappearing // in the bucket (you can verify the appearance/disappearance of // objects in the console). await RemoveDeleteMarkersAsync(client, bucketName, deletedObjects); } /// <summary> /// Creates and then deletes non-versioned Amazon S3 objects and then deletes /// them again. The method returns a list of the Amazon S3 objects deleted. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// PubObjectsAsync and NonVersionedDeleteAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket where the objects /// will be created and then deleted.</param> /// <returns>A list of DeletedObjects.</returns> public static async Task<List<DeletedObject>> DeleteObjectsAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { // Upload the sample objects. var keysAndVersions2 = await PutObjectsAsync(client, bucketName, 3); // Delete objects using only keys. Amazon S3 creates a delete marker and // returns its version ID in the response. List<DeletedObject> deletedObjects = await NonVersionedDeleteAsync(client, bucketName, keysAndVersions2); return deletedObjects; } /// <summary> /// This method creates several temporary objects and then deletes them. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The S3 client.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">Name of the bucket.</param> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> public static async Task DeleteObjectVersionsAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { // Upload the sample objects. var keysAndVersions1 = await PutObjectsAsync(client, bucketName, 3); // Delete the specific object versions. await VersionedDeleteAsync(client, bucketName, keysAndVersions1); } /// <summary> /// Displays the list of information about deleted files to the console. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">Error information from the delete process.</param> private static void DisplayDeletionErrors(DeleteObjectsException e) { var errorResponse = e.Response; Console.WriteLine($"No. of objects successfully deleted = {errorResponse.DeletedObjects.Count}"); Console.WriteLine($"No. of objects failed to delete = {errorResponse.DeleteErrors.Count}"); Console.WriteLine("Printing error data..."); foreach (var deleteError in errorResponse.DeleteErrors) { Console.WriteLine($"Object Key: {deleteError.Key}\t{deleteError.Code}\t{deleteError.Message}"); } } /// <summary> /// Delete multiple objects from a version-enabled bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// DeleteObjectVersionsAsync, DeleteObjectsAsync, and /// RemoveDeleteMarkersAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket from which to delete /// objects.</param> /// <param name="keys">A list of key names for the objects to delete.</param> private static async Task VersionedDeleteAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, List<KeyVersion> keys) { var multiObjectDeleteRequest = new DeleteObjectsRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Objects = keys, // This includes the object keys and specific version IDs. }; try { Console.WriteLine("Executing VersionedDelete..."); DeleteObjectsResponse response = await client.DeleteObjectsAsync(multiObjectDeleteRequest); Console.WriteLine($"Successfully deleted all the {response.DeletedObjects.Count} items"); } catch (DeleteObjectsException ex) { DisplayDeletionErrors(ex); } } /// <summary> /// Deletes multiple objects from a non-versioned Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// DeleteObjectVersionsAsync, DeleteObjectsAsync, and /// RemoveDeleteMarkersAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket from which to delete /// objects.</param> /// <param name="keys">A list of key names for the objects to delete.</param> /// <returns>A list of the deleted objects.</returns> private static async Task<List<DeletedObject>> NonVersionedDeleteAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, List<KeyVersion> keys) { // Create a request that includes only the object key names. DeleteObjectsRequest multiObjectDeleteRequest = new DeleteObjectsRequest(); multiObjectDeleteRequest.BucketName = bucketName; foreach (var key in keys) { multiObjectDeleteRequest.AddKey(key.Key); } // Execute DeleteObjectsAsync. // The DeleteObjectsAsync method adds a delete marker for each // object deleted. You can verify that the objects were removed // using the Amazon S3 console. DeleteObjectsResponse response; try { Console.WriteLine("Executing NonVersionedDelete..."); response = await client.DeleteObjectsAsync(multiObjectDeleteRequest); Console.WriteLine("Successfully deleted all the {0} items", response.DeletedObjects.Count); } catch (DeleteObjectsException ex) { DisplayDeletionErrors(ex); throw; // Some deletions failed. Investigate before continuing. } // This response contains the DeletedObjects list which we use to delete the delete markers. return response.DeletedObjects; } /// <summary> /// Deletes the markers left after deleting the temporary objects. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// DeleteObjectVersionsAsync, DeleteObjectsAsync, and /// RemoveDeleteMarkersAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket from which to delete /// objects.</param> /// <param name="deletedObjects">A list of the objects that were deleted.</param> private static async Task RemoveDeleteMarkersAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, List<DeletedObject> deletedObjects) { var keyVersionList = new List<KeyVersion>(); foreach (var deletedObject in deletedObjects) { KeyVersion keyVersion = new KeyVersion { Key = deletedObject.Key, VersionId = deletedObject.DeleteMarkerVersionId, }; keyVersionList.Add(keyVersion); } // Create another request to delete the delete markers. var multiObjectDeleteRequest = new DeleteObjectsRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Objects = keyVersionList, }; // Now, delete the delete marker to bring your objects back to the bucket. try { Console.WriteLine("Removing the delete markers ....."); var deleteObjectResponse = await client.DeleteObjectsAsync(multiObjectDeleteRequest); Console.WriteLine($"Successfully deleted the {deleteObjectResponse.DeletedObjects.Count} delete markers"); } catch (DeleteObjectsException ex) { DisplayDeletionErrors(ex); } } /// <summary> /// Create temporary Amazon S3 objects to show how object deletion wors in an /// Amazon S3 bucket with versioning enabled. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// PutObjectAsync to create temporary objects for the example.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">A string representing the name of the S3 /// bucket where we will create the temporary objects.</param> /// <param name="number">The number of temporary objects to create.</param> /// <returns>A list of the KeyVersion objects.</returns> private static async Task<List<KeyVersion>> PutObjectsAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, int number) { var keys = new List<KeyVersion>(); for (var i = 0; i < number; i++) { string key = "ObjectToDelete-" + new System.Random().Next(); PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = key, ContentBody = "This is the content body!", }; var response = await client.PutObjectAsync(request); KeyVersion keyVersion = new KeyVersion { Key = key, VersionId = response.VersionId, }; keys.Add(keyVersion); } return keys; } }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조DeleteObjects의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 GetBucketAcl을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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/// <summary> /// Get the access control list (ACL) for the new bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized client object used to get the /// access control list (ACL) of the bucket.</param> /// <param name="newBucketName">The name of the newly created bucket.</param> /// <returns>An S3AccessControlList.</returns> public static async Task<S3AccessControlList> GetACLForBucketAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string newBucketName) { // Retrieve bucket ACL to show that the ACL was properly applied to // the new bucket. GetACLResponse getACLResponse = await client.GetACLAsync(new GetACLRequest { BucketName = newBucketName, }); return getACLResponse.AccessControlList; }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조GetBucketAcl의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 GetBucketCors을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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/// <summary> /// Retrieve the CORS configuration applied to the Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used /// to retrieve the CORS configuration.</param> /// <returns>The created CORS configuration object.</returns> private static async Task<CORSConfiguration> RetrieveCORSConfigurationAsync(AmazonS3Client client) { GetCORSConfigurationRequest request = new GetCORSConfigurationRequest() { BucketName = BucketName, }; var response = await client.GetCORSConfigurationAsync(request); var configuration = response.Configuration; PrintCORSRules(configuration); return configuration; }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조GetBucketCors의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 GetBucketEncryption을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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/// <summary> /// Get and print the encryption settings of a bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">Name of the bucket.</param> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> public static async Task GetEncryptionSettings(string bucketName) { // Check and print the bucket encryption settings. Console.WriteLine($"Getting encryption settings for bucket {bucketName}."); try { var settings = await _s3Client.GetBucketEncryptionAsync( new GetBucketEncryptionRequest() { BucketName = bucketName }); foreach (var encryptionSettings in settings?.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration?.ServerSideEncryptionRules!) { Console.WriteLine( $"\tAlgorithm: {encryptionSettings.ServerSideEncryptionByDefault.ServerSideEncryptionAlgorithm}"); Console.WriteLine( $"\tKey: {encryptionSettings.ServerSideEncryptionByDefault.ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId}"); } } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ErrorCode == "InvalidBucketName" ? $"Bucket {bucketName} was not found." : $"Unable to get bucket encryption for bucket {bucketName}, {ex.Message}"); } }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조GetBucketEncryption의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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/// <summary> /// Returns a configuration object for the supplied bucket name. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The S3 client object used to call /// the GetLifecycleConfigurationAsync method.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the S3 bucket for which a /// configuration will be created.</param> /// <returns>Returns a new LifecycleConfiguration object.</returns> public static async Task<LifecycleConfiguration> RetrieveLifecycleConfigAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { var request = new GetLifecycleConfigurationRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, }; var response = await client.GetLifecycleConfigurationAsync(request); var configuration = response.Configuration; return configuration; }

다음 코드 예시에서는 GetBucketWebsite을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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// Get the website configuration. GetBucketWebsiteRequest getRequest = new GetBucketWebsiteRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, }; GetBucketWebsiteResponse getResponse = await client.GetBucketWebsiteAsync(getRequest); Console.WriteLine($"Index document: {getResponse.WebsiteConfiguration.IndexDocumentSuffix}"); Console.WriteLine($"Error document: {getResponse.WebsiteConfiguration.ErrorDocument}");
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조GetBucketWebsite의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 GetObject을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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/// <summary> /// Shows how to download an object from an Amazon S3 bucket to the /// local computer. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">An initialized Amazon S3 client object.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket where the object is /// currently stored.</param> /// <param name="objectName">The name of the object to download.</param> /// <param name="filePath">The path, including filename, where the /// downloaded object will be stored.</param> /// <returns>A boolean value indicating the success or failure of the /// download process.</returns> public static async Task<bool> DownloadObjectFromBucketAsync( IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string objectName, string filePath) { // Create a GetObject request var request = new GetObjectRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectName, }; // Issue request and remember to dispose of the response using GetObjectResponse response = await client.GetObjectAsync(request); try { // Save object to local file await response.WriteResponseStreamToFileAsync($"{filePath}\\{objectName}", true, CancellationToken.None); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error saving {objectName}: {ex.Message}"); return false; } }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조GetObject의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 GetObjectLegalHold을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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/// <summary> /// Get the legal hold details for an S3 object. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket of the object.</param> /// <param name="objectKey">The object key.</param> /// <returns>The object legal hold details.</returns> public async Task<ObjectLockLegalHold> GetObjectLegalHold(string bucketName, string objectKey) { try { var request = new GetObjectLegalHoldRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectKey }; var response = await _amazonS3.GetObjectLegalHoldAsync(request); Console.WriteLine($"\tObject legal hold for {objectKey} in {bucketName}: " + $"\n\tStatus: {response.LegalHold.Status}"); return response.LegalHold; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"\tUnable to fetch legal hold: '{ex.Message}'"); return new ObjectLockLegalHold(); } }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조GetObjectLegalHold의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 GetObjectLockConfiguration을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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/// <summary> /// Get the object lock configuration details for an S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket to get details.</param> /// <returns>The bucket's object lock configuration details.</returns> public async Task<ObjectLockConfiguration> GetBucketObjectLockConfiguration(string bucketName) { try { var request = new GetObjectLockConfigurationRequest() { BucketName = bucketName }; var response = await _amazonS3.GetObjectLockConfigurationAsync(request); Console.WriteLine($"\tBucket object lock config for {bucketName} in {bucketName}: " + $"\n\tEnabled: {response.ObjectLockConfiguration.ObjectLockEnabled}" + $"\n\tRule: {response.ObjectLockConfiguration.Rule?.DefaultRetention}"); return response.ObjectLockConfiguration; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"\tUnable to fetch object lock config: '{ex.Message}'"); return new ObjectLockConfiguration(); } }

다음 코드 예시에서는 GetObjectRetention을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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/// <summary> /// Get the retention period for an S3 object. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket of the object.</param> /// <param name="objectKey">The object key.</param> /// <returns>The object retention details.</returns> public async Task<ObjectLockRetention> GetObjectRetention(string bucketName, string objectKey) { try { var request = new GetObjectRetentionRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectKey }; var response = await _amazonS3.GetObjectRetentionAsync(request); Console.WriteLine($"\tObject retention for {objectKey} in {bucketName}: " + $"\n\t{response.Retention.Mode} until {response.Retention.RetainUntilDate:d}."); return response.Retention; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"\tUnable to fetch object lock retention: '{ex.Message}'"); return new ObjectLockRetention(); } }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조GetObjectRetention의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 ListBuckets을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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namespace ListBucketsExample { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// This example uses the AWS SDK for .NET to list the Amazon Simple Storage /// Service (Amazon S3) buckets belonging to the default account. /// </summary> public class ListBuckets { private static IAmazonS3 _s3Client; /// <summary> /// Get a list of the buckets owned by the default user. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">An initialized Amazon S3 client object.</param> /// <returns>The response from the ListingBuckets call that contains a /// list of the buckets owned by the default user.</returns> public static async Task<ListBucketsResponse> GetBuckets(IAmazonS3 client) { return await client.ListBucketsAsync(); } /// <summary> /// This method lists the name and creation date for the buckets in /// the passed List of S3 buckets. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketList">A List of S3 bucket objects.</param> public static void DisplayBucketList(List<S3Bucket> bucketList) { bucketList .ForEach(b => Console.WriteLine($"Bucket name: {b.BucketName}, created on: {b.CreationDate}")); } public static async Task Main() { // The client uses the AWS Region of the default user. // If the Region where the buckets were created is different, // pass the Region to the client constructor. For example: // _s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(RegionEndpoint.USEast1); _s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(); var response = await GetBuckets(_s3Client); DisplayBucketList(response.Buckets); } } }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조ListBuckets의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 ListObjectVersions을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// This example lists the versions of the objects in a version enabled /// Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. /// </summary> public class ListObjectVersions { public static async Task Main() { string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; // If the AWS Region where your bucket is defined is different from // the AWS Region where the Amazon S3 bucket is defined, pass the constant // for the AWS Region to the client constructor like this: // var client = new AmazonS3Client(RegionEndpoint.USWest2); IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(); await GetObjectListWithAllVersionsAsync(client, bucketName); } /// <summary> /// This method lists all versions of the objects within an Amazon S3 /// version enabled bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized client object used to call /// ListVersionsAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the version enabled Amazon S3 bucket /// for which you want to list the versions of the contained objects.</param> public static async Task GetObjectListWithAllVersionsAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { try { // When you instantiate the ListVersionRequest, you can // optionally specify a key name prefix in the request // if you want a list of object versions of a specific object. // For this example we set a small limit in MaxKeys to return // a small list of versions. ListVersionsRequest request = new ListVersionsRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, MaxKeys = 2, }; do { ListVersionsResponse response = await client.ListVersionsAsync(request); // Process response. foreach (S3ObjectVersion entry in response.Versions) { Console.WriteLine($"key: {entry.Key} size: {entry.Size}"); } // If response is truncated, set the marker to get the next // set of keys. if (response.IsTruncated) { request.KeyMarker = response.NextKeyMarker; request.VersionIdMarker = response.NextVersionIdMarker; } else { request = null; } } while (request != null); } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: '{ex.Message}'"); } } }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조ListObjectVersions의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 ListObjectsV2을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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/// <summary> /// Shows how to list the objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">An initialized Amazon S3 client object.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket for which to list /// the contents.</param> /// <returns>A boolean value indicating the success or failure of the /// copy operation.</returns> public static async Task<bool> ListBucketContentsAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { try { var request = new ListObjectsV2Request { BucketName = bucketName, MaxKeys = 5, }; Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Listing the contents of {bucketName}:"); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------"); ListObjectsV2Response response; do { response = await client.ListObjectsV2Async(request); response.S3Objects .ForEach(obj => Console.WriteLine($"{obj.Key,-35}{obj.LastModified.ToShortDateString(),10}{obj.Size,10}")); // If the response is truncated, set the request ContinuationToken // from the NextContinuationToken property of the response. request.ContinuationToken = response.NextContinuationToken; } while (response.IsTruncated); return true; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error encountered on server. Message:'{ex.Message}' getting list of objects."); return false; } }

페이지네이터를 사용하여 객체를 나열합니다.

using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// The following example lists objects in an Amazon Simple Storage /// Service (Amazon S3) bucket. /// </summary> public class ListObjectsPaginator { private const string BucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; public static async Task Main() { IAmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(); Console.WriteLine($"Listing the objects contained in {BucketName}:\n"); await ListingObjectsAsync(s3Client, BucketName); } /// <summary> /// This method uses a paginator to retrieve the list of objects in an /// an Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">An Amazon S3 client object.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the S3 bucket whose objects /// you want to list.</param> public static async Task ListingObjectsAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { var listObjectsV2Paginator = client.Paginators.ListObjectsV2(new ListObjectsV2Request { BucketName = bucketName, }); await foreach (var response in listObjectsV2Paginator.Responses) { Console.WriteLine($"HttpStatusCode: {response.HttpStatusCode}"); Console.WriteLine($"Number of Keys: {response.KeyCount}"); foreach (var entry in response.S3Objects) { Console.WriteLine($"Key = {entry.Key} Size = {entry.Size}"); } } } }
  • API 자세한 내용은 AWS SDK for .NET API 참조ListObjectsV2를 참조하세요.

다음 코드 예시에서는 PutBucketAccelerateConfiguration을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) Transfer Acceleration is a /// bucket-level feature that enables you to perform faster data transfers /// to Amazon S3. This example shows how to configure Transfer /// Acceleration. /// </summary> public class TransferAcceleration { /// <summary> /// The main method initializes the client object and sets the /// Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket name before /// calling EnableAccelerationAsync. /// </summary> public static async Task Main() { var s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(); const string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; await EnableAccelerationAsync(s3Client, bucketName); } /// <summary> /// This method sets the configuration to enable transfer acceleration /// for the bucket referred to in the bucketName parameter. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">An Amazon S3 client used to enable the /// acceleration on an Amazon S3 bucket.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 bucket for which the /// method will be enabling acceleration.</param> private static async Task EnableAccelerationAsync(AmazonS3Client client, string bucketName) { try { var putRequest = new PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest { BucketName = bucketName, AccelerateConfiguration = new AccelerateConfiguration { Status = BucketAccelerateStatus.Enabled, }, }; await client.PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationAsync(putRequest); var getRequest = new GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest { BucketName = bucketName, }; var response = await client.GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationAsync(getRequest); Console.WriteLine($"Acceleration state = '{response.Status}' "); } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error occurred. Message:'{ex.Message}' when setting transfer acceleration"); } } }

다음 코드 예시에서는 PutBucketAcl을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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/// <summary> /// Creates an Amazon S3 bucket with an ACL to control access to the /// bucket and the objects stored in it. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized client object used to create /// an Amazon S3 bucket, with an ACL applied to the bucket. /// </param> /// <param name="region">The AWS Region where the bucket will be created.</param> /// <param name="newBucketName">The name of the bucket to create.</param> /// <returns>A boolean value indicating success or failure.</returns> public static async Task<bool> CreateBucketUseCannedACLAsync(IAmazonS3 client, S3Region region, string newBucketName) { try { // Create a new Amazon S3 bucket with Canned ACL. var putBucketRequest = new PutBucketRequest() { BucketName = newBucketName, BucketRegion = region, CannedACL = S3CannedACL.LogDeliveryWrite, }; PutBucketResponse putBucketResponse = await client.PutBucketAsync(putBucketRequest); return putBucketResponse.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Amazon S3 error: {ex.Message}"); } return false; }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조PutBucketAcl의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 PutBucketCors을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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/// <summary> /// Add CORS configuration to the Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used /// to apply the CORS configuration to an Amazon S3 bucket.</param> /// <param name="configuration">The CORS configuration to apply.</param> private static async Task PutCORSConfigurationAsync(AmazonS3Client client, CORSConfiguration configuration) { PutCORSConfigurationRequest request = new PutCORSConfigurationRequest() { BucketName = BucketName, Configuration = configuration, }; _ = await client.PutCORSConfigurationAsync(request); }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조PutBucketCors의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 PutBucketEncryption을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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/// <summary> /// Set the bucket server side encryption to use AWSKMS with a customer-managed key id. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">Name of the bucket.</param> /// <param name="kmsKeyId">The Id of the KMS Key.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public static async Task<bool> SetBucketServerSideEncryption(string bucketName, string kmsKeyId) { var serverSideEncryptionByDefault = new ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration { ServerSideEncryptionRules = new List<ServerSideEncryptionRule> { new ServerSideEncryptionRule { ServerSideEncryptionByDefault = new ServerSideEncryptionByDefault { ServerSideEncryptionAlgorithm = ServerSideEncryptionMethod.AWSKMS, ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId = kmsKeyId } } } }; try { var encryptionResponse = await _s3Client.PutBucketEncryptionAsync(new PutBucketEncryptionRequest { BucketName = bucketName, ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration = serverSideEncryptionByDefault, }); return encryptionResponse.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ErrorCode == "AccessDenied" ? $"This account does not have permission to set encryption on {bucketName}, please try again." : $"Unable to set bucket encryption for bucket {bucketName}, {ex.Message}"); } return false; }
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다음 코드 예시에서는 PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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/// <summary> /// Adds lifecycle configuration information to the S3 bucket named in /// the bucketName parameter. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The S3 client used to call the /// PutLifecycleConfigurationAsync method.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">A string representing the S3 bucket to /// which configuration information will be added.</param> /// <param name="configuration">A LifecycleConfiguration object that /// will be applied to the S3 bucket.</param> public static async Task AddExampleLifecycleConfigAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, LifecycleConfiguration configuration) { var request = new PutLifecycleConfigurationRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Configuration = configuration, }; var response = await client.PutLifecycleConfigurationAsync(request); }

다음 코드 예시에서는 PutBucketLogging을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to enable logging on an Amazon Simple Storage /// Service (Amazon S3) bucket. You need to have two Amazon S3 buckets for /// this example. The first is the bucket for which you wish to enable /// logging, and the second is the location where you want to store the /// logs. /// </summary> public class ServerAccessLogging { private static IConfiguration _configuration = null!; public static async Task Main() { LoadConfig(); string bucketName = _configuration["BucketName"]; string logBucketName = _configuration["LogBucketName"]; string logObjectKeyPrefix = _configuration["LogObjectKeyPrefix"]; string accountId = _configuration["AccountId"]; // If the AWS Region defined for your default user is different // from the Region where your Amazon S3 bucket is located, // pass the Region name to the Amazon S3 client object's constructor. // For example: RegionEndpoint.USWest2 or RegionEndpoint.USEast2. IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(); try { // Update bucket policy for target bucket to allow delivery of logs to it. await SetBucketPolicyToAllowLogDelivery( client, bucketName, logBucketName, logObjectKeyPrefix, accountId); // Enable logging on the source bucket. await EnableLoggingAsync( client, bucketName, logBucketName, logObjectKeyPrefix); } catch (AmazonS3Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.Message}"); } } /// <summary> /// This method grants appropriate permissions for logging to the /// Amazon S3 bucket where the logs will be stored. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client which will be used /// to apply the bucket policy.</param> /// <param name="sourceBucketName">The name of the source bucket.</param> /// <param name="logBucketName">The name of the bucket where logging /// information will be stored.</param> /// <param name="logPrefix">The logging prefix where the logs should be delivered.</param> /// <param name="accountId">The account id of the account where the source bucket exists.</param> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> public static async Task SetBucketPolicyToAllowLogDelivery( IAmazonS3 client, string sourceBucketName, string logBucketName, string logPrefix, string accountId) { var resourceArn = @"""arn:aws:s3:::" + logBucketName + "/" + logPrefix + @"*"""; var newPolicy = @"{ ""Statement"":[{ ""Sid"": ""S3ServerAccessLogsPolicy"", ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": ""logging.s3.amazonaws.com"" }, ""Action"": [""s3:PutObject""], ""Resource"": [" + resourceArn + @"], ""Condition"": { ""ArnLike"": { ""aws:SourceArn"": ""arn:aws:s3:::" + sourceBucketName + @""" }, ""StringEquals"": { ""aws:SourceAccount"": """ + accountId + @""" } } }] }"; Console.WriteLine($"The policy to apply to bucket {logBucketName} to enable logging:"); Console.WriteLine(newPolicy); PutBucketPolicyRequest putRequest = new PutBucketPolicyRequest { BucketName = logBucketName, Policy = newPolicy, }; await client.PutBucketPolicyAsync(putRequest); Console.WriteLine("Policy applied."); } /// <summary> /// This method enables logging for an Amazon S3 bucket. Logs will be stored /// in the bucket you selected for logging. Selected prefix /// will be prepended to each log object. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client which will be used /// to configure and apply logging to the selected Amazon S3 bucket.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 bucket for which you /// wish to enable logging.</param> /// <param name="logBucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where logging /// information will be stored.</param> /// <param name="logObjectKeyPrefix">The prefix to prepend to each /// object key.</param> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> public static async Task EnableLoggingAsync( IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string logBucketName, string logObjectKeyPrefix) { Console.WriteLine($"Enabling logging for bucket {bucketName}."); var loggingConfig = new S3BucketLoggingConfig { TargetBucketName = logBucketName, TargetPrefix = logObjectKeyPrefix, }; var putBucketLoggingRequest = new PutBucketLoggingRequest { BucketName = bucketName, LoggingConfig = loggingConfig, }; await client.PutBucketLoggingAsync(putBucketLoggingRequest); Console.WriteLine($"Logging enabled."); } /// <summary> /// Loads configuration from settings files. /// </summary> public static void LoadConfig() { _configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("settings.json") // Load settings from .json file. .AddJsonFile("settings.local.json", true) // Optionally, load local settings. .Build(); } }
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다음 코드 예시에서는 PutBucketNotificationConfiguration을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to enable notifications for an Amazon Simple /// Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. /// </summary> public class EnableNotifications { public static async Task Main() { const string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket1"; const string snsTopic = "arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:0123456789ab:bucket-notify"; const string sqsQueue = "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:0123456789ab:Example_Queue"; IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast2); await EnableNotificationAsync(client, bucketName, snsTopic, sqsQueue); } /// <summary> /// This method makes the call to the PutBucketNotificationAsync method. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">An initialized Amazon S3 client used to call /// the PutBucketNotificationAsync method.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket for which /// notifications will be turned on.</param> /// <param name="snsTopic">The ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification /// Service (Amazon SNS) topic associated with the S3 bucket.</param> /// <param name="sqsQueue">The ARN of the Amazon Simple Queue Service /// (Amazon SQS) queue to which notifications will be pushed.</param> public static async Task EnableNotificationAsync( IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string snsTopic, string sqsQueue) { try { // The bucket for which we are setting up notifications. var request = new PutBucketNotificationRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, }; // Defines the topic to use when sending a notification. var topicConfig = new TopicConfiguration() { Events = new List<EventType> { EventType.ObjectCreatedCopy }, Topic = snsTopic, }; request.TopicConfigurations = new List<TopicConfiguration> { topicConfig, }; request.QueueConfigurations = new List<QueueConfiguration> { new QueueConfiguration() { Events = new List<EventType> { EventType.ObjectCreatedPut }, Queue = sqsQueue, }, }; // Now apply the notification settings to the bucket. PutBucketNotificationResponse response = await client.PutBucketNotificationAsync(request); } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {ex.Message}"); } } }

다음 코드 예시에서는 PutBucketWebsite을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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// Put the website configuration. PutBucketWebsiteRequest putRequest = new PutBucketWebsiteRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, WebsiteConfiguration = new WebsiteConfiguration() { IndexDocumentSuffix = indexDocumentSuffix, ErrorDocument = errorDocument, }, }; PutBucketWebsiteResponse response = await client.PutBucketWebsiteAsync(putRequest);
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조PutBucketWebsite의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 PutObject을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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/// <summary> /// Shows how to upload a file from the local computer to an Amazon S3 /// bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">An initialized Amazon S3 client object.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The Amazon S3 bucket to which the object /// will be uploaded.</param> /// <param name="objectName">The object to upload.</param> /// <param name="filePath">The path, including file name, of the object /// on the local computer to upload.</param> /// <returns>A boolean value indicating the success or failure of the /// upload procedure.</returns> public static async Task<bool> UploadFileAsync( IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string objectName, string filePath) { var request = new PutObjectRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectName, FilePath = filePath, }; var response = await client.PutObjectAsync(request); if (response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { Console.WriteLine($"Successfully uploaded {objectName} to {bucketName}."); return true; } else { Console.WriteLine($"Could not upload {objectName} to {bucketName}."); return false; } }

서버 측 암호화를 사용하여 객체를 업로드합니다.

using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to upload an object to an Amazon Simple Storage /// Service (Amazon S3) bucket with server-side encryption enabled. /// </summary> public class ServerSideEncryption { public static async Task Main() { string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; string keyName = "samplefile.txt"; // If the AWS Region defined for your default user is different // from the Region where your Amazon S3 bucket is located, // pass the Region name to the Amazon S3 client object's constructor. // For example: RegionEndpoint.USWest2. IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(); await WritingAnObjectAsync(client, bucketName, keyName); } /// <summary> /// Upload a sample object include a setting for encryption. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to /// to upload a file and apply server-side encryption.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the /// encrypted object will reside.</param> /// <param name="keyName">The name for the object that you want to /// create in the supplied bucket.</param> public static async Task WritingAnObjectAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string keyName) { try { var putRequest = new PutObjectRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = keyName, ContentBody = "sample text", ServerSideEncryptionMethod = ServerSideEncryptionMethod.AES256, }; var putResponse = await client.PutObjectAsync(putRequest); // Determine the encryption state of an object. GetObjectMetadataRequest metadataRequest = new GetObjectMetadataRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = keyName, }; GetObjectMetadataResponse response = await client.GetObjectMetadataAsync(metadataRequest); ServerSideEncryptionMethod objectEncryption = response.ServerSideEncryptionMethod; Console.WriteLine($"Encryption method used: {0}", objectEncryption.ToString()); } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: '{ex.Message}' when writing an object"); } } }
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다음 코드 예시에서는 PutObjectLegalHold을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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/// <summary> /// Set or modify a legal hold on an object in an S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket of the object.</param> /// <param name="objectKey">The key of the object.</param> /// <param name="holdStatus">The On or Off status for the legal hold.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> ModifyObjectLegalHold(string bucketName, string objectKey, ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus holdStatus) { try { var request = new PutObjectLegalHoldRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectKey, LegalHold = new ObjectLockLegalHold() { Status = holdStatus } }; var response = await _amazonS3.PutObjectLegalHoldAsync(request); Console.WriteLine($"\tModified legal hold for {objectKey} in {bucketName}."); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"\tError modifying legal hold: '{ex.Message}'"); return false; } }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조PutObjectLegalHold의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 PutObjectLockConfiguration을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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버킷의 객체 잠금 구성을 설정합니다.

/// <summary> /// Enable object lock on an existing bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket to modify.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> EnableObjectLockOnBucket(string bucketName) { try { // First, enable Versioning on the bucket. await _amazonS3.PutBucketVersioningAsync(new PutBucketVersioningRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, VersioningConfig = new S3BucketVersioningConfig() { EnableMfaDelete = false, Status = VersionStatus.Enabled } }); var request = new PutObjectLockConfigurationRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, ObjectLockConfiguration = new ObjectLockConfiguration() { ObjectLockEnabled = new ObjectLockEnabled("Enabled"), }, }; var response = await _amazonS3.PutObjectLockConfigurationAsync(request); Console.WriteLine($"\tAdded an object lock policy to bucket {bucketName}."); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error modifying object lock: '{ex.Message}'"); return false; } }

버킷의 기본 보존 기간을 설정합니다.

/// <summary> /// Set or modify a retention period on an S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket to modify.</param> /// <param name="retention">The retention mode.</param> /// <param name="retainUntilDate">The date for retention until.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> ModifyBucketDefaultRetention(string bucketName, bool enableObjectLock, ObjectLockRetentionMode retention, DateTime retainUntilDate) { var enabledString = enableObjectLock ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"; var timeDifference = retainUntilDate.Subtract(DateTime.Now); try { // First, enable Versioning on the bucket. await _amazonS3.PutBucketVersioningAsync(new PutBucketVersioningRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, VersioningConfig = new S3BucketVersioningConfig() { EnableMfaDelete = false, Status = VersionStatus.Enabled } }); var request = new PutObjectLockConfigurationRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, ObjectLockConfiguration = new ObjectLockConfiguration() { ObjectLockEnabled = new ObjectLockEnabled(enabledString), Rule = new ObjectLockRule() { DefaultRetention = new DefaultRetention() { Mode = retention, Days = timeDifference.Days // Can be specified in days or years but not both. } } } }; var response = await _amazonS3.PutObjectLockConfigurationAsync(request); Console.WriteLine($"\tAdded a default retention to bucket {bucketName}."); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"\tError modifying object lock: '{ex.Message}'"); return false; } }

다음 코드 예시에서는 PutObjectRetention을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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/// <summary> /// Set or modify a retention period on an object in an S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket of the object.</param> /// <param name="objectKey">The key of the object.</param> /// <param name="retention">The retention mode.</param> /// <param name="retainUntilDate">The date retention expires.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> ModifyObjectRetentionPeriod(string bucketName, string objectKey, ObjectLockRetentionMode retention, DateTime retainUntilDate) { try { var request = new PutObjectRetentionRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectKey, Retention = new ObjectLockRetention() { Mode = retention, RetainUntilDate = retainUntilDate } }; var response = await _amazonS3.PutObjectRetentionAsync(request); Console.WriteLine($"\tSet retention for {objectKey} in {bucketName} until {retainUntilDate:d}."); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"\tError modifying retention period: '{ex.Message}'"); return false; } }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조PutObjectRetention의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에서는 RestoreObject을 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to restore an archived object in an Amazon /// Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. /// </summary> public class RestoreArchivedObject { public static void Main() { string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; string objectKey = "archived-object.txt"; // Specify your bucket region (an example region is shown). RegionEndpoint bucketRegion = RegionEndpoint.USWest2; IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(bucketRegion); RestoreObjectAsync(client, bucketName, objectKey).Wait(); } /// <summary> /// This method restores an archived object from an Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// RestoreObjectAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">A string representing the name of the /// bucket where the object was located before it was archived.</param> /// <param name="objectKey">A string representing the name of the /// archived object to restore.</param> public static async Task RestoreObjectAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string objectKey) { try { var restoreRequest = new RestoreObjectRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectKey, Days = 2, }; RestoreObjectResponse response = await client.RestoreObjectAsync(restoreRequest); // Check the status of the restoration. await CheckRestorationStatusAsync(client, bucketName, objectKey); } catch (AmazonS3Exception amazonS3Exception) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {amazonS3Exception.Message}"); } } /// <summary> /// This method retrieves the status of the object's restoration. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// GetObjectMetadataAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">A string representing the name of the Amazon /// S3 bucket which contains the archived object.</param> /// <param name="objectKey">A string representing the name of the /// archived object you want to restore.</param> public static async Task CheckRestorationStatusAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string objectKey) { GetObjectMetadataRequest metadataRequest = new GetObjectMetadataRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectKey, }; GetObjectMetadataResponse response = await client.GetObjectMetadataAsync(metadataRequest); var restStatus = response.RestoreInProgress ? "in-progress" : "finished or failed"; Console.WriteLine($"Restoration status: {restStatus}"); } }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조RestoreObject의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API


다음 코드 예제는 Amazon S3에 URL 대해 미리 서명된 를 생성하고 객체를 업로드하는 방법을 보여줍니다.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

제한된 시간 동안 Amazon S3 작업을 수행할 수 URL 있는 미리 서명된 을 생성합니다.

using System; using Amazon; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; public class GenPresignedUrl { public static void Main() { const string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; const string objectKey = "sample.txt"; // Specify how long the presigned URL lasts, in hours const double timeoutDuration = 12; // Specify the AWS Region of your Amazon S3 bucket. If it is // different from the Region defined for the default user, // pass the Region to the constructor for the client. For // example: new AmazonS3Client(RegionEndpoint.USEast1); // If using the Region us-east-1, and server-side encryption with AWS KMS, you must specify Signature Version 4. // Region us-east-1 defaults to Signature Version 2 unless explicitly set to Version 4 as shown below. // For more details, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/UsingAWSSDK.html#specify-signature-version // and https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkfornet/v3/apidocs/items/Amazon/TAWSConfigsS3.html AWSConfigsS3.UseSignatureVersion4 = true; IAmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(RegionEndpoint.USEast1); string urlString = GeneratePresignedURL(s3Client, bucketName, objectKey, timeoutDuration); Console.WriteLine($"The generated URL is: {urlString}."); } /// <summary> /// Generate a presigned URL that can be used to access the file named /// in the objectKey parameter for the amount of time specified in the /// duration parameter. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">An initialized S3 client object used to call /// the GetPresignedUrl method.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the S3 bucket containing the /// object for which to create the presigned URL.</param> /// <param name="objectKey">The name of the object to access with the /// presigned URL.</param> /// <param name="duration">The length of time for which the presigned /// URL will be valid.</param> /// <returns>A string representing the generated presigned URL.</returns> public static string GeneratePresignedURL(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string objectKey, double duration) { string urlString = string.Empty; try { var request = new GetPreSignedUrlRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectKey, Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(duration), }; urlString = client.GetPreSignedURL(request); } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error:'{ex.Message}'"); } return urlString; } }

미리 서명된 를 생성하고 해당 를 사용하여 업로드를 URL 수행합니다URL.

using System; using System.IO; using System.Net.Http; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to upload an object to an Amazon Simple Storage /// Service (Amazon S3) bucket using a presigned URL. The code first /// creates a presigned URL and then uses it to upload an object to an /// Amazon S3 bucket using that URL. /// </summary> public class UploadUsingPresignedURL { private static HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); public static async Task Main() { string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; string keyName = "samplefile.txt"; string filePath = $"source\\{keyName}"; // Specify how long the signed URL will be valid in hours. double timeoutDuration = 12; // Specify the AWS Region of your Amazon S3 bucket. If it is // different from the Region defined for the default user, // pass the Region to the constructor for the client. For // example: new AmazonS3Client(RegionEndpoint.USEast1); // If using the Region us-east-1, and server-side encryption with AWS KMS, you must specify Signature Version 4. // Region us-east-1 defaults to Signature Version 2 unless explicitly set to Version 4 as shown below. // For more details, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/UsingAWSSDK.html#specify-signature-version // and https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkfornet/v3/apidocs/items/Amazon/TAWSConfigsS3.html AWSConfigsS3.UseSignatureVersion4 = true; IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(RegionEndpoint.USEast1); var url = GeneratePreSignedURL(client, bucketName, keyName, timeoutDuration); var success = await UploadObject(filePath, url); if (success) { Console.WriteLine("Upload succeeded."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Upload failed."); } } /// <summary> /// Uploads an object to an Amazon S3 bucket using the presigned URL passed in /// the url parameter. /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath">The path (including file name) to the local /// file you want to upload.</param> /// <param name="url">The presigned URL that will be used to upload the /// file to the Amazon S3 bucket.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value indicating the success or failure of the /// operation, based on the HttpWebResponse.</returns> public static async Task<bool> UploadObject(string filePath, string url) { using var streamContent = new StreamContent( new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)); var response = await httpClient.PutAsync(url, streamContent); return response.IsSuccessStatusCode; } /// <summary> /// Generates a presigned URL which will be used to upload an object to /// an Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// GetPreSignedURL.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to which the /// presigned URL will point.</param> /// <param name="objectKey">The name of the file that will be uploaded.</param> /// <param name="duration">How long (in hours) the presigned URL will /// be valid.</param> /// <returns>The generated URL.</returns> public static string GeneratePreSignedURL( IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string objectKey, double duration) { var request = new GetPreSignedUrlRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectKey, Verb = HttpVerb.PUT, Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(duration), }; string url = client.GetPreSignedURL(request); return url; } }

다음 코드 예시에서는 사용자가 레이블을 사용하여 사진을 관리할 수 있는 서버리스 애플리케이션을 생성하는 방법을 보여줍니다.


Amazon Rekognition을 사용하여 이미지에서 레이블을 감지하고 나중에 검색할 수 있도록 저장하는 사진 자산 관리 애플리케이션을 개발하는 방법을 보여줍니다.

전체 소스 코드와 설정 및 실행 방법에 대한 지침은 GitHub의 전체 예제를 참조하세요.

이 예제의 출처에 대한 자세한 내용은 AWS  커뮤니티의 게시물을 참조하십시오.

이 예시에서 사용되는 서비스
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  • Lambda

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다음 코드 예제는 Amazon Rekognition을 사용하여 이미지의 범주별로 객체를 감지하는 앱을 구축하는 방법을 보여줍니다.


Amazon Rekognition을 사용하는 방법을 보여줍니다.NET 를 사용하여 Amazon Rekognition을 사용하여 Amazon Simple Storage Service(Amazon S3) 버킷에 있는 이미지에서 범주별로 객체를 식별하는 앱을 API 생성합니다. 앱은 Amazon Simple Email Service(Amazon)를 사용하여 결과와 함께 이메일 알림을 관리자에게 전송합니다SES.

전체 소스 코드와 설정 및 실행 방법에 대한 지침은 의 전체 예제를 참조하세요GitHub.

이 예시에서 사용되는 서비스
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다음 코드 예제에서는 Amazon S3 객체 암호화를 시작하는 방법을 보여줍니다.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

using System; using System.IO; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to apply client encryption to an object in an /// Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. /// </summary> public class SSEClientEncryption { public static async Task Main() { string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; string keyName = "exampleobject.txt"; string copyTargetKeyName = "examplecopy.txt"; // If the AWS Region defined for your default user is different // from the Region where your Amazon S3 bucket is located, // pass the Region name to the Amazon S3 client object's constructor. // For example: RegionEndpoint.USWest2. IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(); try { // Create an encryption key. Aes aesEncryption = Aes.Create(); aesEncryption.KeySize = 256; aesEncryption.GenerateKey(); string base64Key = Convert.ToBase64String(aesEncryption.Key); // Upload the object. PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = await UploadObjectAsync(client, bucketName, keyName, base64Key); // Download the object and verify that its contents match what you uploaded. await DownloadObjectAsync(client, bucketName, keyName, base64Key, putObjectRequest); // Get object metadata and verify that the object uses AES-256 encryption. await GetObjectMetadataAsync(client, bucketName, keyName, base64Key); // Copy both the source and target objects using server-side encryption with // an encryption key. await CopyObjectAsync(client, bucketName, keyName, copyTargetKeyName, aesEncryption, base64Key); } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {ex.Message}"); } } /// <summary> /// Uploads an object to an Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// PutObjectAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to which the /// object will be uploaded.</param> /// <param name="keyName">The name of the object to upload to the Amazon S3 /// bucket.</param> /// <param name="base64Key">The encryption key.</param> /// <returns>The PutObjectRequest object for use by DownloadObjectAsync.</returns> public static async Task<PutObjectRequest> UploadObjectAsync( IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string keyName, string base64Key) { PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = keyName, ContentBody = "sample text", ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod = ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod.AES256, ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey = base64Key, }; PutObjectResponse putObjectResponse = await client.PutObjectAsync(putObjectRequest); return putObjectRequest; } /// <summary> /// Downloads an encrypted object from an Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// GetObjectAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the object /// is located.</param> /// <param name="keyName">The name of the Amazon S3 object to download.</param> /// <param name="base64Key">The encryption key used to encrypt the /// object.</param> /// <param name="putObjectRequest">The PutObjectRequest used to upload /// the object.</param> public static async Task DownloadObjectAsync( IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string keyName, string base64Key, PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest) { GetObjectRequest getObjectRequest = new GetObjectRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = keyName, // Provide encryption information for the object stored in Amazon S3. ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod = ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod.AES256, ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey = base64Key, }; using (GetObjectResponse getResponse = await client.GetObjectAsync(getObjectRequest)) using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(getResponse.ResponseStream)) { string content = reader.ReadToEnd(); if (string.Compare(putObjectRequest.ContentBody, content) == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Object content is same as we uploaded"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error...Object content is not same."); } if (getResponse.ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod == ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod.AES256) { Console.WriteLine("Object encryption method is AES256, same as we set"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error...Object encryption method is not the same as AES256 we set"); } } } /// <summary> /// Retrieves the metadata associated with an Amazon S3 object. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used /// to call GetObjectMetadataAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 bucket containing the /// object for which we want to retrieve metadata.</param> /// <param name="keyName">The name of the object for which we wish to /// retrieve the metadata.</param> /// <param name="base64Key">The encryption key associated with the /// object.</param> public static async Task GetObjectMetadataAsync( IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string keyName, string base64Key) { GetObjectMetadataRequest getObjectMetadataRequest = new GetObjectMetadataRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = keyName, // The object stored in Amazon S3 is encrypted, so provide the necessary encryption information. ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod = ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod.AES256, ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey = base64Key, }; GetObjectMetadataResponse getObjectMetadataResponse = await client.GetObjectMetadataAsync(getObjectMetadataRequest); Console.WriteLine("The object metadata show encryption method used is: {0}", getObjectMetadataResponse.ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod); } /// <summary> /// Copies an encrypted object from one Amazon S3 bucket to another. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// CopyObjectAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The Amazon S3 bucket containing the object /// to copy.</param> /// <param name="keyName">The name of the object to copy.</param> /// <param name="copyTargetKeyName">The Amazon S3 bucket to which the object /// will be copied.</param> /// <param name="aesEncryption">The encryption type to use.</param> /// <param name="base64Key">The encryption key to use.</param> public static async Task CopyObjectAsync( IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string keyName, string copyTargetKeyName, Aes aesEncryption, string base64Key) { aesEncryption.GenerateKey(); string copyBase64Key = Convert.ToBase64String(aesEncryption.Key); CopyObjectRequest copyRequest = new CopyObjectRequest { SourceBucket = bucketName, SourceKey = keyName, DestinationBucket = bucketName, DestinationKey = copyTargetKeyName, // Information about the source object's encryption. CopySourceServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod = ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod.AES256, CopySourceServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey = base64Key, // Information about the target object's encryption. ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod = ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod.AES256, ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey = copyBase64Key, }; await client.CopyObjectAsync(copyRequest); } }

다음 코드 예제에서는 Amazon S3 객체 태깅을 시작하는 방법을 보여줍니다.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to work with tags in Amazon Simple Storage /// Service (Amazon S3) objects. /// </summary> public class ObjectTag { public static async Task Main() { string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; string keyName = "newobject.txt"; string filePath = @"*** file path ***"; // Specify your bucket region (an example region is shown). RegionEndpoint bucketRegion = RegionEndpoint.USWest2; var client = new AmazonS3Client(bucketRegion); await PutObjectsWithTagsAsync(client, bucketName, keyName, filePath); } /// <summary> /// This method uploads an object with tags. It then shows the tag /// values, changes the tags, and shows the new tags. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The Initialized Amazon S3 client object used /// to call the methods to create and change an objects tags.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">A string representing the name of the /// bucket where the object will be stored.</param> /// <param name="keyName">A string representing the key name of the /// object to be tagged.</param> /// <param name="filePath">The directory location and file name of the /// object to be uploaded to the Amazon S3 bucket.</param> public static async Task PutObjectsWithTagsAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string keyName, string filePath) { try { // Create an object with tags. var putRequest = new PutObjectRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = keyName, FilePath = filePath, TagSet = new List<Tag> { new Tag { Key = "Keyx1", Value = "Value1" }, new Tag { Key = "Keyx2", Value = "Value2" }, }, }; PutObjectResponse response = await client.PutObjectAsync(putRequest); // Now retrieve the new object's tags. GetObjectTaggingRequest getTagsRequest = new GetObjectTaggingRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = keyName, }; GetObjectTaggingResponse objectTags = await client.GetObjectTaggingAsync(getTagsRequest); // Display the tag values. objectTags.Tagging .ForEach(t => Console.WriteLine($"Key: {t.Key}, Value: {t.Value}")); Tagging newTagSet = new Tagging() { TagSet = new List<Tag> { new Tag { Key = "Key3", Value = "Value3" }, new Tag { Key = "Key4", Value = "Value4" }, }, }; PutObjectTaggingRequest putObjTagsRequest = new PutObjectTaggingRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = keyName, Tagging = newTagSet, }; PutObjectTaggingResponse response2 = await client.PutObjectTaggingAsync(putObjTagsRequest); // Retrieve the tags again and show the values. GetObjectTaggingRequest getTagsRequest2 = new GetObjectTaggingRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = keyName, }; GetObjectTaggingResponse objectTags2 = await client.GetObjectTaggingAsync(getTagsRequest2); objectTags2.Tagging .ForEach(t => Console.WriteLine($"Key: {t.Key}, Value: {t.Value}")); } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine( $"Error: '{ex.Message}'"); } } }
  • 자세한 API 내용은 참조GetObjectTagging의 섹션을 참조하세요. AWS SDK for .NET API

다음 코드 예시에는 S3 객체 잠금 기능을 사용하는 방법을 보여줍니다.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

Amazon S3 객체 잠금 기능을 시연하는 대화형 시나리오를 실행합니다.

using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug; namespace S3ObjectLockScenario; public static class S3ObjectLockWorkflow { /* Before running this .NET code example, set up your development environment, including your credentials. This .NET example performs the following tasks: 1. Create test Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets with different lock policies. 2. Upload sample objects to each bucket. 3. Set some Legal Hold and Retention Periods on objects and buckets. 4. Investigate lock policies by viewing settings or attempting to delete or overwrite objects. 5. Clean up objects and buckets. */ public static S3ActionsWrapper _s3ActionsWrapper = null!; public static IConfiguration _configuration = null!; private static string _resourcePrefix = null!; private static string noLockBucketName = null!; private static string lockEnabledBucketName = null!; private static string retentionAfterCreationBucketName = null!; private static List<string> bucketNames = new List<string>(); private static List<string> fileNames = new List<string>(); public static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Set up dependency injection for the Amazon service. using var host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) .ConfigureLogging(logging => logging.AddFilter("System", LogLevel.Debug) .AddFilter<DebugLoggerProvider>("Microsoft", LogLevel.Information) .AddFilter<ConsoleLoggerProvider>("Microsoft", LogLevel.Trace)) .ConfigureServices((_, services) => services.AddAWSService<IAmazonS3>() .AddTransient<S3ActionsWrapper>() ) .Build(); _configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("settings.json") // Load settings from .json file. .AddJsonFile("settings.local.json", true) // Optionally, load local settings. .Build(); ConfigurationSetup(); ServicesSetup(host); try { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) Object Locking Workflow Scenario."); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); await Setup(true); await DemoActionChoices(); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up resources."); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); await Cleanup(true); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine("Amazon S3 Object Locking Workflow is complete."); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine($"There was a problem: {ex.Message}"); await Cleanup(true); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); } } /// <summary> /// Populate the services for use within the console application. /// </summary> /// <param name="host">The services host.</param> private static void ServicesSetup(IHost host) { _s3ActionsWrapper = host.Services.GetRequiredService<S3ActionsWrapper>(); } /// <summary> /// Any setup operations needed. /// </summary> public static void ConfigurationSetup() { _resourcePrefix = _configuration["resourcePrefix"] ?? "dotnet-example"; noLockBucketName = _resourcePrefix + "-no-lock"; lockEnabledBucketName = _resourcePrefix + "-lock-enabled"; retentionAfterCreationBucketName = _resourcePrefix + "-retention-after-creation"; bucketNames.Add(noLockBucketName); bucketNames.Add(lockEnabledBucketName); bucketNames.Add(retentionAfterCreationBucketName); } // <summary> /// Deploy necessary resources for the scenario. /// </summary> /// <param name="interactive">True to run as interactive.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public static async Task<bool> Setup(bool interactive) { Console.WriteLine( "\nFor this workflow, we will use the AWS SDK for .NET to create several S3\n" + "buckets and files to demonstrate working with S3 locking features.\n"); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter when you are ready to start."); if (interactive) Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("\nS3 buckets can be created either with or without object lock enabled."); await _s3ActionsWrapper.CreateBucketWithObjectLock(noLockBucketName, false); await _s3ActionsWrapper.CreateBucketWithObjectLock(lockEnabledBucketName, true); await _s3ActionsWrapper.CreateBucketWithObjectLock(retentionAfterCreationBucketName, false); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue."); if (interactive) Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("\nA bucket can be configured to use object locking with a default retention period."); await _s3ActionsWrapper.ModifyBucketDefaultRetention(retentionAfterCreationBucketName, true, ObjectLockRetentionMode.Governance, DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1)); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue."); if (interactive) Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("\nObject lock policies can also be added to existing buckets."); await _s3ActionsWrapper.EnableObjectLockOnBucket(lockEnabledBucketName); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue."); if (interactive) Console.ReadLine(); // Upload some files to the buckets. Console.WriteLine("\nNow let's add some test files:"); var fileName = _configuration["exampleFileName"] ?? "exampleFile.txt"; int fileCount = 2; // Create the file if it does not already exist. if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { await using StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(fileName); await sw.WriteLineAsync( "This is a sample file for uploading to a bucket."); } foreach (var bucketName in bucketNames) { for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) { var numberedFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + i + Path.GetExtension(fileName); fileNames.Add(numberedFileName); await _s3ActionsWrapper.UploadFileAsync(bucketName, numberedFileName, fileName); } } Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue."); if (interactive) Console.ReadLine(); if (!interactive) return true; Console.WriteLine("\nNow we can set some object lock policies on individual files:"); foreach (var bucketName in bucketNames) { for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.Count; i++) { // No modifications to the objects in the first bucket. if (bucketName != bucketNames[0]) { var exampleFileName = fileNames[i]; switch (i) { case 0: { var question = $"\nWould you like to add a legal hold to {exampleFileName} in {bucketName}? (y/n)"; if (GetYesNoResponse(question)) { // Set a legal hold. await _s3ActionsWrapper.ModifyObjectLegalHold(bucketName, exampleFileName, ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus.On); } break; } case 1: { var question = $"\nWould you like to add a 1 day Governance retention period to {exampleFileName} in {bucketName}? (y/n)" + "\nReminder: Only a user with the s3:BypassGovernanceRetention permission will be able to delete this file or its bucket until the retention period has expired."; if (GetYesNoResponse(question)) { // Set a Governance mode retention period for 1 day. await _s3ActionsWrapper.ModifyObjectRetentionPeriod( bucketName, exampleFileName, ObjectLockRetentionMode.Governance, DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1)); } break; } } } } } Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); return true; } // <summary> /// List all of the current buckets and objects. /// </summary> /// <param name="interactive">True to run as interactive.</param> /// <returns>The list of buckets and objects.</returns> public static async Task<List<S3ObjectVersion>> ListBucketsAndObjects(bool interactive) { var allObjects = new List<S3ObjectVersion>(); foreach (var bucketName in bucketNames) { var objectsInBucket = await _s3ActionsWrapper.ListBucketObjectsAndVersions(bucketName); foreach (var objectKey in objectsInBucket.Versions) { allObjects.Add(objectKey); } } if (interactive) { Console.WriteLine("\nCurrent buckets and objects:\n"); int i = 0; foreach (var bucketObject in allObjects) { i++; Console.WriteLine( $"{i}: {bucketObject.Key} \n\tBucket: {bucketObject.BucketName}\n\tVersion: {bucketObject.VersionId}"); } } return allObjects; } /// <summary> /// Present the user with the demo action choices. /// </summary> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> public static async Task<bool> DemoActionChoices() { var choices = new string[]{ "List all files in buckets.", "Attempt to delete a file.", "Attempt to delete a file with retention period bypass.", "Attempt to overwrite a file.", "View the object and bucket retention settings for a file.", "View the legal hold settings for a file.", "Finish the workflow."}; var choice = 0; // Keep asking the user until they choose to move on. while (choice != 6) { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); choice = GetChoiceResponse( "\nExplore the S3 locking features by selecting one of the following choices:" , choices); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); switch (choice) { case 0: { await ListBucketsAndObjects(true); break; } case 1: { Console.WriteLine("\nEnter the number of the object to delete:"); var allFiles = await ListBucketsAndObjects(true); var fileChoice = GetChoiceResponse(null, allFiles.Select(f => f.Key).ToArray()); await _s3ActionsWrapper.DeleteObjectFromBucket(allFiles[fileChoice].BucketName, allFiles[fileChoice].Key, false, allFiles[fileChoice].VersionId); break; } case 2: { Console.WriteLine("\nEnter the number of the object to delete:"); var allFiles = await ListBucketsAndObjects(true); var fileChoice = GetChoiceResponse(null, allFiles.Select(f => f.Key).ToArray()); await _s3ActionsWrapper.DeleteObjectFromBucket(allFiles[fileChoice].BucketName, allFiles[fileChoice].Key, true, allFiles[fileChoice].VersionId); break; } case 3: { var allFiles = await ListBucketsAndObjects(true); Console.WriteLine("\nEnter the number of the object to overwrite:"); var fileChoice = GetChoiceResponse(null, allFiles.Select(f => f.Key).ToArray()); // Create the file if it does not already exist. if (!File.Exists(allFiles[fileChoice].Key)) { await using StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(allFiles[fileChoice].Key); await sw.WriteLineAsync( "This is a sample file for uploading to a bucket."); } await _s3ActionsWrapper.UploadFileAsync(allFiles[fileChoice].BucketName, allFiles[fileChoice].Key, allFiles[fileChoice].Key); break; } case 4: { var allFiles = await ListBucketsAndObjects(true); Console.WriteLine("\nEnter the number of the object and bucket to view:"); var fileChoice = GetChoiceResponse(null, allFiles.Select(f => f.Key).ToArray()); await _s3ActionsWrapper.GetObjectRetention(allFiles[fileChoice].BucketName, allFiles[fileChoice].Key); await _s3ActionsWrapper.GetBucketObjectLockConfiguration(allFiles[fileChoice].BucketName); break; } case 5: { var allFiles = await ListBucketsAndObjects(true); Console.WriteLine("\nEnter the number of the object to view:"); var fileChoice = GetChoiceResponse(null, allFiles.Select(f => f.Key).ToArray()); await _s3ActionsWrapper.GetObjectLegalHold(allFiles[fileChoice].BucketName, allFiles[fileChoice].Key); break; } } } return true; } // <summary> /// Clean up the resources from the scenario. /// </summary> /// <param name="interactive">True to run as interactive.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public static async Task<bool> Cleanup(bool interactive) { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); if (!interactive || GetYesNoResponse("Do you want to clean up all files and buckets? (y/n) ")) { // Remove all locks and delete all buckets and objects. var allFiles = await ListBucketsAndObjects(false); foreach (var fileInfo in allFiles) { // Check for a legal hold. var legalHold = await _s3ActionsWrapper.GetObjectLegalHold(fileInfo.BucketName, fileInfo.Key); if (legalHold?.Status?.Value == ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus.On) { await _s3ActionsWrapper.ModifyObjectLegalHold(fileInfo.BucketName, fileInfo.Key, ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus.Off); } // Check for a retention period. var retention = await _s3ActionsWrapper.GetObjectRetention(fileInfo.BucketName, fileInfo.Key); var hasRetentionPeriod = retention?.Mode == ObjectLockRetentionMode.Governance && retention.RetainUntilDate > DateTime.UtcNow.Date; await _s3ActionsWrapper.DeleteObjectFromBucket(fileInfo.BucketName, fileInfo.Key, hasRetentionPeriod, fileInfo.VersionId); } foreach (var bucketName in bucketNames) { await _s3ActionsWrapper.DeleteBucketByName(bucketName); } } else { Console.WriteLine( "Ok, we'll leave the resources intact.\n" + "Don't forget to delete them when you're done with them or you might incur unexpected charges." ); } Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); return true; } /// <summary> /// Helper method to get a yes or no response from the user. /// </summary> /// <param name="question">The question string to print on the console.</param> /// <returns>True if the user responds with a yes.</returns> private static bool GetYesNoResponse(string question) { Console.WriteLine(question); var ynResponse = Console.ReadLine(); var response = ynResponse != null && ynResponse.Equals("y", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); return response; } /// <summary> /// Helper method to get a choice response from the user. /// </summary> /// <param name="question">The question string to print on the console.</param> /// <param name="choices">The choices to print on the console.</param> /// <returns>The index of the selected choice</returns> private static int GetChoiceResponse(string? question, string[] choices) { if (question != null) { Console.WriteLine(question); for (int i = 0; i < choices.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"\t{i + 1}. {choices[i]}"); } } var choiceNumber = 0; while (choiceNumber < 1 || choiceNumber > choices.Length) { var choice = Console.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(choice, out choiceNumber); } return choiceNumber - 1; } }

S3 함수의 래퍼 클래스입니다.

using System.Net; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; namespace S3ObjectLockScenario; /// <summary> /// Encapsulate the Amazon S3 operations. /// </summary> public class S3ActionsWrapper { private readonly IAmazonS3 _amazonS3; /// <summary> /// Constructor for the S3ActionsWrapper. /// </summary> /// <param name="amazonS3">The injected S3 client.</param> public S3ActionsWrapper(IAmazonS3 amazonS3, IConfiguration configuration) { _amazonS3 = amazonS3; } /// <summary> /// Create a new Amazon S3 bucket with object lock actions. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket to create.</param> /// <param name="enableObjectLock">True to enable object lock on the bucket.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> CreateBucketWithObjectLock(string bucketName, bool enableObjectLock) { Console.WriteLine($"\tCreating bucket {bucketName} with object lock {enableObjectLock}."); try { var request = new PutBucketRequest { BucketName = bucketName, UseClientRegion = true, ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = enableObjectLock, }; var response = await _amazonS3.PutBucketAsync(request); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error creating bucket: '{ex.Message}'"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// Enable object lock on an existing bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket to modify.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> EnableObjectLockOnBucket(string bucketName) { try { // First, enable Versioning on the bucket. await _amazonS3.PutBucketVersioningAsync(new PutBucketVersioningRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, VersioningConfig = new S3BucketVersioningConfig() { EnableMfaDelete = false, Status = VersionStatus.Enabled } }); var request = new PutObjectLockConfigurationRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, ObjectLockConfiguration = new ObjectLockConfiguration() { ObjectLockEnabled = new ObjectLockEnabled("Enabled"), }, }; var response = await _amazonS3.PutObjectLockConfigurationAsync(request); Console.WriteLine($"\tAdded an object lock policy to bucket {bucketName}."); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error modifying object lock: '{ex.Message}'"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// Set or modify a retention period on an object in an S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket of the object.</param> /// <param name="objectKey">The key of the object.</param> /// <param name="retention">The retention mode.</param> /// <param name="retainUntilDate">The date retention expires.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> ModifyObjectRetentionPeriod(string bucketName, string objectKey, ObjectLockRetentionMode retention, DateTime retainUntilDate) { try { var request = new PutObjectRetentionRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectKey, Retention = new ObjectLockRetention() { Mode = retention, RetainUntilDate = retainUntilDate } }; var response = await _amazonS3.PutObjectRetentionAsync(request); Console.WriteLine($"\tSet retention for {objectKey} in {bucketName} until {retainUntilDate:d}."); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"\tError modifying retention period: '{ex.Message}'"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// Set or modify a retention period on an S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket to modify.</param> /// <param name="retention">The retention mode.</param> /// <param name="retainUntilDate">The date for retention until.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> ModifyBucketDefaultRetention(string bucketName, bool enableObjectLock, ObjectLockRetentionMode retention, DateTime retainUntilDate) { var enabledString = enableObjectLock ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"; var timeDifference = retainUntilDate.Subtract(DateTime.Now); try { // First, enable Versioning on the bucket. await _amazonS3.PutBucketVersioningAsync(new PutBucketVersioningRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, VersioningConfig = new S3BucketVersioningConfig() { EnableMfaDelete = false, Status = VersionStatus.Enabled } }); var request = new PutObjectLockConfigurationRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, ObjectLockConfiguration = new ObjectLockConfiguration() { ObjectLockEnabled = new ObjectLockEnabled(enabledString), Rule = new ObjectLockRule() { DefaultRetention = new DefaultRetention() { Mode = retention, Days = timeDifference.Days // Can be specified in days or years but not both. } } } }; var response = await _amazonS3.PutObjectLockConfigurationAsync(request); Console.WriteLine($"\tAdded a default retention to bucket {bucketName}."); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"\tError modifying object lock: '{ex.Message}'"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// Get the retention period for an S3 object. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket of the object.</param> /// <param name="objectKey">The object key.</param> /// <returns>The object retention details.</returns> public async Task<ObjectLockRetention> GetObjectRetention(string bucketName, string objectKey) { try { var request = new GetObjectRetentionRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectKey }; var response = await _amazonS3.GetObjectRetentionAsync(request); Console.WriteLine($"\tObject retention for {objectKey} in {bucketName}: " + $"\n\t{response.Retention.Mode} until {response.Retention.RetainUntilDate:d}."); return response.Retention; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"\tUnable to fetch object lock retention: '{ex.Message}'"); return new ObjectLockRetention(); } } /// <summary> /// Set or modify a legal hold on an object in an S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket of the object.</param> /// <param name="objectKey">The key of the object.</param> /// <param name="holdStatus">The On or Off status for the legal hold.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> ModifyObjectLegalHold(string bucketName, string objectKey, ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus holdStatus) { try { var request = new PutObjectLegalHoldRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectKey, LegalHold = new ObjectLockLegalHold() { Status = holdStatus } }; var response = await _amazonS3.PutObjectLegalHoldAsync(request); Console.WriteLine($"\tModified legal hold for {objectKey} in {bucketName}."); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"\tError modifying legal hold: '{ex.Message}'"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// Get the legal hold details for an S3 object. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket of the object.</param> /// <param name="objectKey">The object key.</param> /// <returns>The object legal hold details.</returns> public async Task<ObjectLockLegalHold> GetObjectLegalHold(string bucketName, string objectKey) { try { var request = new GetObjectLegalHoldRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectKey }; var response = await _amazonS3.GetObjectLegalHoldAsync(request); Console.WriteLine($"\tObject legal hold for {objectKey} in {bucketName}: " + $"\n\tStatus: {response.LegalHold.Status}"); return response.LegalHold; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"\tUnable to fetch legal hold: '{ex.Message}'"); return new ObjectLockLegalHold(); } } /// <summary> /// Get the object lock configuration details for an S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket to get details.</param> /// <returns>The bucket's object lock configuration details.</returns> public async Task<ObjectLockConfiguration> GetBucketObjectLockConfiguration(string bucketName) { try { var request = new GetObjectLockConfigurationRequest() { BucketName = bucketName }; var response = await _amazonS3.GetObjectLockConfigurationAsync(request); Console.WriteLine($"\tBucket object lock config for {bucketName} in {bucketName}: " + $"\n\tEnabled: {response.ObjectLockConfiguration.ObjectLockEnabled}" + $"\n\tRule: {response.ObjectLockConfiguration.Rule?.DefaultRetention}"); return response.ObjectLockConfiguration; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"\tUnable to fetch object lock config: '{ex.Message}'"); return new ObjectLockConfiguration(); } } /// <summary> /// Upload a file from the local computer to an Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The Amazon S3 bucket to use.</param> /// <param name="objectName">The object to upload.</param> /// <param name="filePath">The path, including file name, of the object to upload.</param> /// <returns>True if success.<returns> public async Task<bool> UploadFileAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, string filePath) { var request = new PutObjectRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectName, FilePath = filePath, ChecksumAlgorithm = ChecksumAlgorithm.SHA256 }; var response = await _amazonS3.PutObjectAsync(request); if (response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { Console.WriteLine($"\tSuccessfully uploaded {objectName} to {bucketName}."); return true; } else { Console.WriteLine($"\tCould not upload {objectName} to {bucketName}."); return false; } } /// <summary> /// List bucket objects and versions. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The Amazon S3 bucket to use.</param> /// <returns>The list of objects and versions.</returns> public async Task<ListVersionsResponse> ListBucketObjectsAndVersions(string bucketName) { var request = new ListVersionsRequest() { BucketName = bucketName }; var response = await _amazonS3.ListVersionsAsync(request); return response; } /// <summary> /// Delete an object from a specific bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The Amazon S3 bucket to use.</param> /// <param name="objectKey">The key of the object to delete.</param> /// <param name="hasRetention">True if the object has retention settings.</param> /// <param name="versionId">Optional versionId.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> DeleteObjectFromBucket(string bucketName, string objectKey, bool hasRetention, string? versionId = null) { try { var request = new DeleteObjectRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, Key = objectKey, VersionId = versionId, }; if (hasRetention) { // Set the BypassGovernanceRetention header // if the file has retention settings. request.BypassGovernanceRetention = true; } await _amazonS3.DeleteObjectAsync(request); Console.WriteLine( $"Deleted {objectKey} in {bucketName}."); return true; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"\tUnable to delete object {objectKey} in bucket {bucketName}: " + ex.Message); return false; } } /// <summary> /// Delete a specific bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="bucketName">The Amazon S3 bucket to use.</param> /// <param name="objectKey">The key of the object to delete.</param> /// <param name="versionId">Optional versionId.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> DeleteBucketByName(string bucketName) { try { var request = new DeleteBucketRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, }; var response = await _amazonS3.DeleteBucketAsync(request); Console.WriteLine($"\tDelete for {bucketName} complete."); return response.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"\tUnable to delete bucket {bucketName}: " + ex.Message); return false; } } }

다음 코드 예제는 Amazon S3 버킷의 액세스 제어 목록(ACLs)을 관리하는 방법을 보여줍니다.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to manage Amazon Simple Storage Service /// (Amazon S3) access control lists (ACLs) to control Amazon S3 bucket /// access. /// </summary> public class ManageACLs { public static async Task Main() { string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket1"; string newBucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket2"; string keyName = "sample-object.txt"; string emailAddress = "someone@example.com"; // If the AWS Region where your bucket is located is different from // the Region defined for the default user, pass the Amazon S3 bucket's // name to the client constructor. It should look like this: // RegionEndpoint bucketRegion = RegionEndpoint.USEast1; IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(); await TestBucketObjectACLsAsync(client, bucketName, newBucketName, keyName, emailAddress); } /// <summary> /// Creates a new Amazon S3 bucket with a canned ACL, then retrieves the ACL /// information and then adds a new ACL to one of the objects in the /// Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// methods to create a bucket, get an ACL, and add a different ACL to /// one of the objects.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">A string representing the original Amazon S3 /// bucket name.</param> /// <param name="newBucketName">A string representing the name of the /// new bucket that will be created.</param> /// <param name="keyName">A string representing the key name of an Amazon S3 /// object for which we will change the ACL.</param> /// <param name="emailAddress">A string representing the email address /// belonging to the person to whom access to the Amazon S3 bucket will be /// granted.</param> public static async Task TestBucketObjectACLsAsync( IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string newBucketName, string keyName, string emailAddress) { try { // Create a new Amazon S3 bucket and specify canned ACL. var success = await CreateBucketWithCannedACLAsync(client, newBucketName); // Get the ACL on a bucket. await GetBucketACLAsync(client, bucketName); // Add (replace) the ACL on an object in a bucket. await AddACLToExistingObjectAsync(client, bucketName, keyName, emailAddress); } catch (AmazonS3Exception amazonS3Exception) { Console.WriteLine($"Exception: {amazonS3Exception.Message}"); } } /// <summary> /// Creates a new Amazon S3 bucket with a canned ACL attached. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized client object used to call /// PutBucketAsync.</param> /// <param name="newBucketName">A string representing the name of the /// new Amazon S3 bucket.</param> /// <returns>Returns a boolean value indicating success or failure.</returns> public static async Task<bool> CreateBucketWithCannedACLAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string newBucketName) { var request = new PutBucketRequest() { BucketName = newBucketName, BucketRegion = S3Region.EUWest1, // Add a canned ACL. CannedACL = S3CannedACL.LogDeliveryWrite, }; var response = await client.PutBucketAsync(request); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } /// <summary> /// Retrieves the ACL associated with the Amazon S3 bucket name in the /// bucketName parameter. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized client object used to call /// PutBucketAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The Amazon S3 bucket for which we want to get the /// ACL list.</param> /// <returns>Returns an S3AccessControlList returned from the call to /// GetACLAsync.</returns> public static async Task<S3AccessControlList> GetBucketACLAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { GetACLResponse response = await client.GetACLAsync(new GetACLRequest { BucketName = bucketName, }); return response.AccessControlList; } /// <summary> /// Adds a new ACL to an existing object in the Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized client object used to call /// PutBucketAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">A string representing the name of the Amazon S3 /// bucket containing the object to which we want to apply a new ACL.</param> /// <param name="keyName">A string representing the name of the object /// to which we want to apply the new ACL.</param> /// <param name="emailAddress">The email address of the person to whom /// we will be applying to whom access will be granted.</param> public static async Task AddACLToExistingObjectAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string keyName, string emailAddress) { // Retrieve the ACL for an object. GetACLResponse aclResponse = await client.GetACLAsync(new GetACLRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = keyName, }); S3AccessControlList acl = aclResponse.AccessControlList; // Retrieve the owner. Owner owner = acl.Owner; // Clear existing grants. acl.Grants.Clear(); // Add a grant to reset the owner's full permission // (the previous clear statement removed all permissions). var fullControlGrant = new S3Grant { Grantee = new S3Grantee { CanonicalUser = acl.Owner.Id }, }; acl.AddGrant(fullControlGrant.Grantee, S3Permission.FULL_CONTROL); // Specify email to identify grantee for granting permissions. var grantUsingEmail = new S3Grant { Grantee = new S3Grantee { EmailAddress = emailAddress }, Permission = S3Permission.WRITE_ACP, }; // Specify log delivery group as grantee. var grantLogDeliveryGroup = new S3Grant { Grantee = new S3Grantee { URI = "http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/s3/LogDelivery" }, Permission = S3Permission.WRITE, }; // Create a new ACL. var newAcl = new S3AccessControlList { Grants = new List<S3Grant> { grantUsingEmail, grantLogDeliveryGroup }, Owner = owner, }; // Set the new ACL. We're throwing away the response here. _ = await client.PutACLAsync(new PutACLRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = keyName, AccessControlList = newAcl, }); } }

다음 코드 예제에서는 Amazon S3 객체의 멀티파트 복사를 수행하는 방법을 보여줍니다.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to perform a multi-part copy from one Amazon /// Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to another. /// </summary> public class MPUapiCopyObj { private const string SourceBucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket1"; private const string TargetBucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket2"; private const string SourceObjectKey = "example.mov"; private const string TargetObjectKey = "copied_video_file.mov"; /// <summary> /// This method starts the multi-part upload. /// </summary> public static async Task Main() { var s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(); Console.WriteLine("Copying object..."); await MPUCopyObjectAsync(s3Client); } /// <summary> /// This method uses the passed client object to perform a multipart /// copy operation. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">An Amazon S3 client object that will be used /// to perform the copy.</param> public static async Task MPUCopyObjectAsync(AmazonS3Client client) { // Create a list to store the copy part responses. var copyResponses = new List<CopyPartResponse>(); // Setup information required to initiate the multipart upload. var initiateRequest = new InitiateMultipartUploadRequest { BucketName = TargetBucket, Key = TargetObjectKey, }; // Initiate the upload. InitiateMultipartUploadResponse initResponse = await client.InitiateMultipartUploadAsync(initiateRequest); // Save the upload ID. string uploadId = initResponse.UploadId; try { // Get the size of the object. var metadataRequest = new GetObjectMetadataRequest { BucketName = SourceBucket, Key = SourceObjectKey, }; GetObjectMetadataResponse metadataResponse = await client.GetObjectMetadataAsync(metadataRequest); var objectSize = metadataResponse.ContentLength; // Length in bytes. // Copy the parts. var partSize = 5 * (long)Math.Pow(2, 20); // Part size is 5 MB. long bytePosition = 0; for (int i = 1; bytePosition < objectSize; i++) { var copyRequest = new CopyPartRequest { DestinationBucket = TargetBucket, DestinationKey = TargetObjectKey, SourceBucket = SourceBucket, SourceKey = SourceObjectKey, UploadId = uploadId, FirstByte = bytePosition, LastByte = bytePosition + partSize - 1 >= objectSize ? objectSize - 1 : bytePosition + partSize - 1, PartNumber = i, }; copyResponses.Add(await client.CopyPartAsync(copyRequest)); bytePosition += partSize; } // Set up to complete the copy. var completeRequest = new CompleteMultipartUploadRequest { BucketName = TargetBucket, Key = TargetObjectKey, UploadId = initResponse.UploadId, }; completeRequest.AddPartETags(copyResponses); // Complete the copy. CompleteMultipartUploadResponse completeUploadResponse = await client.CompleteMultipartUploadAsync(completeRequest); } catch (AmazonS3Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Error encountered on server. Message:'{e.Message}' when writing an object"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Unknown encountered on server. Message:'{e.Message}' when writing an object"); } } }

다음 코드 예시는 S3 객체 Lambda를 사용하여 애플리케이션의 데이터를 변환하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.


객체가 GET 요청 클라이언트 또는 애플리케이션의 요구 사항에 적합하도록 S3에서 검색된 요청된 객체를 수정하기 위해 표준 S3 요청에 사용자 지정 코드를 추가하는 방법을 보여줍니다.

전체 소스 코드와 설정 및 실행 방법에 대한 지침은 의 전체 예제를 참조하세요GitHub.

이 예시에서 사용되는 서비스
  • Lambda

  • Amazon S3

다음 코드 예제는 Amazon S3에 대용량 파일을 업로드하고 Amazon S3에서 대용량 파일을 다운로드하는 방법을 보여줍니다.

자세한 내용은 멀티파트 업로드를 사용하여 객체 업로드를 참조하십시오.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. AWS 코드 예시 리포지토리에서 전체 예시를 찾고 설정 및 실행하는 방법을 배워보세요.

Amazon S3 TransferUtility S3를 사용하여 S3 버킷과 파일을 주고 받는 호출 함수입니다.

global using System.Text; global using Amazon.S3; global using Amazon.S3.Model; global using Amazon.S3.Transfer; global using TransferUtilityBasics; // This Amazon S3 client uses the default user credentials // defined for this computer. using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(); var transferUtil = new TransferUtility(client); IConfiguration _configuration; _configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("settings.json") // Load test settings from JSON file. .AddJsonFile("settings.local.json", true) // Optionally load local settings. .Build(); // Edit the values in settings.json to use an S3 bucket and files that // exist on your AWS account and on the local computer where you // run this scenario. var bucketName = _configuration["BucketName"]; var localPath = $"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)}\\TransferFolder"; DisplayInstructions(); PressEnter(); Console.WriteLine(); // Upload a single file to an S3 bucket. DisplayTitle("Upload a single file"); var fileToUpload = _configuration["FileToUpload"]; Console.WriteLine($"Uploading {fileToUpload} to the S3 bucket, {bucketName}."); var success = await TransferMethods.UploadSingleFileAsync(transferUtil, bucketName, fileToUpload, localPath); if (success) { Console.WriteLine($"Successfully uploaded the file, {fileToUpload} to {bucketName}."); } PressEnter(); // Upload a local directory to an S3 bucket. DisplayTitle("Upload all files from a local directory"); Console.WriteLine("Upload all the files in a local folder to an S3 bucket."); const string keyPrefix = "UploadFolder"; var uploadPath = $"{localPath}\\UploadFolder"; Console.WriteLine($"Uploading the files in {uploadPath} to {bucketName}"); DisplayTitle($"{uploadPath} files"); DisplayLocalFiles(uploadPath); Console.WriteLine(); PressEnter(); success = await TransferMethods.UploadFullDirectoryAsync(transferUtil, bucketName, keyPrefix, uploadPath); if (success) { Console.WriteLine($"Successfully uploaded the files in {uploadPath} to {bucketName}."); Console.WriteLine($"{bucketName} currently contains the following files:"); await DisplayBucketFiles(client, bucketName, keyPrefix); Console.WriteLine(); } PressEnter(); // Download a single file from an S3 bucket. DisplayTitle("Download a single file"); Console.WriteLine("Now we will download a single file from an S3 bucket."); var keyName = _configuration["FileToDownload"]; Console.WriteLine($"Downloading {keyName} from {bucketName}."); success = await TransferMethods.DownloadSingleFileAsync(transferUtil, bucketName, keyName, localPath); if (success) { Console.WriteLine("$Successfully downloaded the file, {keyName} from {bucketName}."); } PressEnter(); // Download the contents of a directory from an S3 bucket. DisplayTitle("Download the contents of an S3 bucket"); var s3Path = _configuration["S3Path"]; var downloadPath = $"{localPath}\\{s3Path}"; Console.WriteLine($"Downloading the contents of {bucketName}\\{s3Path}"); Console.WriteLine($"{bucketName}\\{s3Path} contains the following files:"); await DisplayBucketFiles(client, bucketName, s3Path); Console.WriteLine(); success = await TransferMethods.DownloadS3DirectoryAsync(transferUtil, bucketName, s3Path, downloadPath); if (success) { Console.WriteLine($"Downloaded the files in {bucketName} to {downloadPath}."); Console.WriteLine($"{downloadPath} now contains the following files:"); DisplayLocalFiles(downloadPath); } Console.WriteLine("\nThe TransferUtility Basics application has completed."); PressEnter(); // Displays the title for a section of the scenario. static void DisplayTitle(string titleText) { var sepBar = new string('-', Console.WindowWidth); Console.WriteLine(sepBar); Console.WriteLine(CenterText(titleText)); Console.WriteLine(sepBar); } // Displays a description of the actions to be performed by the scenario. static void DisplayInstructions() { var sepBar = new string('-', Console.WindowWidth); DisplayTitle("Amazon S3 Transfer Utility Basics"); Console.WriteLine("This program shows how to use the Amazon S3 Transfer Utility."); Console.WriteLine("It performs the following actions:"); Console.WriteLine("\t1. Upload a single object to an S3 bucket."); Console.WriteLine("\t2. Upload an entire directory from the local computer to an\n\t S3 bucket."); Console.WriteLine("\t3. Download a single object from an S3 bucket."); Console.WriteLine("\t4. Download the objects in an S3 bucket to a local directory."); Console.WriteLine($"\n{sepBar}"); } // Pauses the scenario. static void PressEnter() { Console.WriteLine("Press <Enter> to continue."); _ = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("\n"); } // Returns the string textToCenter, padded on the left with spaces // that center the text on the console display. static string CenterText(string textToCenter) { var centeredText = new StringBuilder(); var screenWidth = Console.WindowWidth; centeredText.Append(new string(' ', (int)(screenWidth - textToCenter.Length) / 2)); centeredText.Append(textToCenter); return centeredText.ToString(); } // Displays a list of file names included in the specified path. static void DisplayLocalFiles(string localPath) { var fileList = Directory.GetFiles(localPath); if (fileList.Length > 0) { foreach (var fileName in fileList) { Console.WriteLine(fileName); } } } // Displays a list of the files in the specified S3 bucket and prefix. static async Task DisplayBucketFiles(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string s3Path) { ListObjectsV2Request request = new() { BucketName = bucketName, Prefix = s3Path, MaxKeys = 5, }; var response = new ListObjectsV2Response(); do { response = await client.ListObjectsV2Async(request); response.S3Objects .ForEach(obj => Console.WriteLine($"{obj.Key}")); // If the response is truncated, set the request ContinuationToken // from the NextContinuationToken property of the response. request.ContinuationToken = response.NextContinuationToken; } while (response.IsTruncated); }

단일 파일을 업로드합니다.

/// <summary> /// Uploads a single file from the local computer to an S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="transferUtil">The transfer initialized TransferUtility /// object.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the S3 bucket where the file /// will be stored.</param> /// <param name="fileName">The name of the file to upload.</param> /// <param name="localPath">The local path where the file is stored.</param> /// <returns>A boolean value indicating the success of the action.</returns> public static async Task<bool> UploadSingleFileAsync( TransferUtility transferUtil, string bucketName, string fileName, string localPath) { if (File.Exists($"{localPath}\\{fileName}")) { try { await transferUtil.UploadAsync(new TransferUtilityUploadRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = fileName, FilePath = $"{localPath}\\{fileName}", }); return true; } catch (AmazonS3Exception s3Ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Could not upload {fileName} from {localPath} because:"); Console.WriteLine(s3Ex.Message); return false; } } else { Console.WriteLine($"{fileName} does not exist in {localPath}"); return false; } }

전체 로컬 디렉토리를 업로드합니다.

/// <summary> /// Uploads all the files in a local directory to a directory in an S3 /// bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="transferUtil">The transfer initialized TransferUtility /// object.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the S3 bucket where the files /// will be stored.</param> /// <param name="keyPrefix">The key prefix is the S3 directory where /// the files will be stored.</param> /// <param name="localPath">The local directory that contains the files /// to be uploaded.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value representing the success of the action.</returns> public static async Task<bool> UploadFullDirectoryAsync( TransferUtility transferUtil, string bucketName, string keyPrefix, string localPath) { if (Directory.Exists(localPath)) { try { await transferUtil.UploadDirectoryAsync(new TransferUtilityUploadDirectoryRequest { BucketName = bucketName, KeyPrefix = keyPrefix, Directory = localPath, }); return true; } catch (AmazonS3Exception s3Ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Can't upload the contents of {localPath} because:"); Console.WriteLine(s3Ex?.Message); return false; } } else { Console.WriteLine($"The directory {localPath} does not exist."); return false; } }

단일 파일을 다운로드합니다.

/// <summary> /// Download a single file from an S3 bucket to the local computer. /// </summary> /// <param name="transferUtil">The transfer initialized TransferUtility /// object.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the S3 bucket containing the /// file to download.</param> /// <param name="keyName">The name of the file to download.</param> /// <param name="localPath">The path on the local computer where the /// downloaded file will be saved.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value indicating the results of the action.</returns> public static async Task<bool> DownloadSingleFileAsync( TransferUtility transferUtil, string bucketName, string keyName, string localPath) { await transferUtil.DownloadAsync(new TransferUtilityDownloadRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = keyName, FilePath = $"{localPath}\\{keyName}", }); return (File.Exists($"{localPath}\\{keyName}")); }

S3 버킷의 콘텐츠를 다운로드합니다.

/// <summary> /// Downloads the contents of a directory in an S3 bucket to a /// directory on the local computer. /// </summary> /// <param name="transferUtil">The transfer initialized TransferUtility /// object.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket containing the files to download.</param> /// <param name="s3Path">The S3 directory where the files are located.</param> /// <param name="localPath">The local path to which the files will be /// saved.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value representing the success of the action.</returns> public static async Task<bool> DownloadS3DirectoryAsync( TransferUtility transferUtil, string bucketName, string s3Path, string localPath) { int fileCount = 0; // If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created. if (Directory.Exists(s3Path)) { var files = Directory.GetFiles(localPath); fileCount = files.Length; } await transferUtil.DownloadDirectoryAsync(new TransferUtilityDownloadDirectoryRequest { BucketName = bucketName, LocalDirectory = localPath, S3Directory = s3Path, }); if (Directory.Exists(localPath)) { var files = Directory.GetFiles(localPath); if (files.Length > fileCount) { return true; } // No change in the number of files. Assume // the download failed. return false; } // The local directory doesn't exist. No files // were downloaded. return false; }

를 사용하여 업로드 진행 상황을 추적합니다 TransferUtility.

using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Transfer; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to track the progress of a multipart upload /// using the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) TransferUtility to /// upload to an Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> public class TrackMPUUsingHighLevelAPI { public static async Task Main() { string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; string keyName = "sample_pic.png"; string path = "filepath/directory/"; string filePath = $"{path}{keyName}"; // If the AWS Region defined for your default user is different // from the Region where your Amazon S3 bucket is located, // pass the Region name to the Amazon S3 client object's constructor. // For example: RegionEndpoint.USWest2 or RegionEndpoint.USEast2. IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(); await TrackMPUAsync(client, bucketName, filePath, keyName); } /// <summary> /// Starts an Amazon S3 multipart upload and assigns an event handler to /// track the progress of the upload. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to /// perform the multipart upload.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket to which to upload /// the file.</param> /// <param name="filePath">The path, including the file name of the /// file to be uploaded to the Amazon S3 bucket.</param> /// <param name="keyName">The file name to be used in the /// destination Amazon S3 bucket.</param> public static async Task TrackMPUAsync( IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string filePath, string keyName) { try { var fileTransferUtility = new TransferUtility(client); // Use TransferUtilityUploadRequest to configure options. // In this example we subscribe to an event. var uploadRequest = new TransferUtilityUploadRequest { BucketName = bucketName, FilePath = filePath, Key = keyName, }; uploadRequest.UploadProgressEvent += new EventHandler<UploadProgressArgs>( UploadRequest_UploadPartProgressEvent); await fileTransferUtility.UploadAsync(uploadRequest); Console.WriteLine("Upload completed"); } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error:: {ex.Message}"); } } /// <summary> /// Event handler to check the progress of the multipart upload. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The object that raised the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The object that contains multipart upload /// information.</param> public static void UploadRequest_UploadPartProgressEvent(object sender, UploadProgressArgs e) { // Process event. Console.WriteLine($"{e.TransferredBytes}/{e.TotalBytes}"); } }

암호화를 사용하여 객체를 업로드합니다.

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) low level API to /// perform a multipart upload to an Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> public class SSECLowLevelMPUcopyObject { public static async Task Main() { string existingBucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; string sourceKeyName = "sample_file.txt"; string targetKeyName = "sample_file_copy.txt"; string filePath = $"sample\\{targetKeyName}"; // If the AWS Region defined for your default user is different // from the Region where your Amazon S3 bucket is located, // pass the Region name to the Amazon S3 client object's constructor. // For example: RegionEndpoint.USEast1. IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(); // Create the encryption key. var base64Key = CreateEncryptionKey(); await CreateSampleObjUsingClientEncryptionKeyAsync( client, existingBucketName, sourceKeyName, filePath, base64Key); } /// <summary> /// Creates the encryption key to use with the multipart upload. /// </summary> /// <returns>A string containing the base64-encoded key for encrypting /// the multipart upload.</returns> public static string CreateEncryptionKey() { Aes aesEncryption = Aes.Create(); aesEncryption.KeySize = 256; aesEncryption.GenerateKey(); string base64Key = Convert.ToBase64String(aesEncryption.Key); return base64Key; } /// <summary> /// Creates and uploads an object using a multipart upload. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 object used to /// initialize and perform the multipart upload.</param> /// <param name="existingBucketName">The name of the bucket to which /// the object will be uploaded.</param> /// <param name="sourceKeyName">The source object name.</param> /// <param name="filePath">The location of the source object.</param> /// <param name="base64Key">The encryption key to use with the upload.</param> public static async Task CreateSampleObjUsingClientEncryptionKeyAsync( IAmazonS3 client, string existingBucketName, string sourceKeyName, string filePath, string base64Key) { List<UploadPartResponse> uploadResponses = new List<UploadPartResponse>(); InitiateMultipartUploadRequest initiateRequest = new InitiateMultipartUploadRequest { BucketName = existingBucketName, Key = sourceKeyName, ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod = ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod.AES256, ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey = base64Key, }; InitiateMultipartUploadResponse initResponse = await client.InitiateMultipartUploadAsync(initiateRequest); long contentLength = new FileInfo(filePath).Length; long partSize = 5 * (long)Math.Pow(2, 20); // 5 MB try { long filePosition = 0; for (int i = 1; filePosition < contentLength; i++) { UploadPartRequest uploadRequest = new UploadPartRequest { BucketName = existingBucketName, Key = sourceKeyName, UploadId = initResponse.UploadId, PartNumber = i, PartSize = partSize, FilePosition = filePosition, FilePath = filePath, ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod = ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod.AES256, ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey = base64Key, }; // Upload part and add response to our list. uploadResponses.Add(await client.UploadPartAsync(uploadRequest)); filePosition += partSize; } CompleteMultipartUploadRequest completeRequest = new CompleteMultipartUploadRequest { BucketName = existingBucketName, Key = sourceKeyName, UploadId = initResponse.UploadId, }; completeRequest.AddPartETags(uploadResponses); CompleteMultipartUploadResponse completeUploadResponse = await client.CompleteMultipartUploadAsync(completeRequest); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine($"Exception occurred: {exception.Message}"); // If there was an error, abort the multipart upload. AbortMultipartUploadRequest abortMPURequest = new AbortMultipartUploadRequest { BucketName = existingBucketName, Key = sourceKeyName, UploadId = initResponse.UploadId, }; await client.AbortMultipartUploadAsync(abortMPURequest); } } }

서버리스 예제

다음 코드 예제는 S3 버킷에 객체를 업로드하여 트리거된 이벤트를 수신하는 Lambda 함수를 구현하는 방법을 보여줍니다. 함수는 이벤트 파라미터에서 S3 버킷 이름과 객체 키를 검색하고 Amazon S3를 호출API하여 객체의 콘텐츠 유형을 검색하고 기록합니다.


에 대한 자세한 내용은 를 참조하세요 GitHub. 서버리스 예제 리포지토리에서 전체 예제를 찾아보고 설정 및 실행 방법을 알아봅니다.

를 사용하여 Lambda로 S3 이벤트 소비NET.

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Lambda.Core; using Amazon.S3; using System; using Amazon.Lambda.S3Events; using System.Web; // Assembly attribute to enable the Lambda function's JSON input to be converted into a .NET class. [assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer))] namespace S3Integration { public class Function { private static AmazonS3Client _s3Client; public Function() : this(null) { } internal Function(AmazonS3Client s3Client) { _s3Client = s3Client ?? new AmazonS3Client(); } public async Task<string> Handler(S3Event evt, ILambdaContext context) { try { if (evt.Records.Count <= 0) { context.Logger.LogLine("Empty S3 Event received"); return string.Empty; } var bucket = evt.Records[0].S3.Bucket.Name; var key = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(evt.Records[0].S3.Object.Key); context.Logger.LogLine($"Request is for {bucket} and {key}"); var objectResult = await _s3Client.GetObjectAsync(bucket, key); context.Logger.LogLine($"Returning {objectResult.Key}"); return objectResult.Key; } catch (Exception e) { context.Logger.LogLine($"Error processing request - {e.Message}"); return string.Empty; } } } }