The Lambda monolith - AWS Lambda

The Lambda monolith

In many applications migrated from traditional servers, EC2 instances or Elastic Beanstalk applications, developers “lift and shift” existing code. Frequently, this results in a single Lambda function that contains all of the application logic that is triggered for all events. For a basic web application, a monolithic Lambda function would handle all API Gateway routes and integrate with all necessary downstream resources.

event driven architectures figure 13

This approach has several drawbacks:

  • Package size: the Lambda function may be much larger because it contains all possible code for all paths, which makes it slower for the Lambda service to download and run.

  • Hard to enforce least privilege: the function’s IAM role must allow permissions to all resources needed for all paths, making the permissions very broad. Many paths in the functional monolith do not need all the permissions that have been granted.

  • Harder to upgrade: in a production system, any upgrades to the single function are more risky and could cause the entire application to stop working. Upgrading a single path in the Lambda function is an upgrade to the entire function.

  • Harder to maintain: it’s more difficult to have multiple developers working on the service since it’s a monolithic code repository. It also increases the cognitive burden on developers and makes it harder to create appropriate test coverage for code.

  • Harder to reuse code: typically, it can be harder to separate reusable libraries from monoliths, making code reuse more difficult. As you develop and support more projects, this can make it harder to support the code and scale your team’s velocity.

  • Harder to test: as the lines of code increase, it becomes harder to unit all the possible combinations of inputs and entry points in the code base. It’s generally easier to implement unit testing for smaller services with less code.

The preferred alternative is to decompose the monolithic Lambda function into individual microservices, mapping a single Lambda function to a single, well-defined task. In this simple web application with a few API endpoints, the resulting microservice-based architecture can be based upon the API Gateway routes.

event driven architectures figure 14

The process of decomposing a monolith depends upon the complexity of your workload. Using strategies like the strangler pattern, you can migrate code from larger code bases to microservices. There are many potential benefits to running a Lambda-based application this way:

  • Package sizes can be optimized for only the code needed for a single task, which helps make the function more performant, and may reduce running cost. Package size is a determinant of cold start latency, which is covered in chapter 6.

  • IAM roles can be scoped to precisely the access needed by the microservice, making it easier to enforce the principles of least privilege. In controlling the blast radius, using IAM roles this way can give your application a stronger security posture.

  • Easier to upgrade: you can apply upgrades at a microservice level without impacting the entire workload. Upgrades occur at the functional level, not at the application level, and you can implement canary releases to control the rollout.

  • Easier to maintain: adding new features is usually easier when working with a single small service than a monolithic with significant coupling. Frequently, you implement features by adding new Lambda functions without modifying existing code.

  • Easier to reuse code: when you have specialized functions that perform a single task, it’s often easier to copy these across multiple projects. Building a library of generic specialized functions can help accelerate development in future projects.

  • Easier to test: unit testing is easier when there are few lines of code and the range of potential inputs for a function is smaller.

  • Lower cognitive load for developers since each development team has a smaller surface area of the application to understand. This can help accelerate onboarding for new developers.

To learn more, read Decomposing the Monolith with Event storming.