Roles and responsibilities in Lake Formation application integration - AWS Lake Formation

Roles and responsibilities in Lake Formation application integration

Role Responsibility
The customer
The third-party
  • Publicly documents the supported capability for every software revision and provides instructions to enable it correctly.

  • Accurately advertises the supported capabilities when calling Lake Formation credential vending API operations (according to the documentation).

  • Securely stores and handles vended credentials to avoid credential leaks and privilege escalation.

  • Enforces permissions based on supported capabilities and returns only filtered data to users

  • Fails the query when unable to properly enforce required permissions

AWS Lake Formation
  • Correctly derives and returns effective permissions for a given principal.

  • Validates third-party supported capabilities on an API operation call-by-call basis.

  • Returns scoped-down IAM credentials only when the engine’s advertised capabilities match those defined on the catalog resources, otherwise returns an error.