Lambda Telemetry API reference - AWS Lambda

Lambda Telemetry API reference

Use the Lambda Telemetry API endpoint to subscribe extensions to telemetry streams. You can retrieve the Telemetry API endpoint from the AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API environment variable. To send an API request, append the API version (2022-07-01/) and telemetry/. For example:


For the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) definition of the subscription responses version 2022-12-13, see the following:

API operations


To subscribe to a telemetry stream, a Lambda extension can send a Subscribe API request.

  • Path/telemetry

  • MethodPUT

  • Headers

    • Content-Type: application/json

  • Request body parameters

    • schemaVersion

      • Required: Yes

      • Type: String

      • Valid values: "2022-12-13" or "2022-07-01"

    • destination – The configuration settings that define the telemetry event destination and the protocol for event delivery.

      • Required: Yes

      • Type: Object

        { "protocol": "HTTP", "URI": "http://sandbox.localdomain:8080" }
      • protocol – The protocol that Lambda uses to send telemetry data.

        • Required: Yes

        • Type: String

        • Valid values: "HTTP"|"TCP"

      • URI – The URI to send telemetry data to.

        • Required: Yes

        • Type: String

      • For more information, see Specifying a destination protocol.

    • types – The types of telemetry that you want the extension to subscribe to.

      • Required: Yes

      • Type: Array of strings

      • Valid values: "platform"|"function"|"extension"

    • buffering – The configuration settings for event buffering.

      • Required: No

      • Type: Object

        { "buffering": { "maxItems": 1000, "maxBytes": 256*1024, "timeoutMs": 100 } }
      • maxItems – The maximum number of events to buffer in memory.

        • Required: No

        • Type: Integer

        • Default: 1,000

        • Minimum: 1,000

        • Maximum: 10,000

      • maxBytes – The maximum volume of telemetry (in bytes) to buffer in memory.

        • Required: No

        • Type: Integer

        • Default: 262,144

        • Minimum: 262,144

        • Maximum: 1,048,576

      • timeoutMs – The maximum time (in milliseconds) to buffer a batch.

        • Required: No

        • Type: Integer

        • Default: 1,000

        • Minimum: 25

        • Maximum: 30,000

      • For more information, see Configuring memory usage and buffering.

Example Subscribe API request

PUT http://${AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API}/2022-07-01/telemetry HTTP/1.1 { "schemaVersion": "2022-12-13", "types": [ "platform", "function", "extension" ], "buffering": { "maxItems": 1000, "maxBytes": 256*1024, "timeoutMs": 100 }, "destination": { "protocol": "HTTP", "URI": "http://sandbox.localdomain:8080" } }

If the Subscribe request succeeds, the extension receives an HTTP 200 success response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK "OK"

If the Subscribe request fails, the extension receives an error response. For example:

HTTP/1.1 400 OK { "errorType": "ValidationError", "errorMessage": "URI port is not provided; types should not be empty" }

Here are some additional response codes that the extension can receive:

  • 200 – Request completed successfully

  • 202 – Request accepted. Subscription request response in local testing environment

  • 400 – Bad request

  • 500 – Service error