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Amazon Textract Textract를 사용하여 문서의 비동기 분석을 시작합니다.AWSSDK
다음 코드 예제에서는 Amazon Textract Textract를 사용하여 문서의 비동기 분석을 시작하는 방법을 보여줍니다.
- Java
- SDK for Java 2.x
public static String startDocAnalysisS3 (TextractClient textractClient, String bucketName, String docName) { try { List<FeatureType> myList = new ArrayList<FeatureType>(); myList.add(FeatureType.TABLES); myList.add(FeatureType.FORMS); S3Object s3Object = S3Object.builder() .bucket(bucketName) .name(docName) .build(); DocumentLocation location = DocumentLocation.builder() .s3Object(s3Object) .build(); StartDocumentAnalysisRequest documentAnalysisRequest = StartDocumentAnalysisRequest.builder() .documentLocation(location) .featureTypes(myList) .build(); StartDocumentAnalysisResponse response = textractClient.startDocumentAnalysis(documentAnalysisRequest); // Get the job ID String jobId = response.jobId(); return jobId; } catch (TextractException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } return "" ; } private static String getJobResults(TextractClient textractClient, String jobId) { boolean finished = false; int index = 0 ; String status = "" ; try { while (!finished) { GetDocumentAnalysisRequest analysisRequest = GetDocumentAnalysisRequest.builder() .jobId(jobId) .maxResults(1000) .build(); GetDocumentAnalysisResponse response = textractClient.getDocumentAnalysis(analysisRequest); status = response.jobStatus().toString(); if (status.compareTo("SUCCEEDED") == 0) finished = true; else { System.out.println(index + " status is: " + status); Thread.sleep(1000); } index++ ; } return status; } catch( InterruptedException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } return ""; }
에서 지침과 추가 코드를 확인해 보세요. -
API 자세한 내용은 단원을 참조하십시오.StartDocumentAnalysis에서AWS SDK for Java 2.xAPI 참조.
- Python
- SDK for Python(Boto3)
비동기 작업을 시작하여 문서를 분석합니다.
class TextractWrapper: """Encapsulates Textract functions.""" def __init__(self, textract_client, s3_resource, sqs_resource): """ :param textract_client: A Boto3 Textract client. :param s3_resource: A Boto3 Amazon S3 resource. :param sqs_resource: A Boto3 Amazon SQS resource. """ self.textract_client = textract_client self.s3_resource = s3_resource self.sqs_resource = sqs_resource def start_analysis_job( self, bucket_name, document_file_name, feature_types, sns_topic_arn, sns_role_arn): """ Starts an asynchronous job to detect text and additional elements, such as forms or tables, in an image stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. Textract publishes a notification to the specified Amazon SNS topic when the job completes. The image must be in PNG, JPG, or PDF format. :param bucket_name: The name of the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the image. :param document_file_name: The name of the document image stored in Amazon S3. :param feature_types: The types of additional document features to detect. :param sns_topic_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Amazon SNS topic where job completion notification is published. :param sns_role_arn: The ARN of an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that can be assumed by Textract and grants permission to publish to the Amazon SNS topic. :return: The ID of the job. """ try: response = self.textract_client.start_document_analysis( DocumentLocation={ 'S3Object': {'Bucket': bucket_name, 'Name': document_file_name}}, NotificationChannel={ 'SNSTopicArn': sns_topic_arn, 'RoleArn': sns_role_arn}, FeatureTypes=feature_types) job_id = response['JobId'] logger.info( "Started text analysis job %s on %s.", job_id, document_file_name) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't analyze text in %s.", document_file_name) raise else: return job_id
에서 지침과 추가 코드를 확인해 보세요. -
API 자세한 내용은 단원을 참조하십시오.StartDocumentAnalysis에서AWSPython용 API 참조 SDK (Boto3).
의 전체 목록은 단원을 참조하십시오.AWSSDK 개발자 가이드 및 코드 예제는 다음을 참조하십시오.와 함께 Amazon Textract 추출을 사용하여AWSSDK. 이 항목에는 시작에 대한 정보와 이전 SDK 버전에 대한 세부 정보도 포함되어 있습니다.
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