Custom origin with CloudFront
Unlike Amazon S3, which is a static object storage system, custom origins such as web servers can inspect incoming HTTP requests and decide to discard the request. You can allow only trusted CloudFront distribution to access your origin by adding a custom header with a secret value to the origin request in CloudFront, and setting up header inspection from the origin side. ALB has a rule that can be used for this header inspection purpose, if the origin web server is on AWS.

Figure 2 — Adding a secret header from the CloudFront console
CloudFront publishes its IP
address ranges
To find the IP address ranges that are associated with CloudFront edge servers, search ip-ranges.json
for the following string: "service": "CLOUDFRONT"
. Or directly, you can view only the CloudFront IP ranges.
Alternatively, when your origin is hosted on AWS and protected by an Amazon VPC security group, you can use the
CloudFront managed prefix list that contains the IP address ranges of all of CloudFront's globally distributed
origin-facing servers. With the prefix list, you don't need to read or maintain a list of IP address
ranges yourself. The CloudFront managed prefix list is named
By using an IP allowed list and header inspection together, your custom origin allows only traffic from chosen CloudFront distributions to access your private content.