SapHanaMulti - AWS Launch Wizard


The following is an example of the specifications required to create a SAP HANA deployment with multiple nodes and HANA database software installed:

{ "KeyPairName": "ExampleKeyPair", "AvailabilityZone1PrivateSubnet1Id": "subnet-11111111aaaaaaaaa", "VpcId": "vpc-a1b2c3d4", "Timezone" :"PST", "EnableEbsVolumeEncryption" :"Yes", "EbsKmsKeyArn": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:111122223333:alias/aws/ebs", "DatabaseSecurityGroupId" :"sg-1234567890abcdef0", "ApplicationSecurityGroupId" :"sg-1234567890abcdef0", "CreateSecurityGroup": "No", "SapSysGroupId" :"5002", "DatabaseSystemId" :"HYD", "DatabaseInstanceNumber": "00", "DatabasePassword" :"EXAMPLE-PASSWORD", "InstallDatabaseSoftware" :"Yes", "DatabaseInstallationMediaS3Uri" :"s3://launchwizardsoftware/sapmedia/database/hana-20-sp06-rev60", "DatabaseOperatingSystem": "SuSE-Linux-15-SP2-For-SAP-HVM", "DatabaseAmiId" :"ami-1234567890abcdef0", "DatabasePrimaryHostname" :"hanasingle", "DatabaseSubordinateHostnames" :"hanasub1,hanasub2", "DatabaseHostCount" :"3", "DatabaseInstanceType" :"r5.4xlarge", "InstallAwsBackintAgent" :"Yes", "BackintSpecifications": "{\"backintBucketName\":\"launchwizardsoftware\",\"backintBucketFolder\":\"HANABackintBucketFolder\",\"backintBucketRegion\":\"us-east-1\",\"backintKmsKeyArn\":\"arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:111122223333:alias/aws/s3\",\"backintAgentVersion\":\"\",\"backintContinueOnFailure\":\"No\",\"backintCreateEbsVolume\":\"No\"}", "DisableDeploymentRollback" :"Yes", "SnsTopicArn" :"arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:111122223333:InstallStatus", "SaveDeploymentArtifacts" :"Yes", "DeploymentArtifactsS3Uri" :"s3://launchwizardsoftware", "DatabaseAutomaticRecovery": "Yes", "DatabaseLogVolumeType": "gp3" }

The following list describes each specification input:

  • KeyPairName

    Type: String

    Constraints: Up to 255 ASCII characters

    Example: home

    Description: The name of an existing Amazon EC2 key pair. All instances will launch with this key pair.

    Required: Yes

  • VpcId

    Type: String

    Example: vpc-01234567890

    Description: The existing Amazon VPC where you want to deploy the system.

    Required: Yes

  • AvailabilityZone1PrivateSubnet1Id

    Type: String

    Example: subnet-11111111aaaaaaaaa

    Description: The existing private subnet where you want to deploy the system.

    Required: Yes

  • ProxyServerAddress

    Type: String

    Example: http://10.x.x.x:8080

    Description: The ProxyServerAddress address for http access. For example, or http://10.x.x.x:8080.

    Required: No

  • NoProxy

    Type: String

    Example: http://10.x.x.x:8080

    Description: A comma separated list of URLs, CIDR ranges, or IP addresses for which to disable ProxyServerAddress settings using the NO_ProxyServerAddress environment variable. You can specify input for this specification when input has been provided for ProxyServerAddress. Any values you specify are appended to the default configuration for the NO_ProxyServerAddress environment variable. The following entries are used by default:


    Required: No

  • Timezone

    Type: String

    Example: UTC

    Description: The time zone to configure for your SAP resources.

    Required: Yes

  • EnableEbsVolumeEncryption

    Type: String

    AllowedValues: Yes | No

    Description: Specifies whether to encrypt the EBS volumes used for the deployment.

    Required: Yes

  • EbsKmsKeyArn

    Type: String

    Example: arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab

    Description: Specifies a KMS key ARN for encrypting EBS volumes when EnableEbsVolumeEncryption is set to Yes.

    Conditional: If EnableEbsVolumeEncryption is Yes, you must specify a KMS key ARN.

    Required: No

  • CreateSecurityGroup

    Type: String

    AllowedValues: Yes | No

    Description: Specifies whether you want to create new security groups for the deployment.

    Required: Yes

  • NewSecurityGroupRules

    Type: String

    Example: "[{\"type\":\"ip\",\"value\":\"\"},{\"type\":\"securityGroupId\",\"value\":\"sg-0e1c107d640209244\"}]"

    Description: A list of CIDR blocks or Security Group IDs to be used for creating a new security group.

    Conditional: If you specify Yes for CreateSecurityGroup, you must also provide input for this configuration.

    Required: No

  • NewDatabaseSecurityGroupName

    Type: String

    Example: dbsgname

    Description: The name of the database tier security group.

    Conditional: If you specify Yes for CreateSecurityGroup, you must also provide input for this configuration.

    Required: No

  • NewApplicationSecurityGroupName

    Type: String

    Example: dbsgname

    Description: The name of the application tier security group.

    Conditional: If you specify Yes for CreateSecurityGroup, you must also provide input for this configuration.

    Required: No

  • DatabaseSecurityGroupId

    Type: String

    Example: sg-1234567890abcdef

    Description: The security group ID for your HANA database.

    Conditional: If you specify No for CreateSecurityGroup, you must provide an input for this configuration.

    Required: No

  • DomainName

    Type: String


    Description: The domain name to be used for the deployment.

    Required: No

  • HostedZoneName

    Type: String


    Description: The Amazon RouteĀ 53 hosted zone name.

    Required: No

  • HostedZoneId

    Type: String

    Example: Z36KTIQEXAMPLE

    Description: RouteĀ 53 hosted zone id.

    Conditional: If you specify a value for HostedZoneName, you must also provide input for this specification.

    Required: No

  • DedicatedHostId

    Type: CommaDelimitedList String

    Example: h-012a3456b7890cdef

    Description: The existing Dedicated Hosts on which you want to launch your instances.

    Conditional: If you are using Amazon EC2 High Memory Instances, you must provide an input for this specification. For more information on Amazon EC2 High Memory Instances, see Amazon EC2 High Memory Instances.

    Required: No

  • ConfigurationScripts

    Type: String

    Example: {"preConfigurationScripts":{"onFailureBehaviour":"CONTINUE","configurationScripts":[{"nodeTypesToRunScriptFor":["DB"],"s3URL":"s3://launchwizard-scripts-preconfig-us-west-2/","sequence":"0"}]},"postConfigurationScripts":{"onFailureBehaviour":"CONTINUE","configurationScripts":[{"nodeTypesToRunScriptFor":["DB"],"s3URL":"s3://launchwizard-scripts-postconfig-us-west-2/","sequence":"0"}]}}

    Description: A list of pre- and post-configuration deployment scripts formatted as stringified JSON. You can specify one or more pre- or post-configuration scripts separately, or together. You must provide the follow details for each script:

    • The URL for the script that has been uploaded to Amazon S3.

    • A sequence number which specifies the order of execution.

    • The type of node to run the script on. You can only specify DB for this deployment.

    • The behavior to use should a failure or timeout occur when running the script. You can specify CONTINUE to proceed with the deployment or ROLLBACK to cancel the deployment.

    Required: No

  • SapSysGroupId

    Type: String

    Example: 1001

    Description: GID for the sapsys group. The default GID is 1001.

    Required: Yes

  • DatabaseSystemId

    Type: String

    Constraints: This value must consist of 3 characters.

    Example: HDB

    Description: The SAP HANA system ID for installation and setup.

    Required: Yes

  • DatabaseInstanceNumber

    Type: String

    Constraints: The instance number must be between 00 and 97.

    Example: 00

    Description: The SAP HANA instance number to use for installation, setup, and to open ports for security groups.

    Required: Yes

  • DatabasePassword

    Type: String

    Description: The password must:

    • Be between 10 and 13 alphanumeric characters.

    • Not begin with a number or special character.

    • Have at least one uppercase letter.

    • Have at least one lowercase letter.

    • Have at least one digit.

    • Only use the following special characters: #, @, and _.

    Conditional: This specification is only required if Yes was specified for InstallDatabaseSoftware.

    Required: Yes

  • DatabaseLogVolumeType

    Type: String

    AllowedValues: gp2 | gp3 | io1 | io2 | fsx

    Description: The Amazon EBS volume type, or FSx for ONTAP (if supported) file share, for database logging.

    Conditional: If fsx is specified for DatabaseLogVolumeType, you must also specify fsx for DatabaseDataVolumeType.

    Required: Yes

  • DatabaseOthersVolumeType

    Type: String

    AllowedValues: gp2 | gp3 | io1 | io2

    Default: gp3

    Description: The Amazon EBS volume type for other file systems, including the root volume.

    Conditional: If fsx is specified for DatabaseDataVolumeType and DatabaseLogVolumeType, you must provide input for this specification.

    Required: No

  • InstallDatabaseSoftware

    Type: String

    AllowedValues: Yes | No

    Description: Specifies whether to install SAP HANA software.

    Required: Yes

  • DatabaseInstallationMediaS3Uri

    Type: String

    Example: s3://myhanabucket/sap-hana-sps11/

    Description: The full path to the Amazon S3 location with SAP HANA installation media.

    Required: No

  • DatabaseOperatingSystem

    Type: String

    Example: SuSE-Linux-12-SP5-For-SAP-HVM

    Description: The operating system (including the version) for SAP HANA.

    AllowedValues: SuSE-Linux-12-SP4-HVM | SuSE-Linux-12-SP4-For-SAP-HVM | SuSE-Linux-12-SP5-HVM | SuSE-Linux-12-SP5-For-SAP-HVM | SuSE-Linux-15-HVM | SuSE-Linux-15-For-SAP-HVM | SuSE-Linux-15-SP1-HVM | SuSE-Linux-15-SP1-For-SAP-HVM | SuSE-Linux-15-SP2-HVM | SuSE-Linux-15-SP2-For-SAP-HVM | SuSE-Linux-15-SP3-HVM | SuSE-Linux-15-SP3-For-SAP-HVM | SuSE-Linux-15-SP4-HVM | SuSE-Linux-15-SP4-For-SAP-HVM | Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux-7.6-For-SAP-HA-US-HVM | Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux-7.7-For-SAP-HA-US-HVM | Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux-7.9-For-SAP-HA-US-HVM | Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux-8.1-For-SAP-HA-US-HVM | Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux-8.2-For-SAP-HA-US-HVM | Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux-8.4-For-SAP-HA-US-HVM | Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux-8.6-For-SAP-HA-US-HVM | Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux-7.6-BYOS | Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux-7.7-BYOS | Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux-8.1-BYOS | Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux-8.2-BYOS | Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux-8.4-BYOS | Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux-8.6-BYOS | SuSE-Linux-12-SP4-For-SAP-BYOS-HVM | SuSE-Linux-12-SP5-For-SAP-BYOS-HVM | SuSE-Linux-15-For-SAP-BYOS-HVM | SuSE-Linux-15-SP1-For-SAP-BYOS-HVM | SuSE-Linux-15-SP2-For-SAP-BYOS-HVM | SuSE-Linux-15-SP3-For-SAP-BYOS-HVM | SuSE-Linux-15-SP4-For-SAP-BYOS-HVM

    Required: Yes

  • DatabaseAmiId

    Type: String

    Example: ami-11111111111111

    Description: The AMI ID to use for the SAP HANA nodes. The AMI can be provided by Amazon, sourced from AWS Marketplace, or with Bring your own images (BYOI). If the AMI from AWS Marketplace is using the Bring Your Own Subscription model (BYOS), you must provide the registation code for SUSE distributions or an account and password for RHEL distributions.

    Required: Yes

  • DatabaseSlesByosRegistrationCode

    Type: String

    Description: The SLES registration code for Bring Your Own Subscription model (BYOS) images.

    Conditional: If you specify SUSE as the operating system, and it uses BYOS, you must also provide input for this specification.

    Required: No

  • DatabaseRhelByosUserName

    Type: String

    Example: admin

    Description: The username in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system to use.

    Conditional: If you specify a BYOS RHEL AMI, you must also provide input for this specification.

    Required: No

  • DatabaseRhelByosUserPassword

    Type: String

    Description: The password for the user specified in DatabaseRhelByosUserName.

    Conditional: If you specify a BYOS RHEL AMI, you must also provide input for this specification.

    Required: No

  • DatabasePrimaryHostname

    Type: String

    Example: HanaPrimary

    Description: The host name or DNS short name to use for the primary SAP HANA node.

    Required: Yes

  • DatabaseSubordinateHostnames

    Type: String

    Example: SubordinateName1,SubordinateName2

    Description: A comma-separated list of the host names or DNS short names to use for the subordinate nodes.

    Required: Yes

  • DatabaseAutomaticRecovery

    Type: String

    AllowedValues: Yes | No

    Description: Specify Yes to enable Amazon CloudWatch action based recovery for SAP Hana nodes or No to keep it disabled. For HA deployments, set this value to No as the cluster will manage availability for the nodes.

    Required: Yes

  • DatabaseInstanceType

    Type: String

    Example: r5.2xlarge

    Description: The instance type used for SAP HANA nodes.

    Required: Yes

  • InstallAwsBackintAgent

    Type: String

    AllowedValues: Yes | No

    Description: Specifies whether to install the AWS Backint Agent for SAP HANA.

    Conditional: This specification can only used in this deployment pattern if InstallDatabaseSoftware is specified as Yes.

    Required: Yes

  • BackintSpecifications

    Type: String



    Description: Parameters for the AWS Backint Agent for SAP HANA formatted as stringified JSON.

    Conditional: If you specify Yes for InstallAwsBackintAgent, you must also provide input for this specification.

    Required: No

  • DatabasePrimaryByoip

    Type: String


    Description: A private IPv4 address to be used by the primary SAP HANA node. If no value is provided, Amazon EC2 will assign an available IPv4 address in the subnet.

    Required: No

  • DatabaseSubordinateByoips

    Type: String


    Description: A private IPv4 address to be used by the secondary SAP HANA node. If no value is provided, Amazon EC2 will assign an available IPv4 address in the subnet.

    Required: No

  • DatabaseHostCount

    Type: Number

    Min: 2

    Max: 17

    Description: The number of hosts to deploy.

    Required: Yes

  • DatabaseHostAutoFailover

    Type: String

    AllowedValues: Yes | No

    Description: Specified whether the SAP HANA host should use automatic failover.

    Conditional: If you specify fsx for your volume types, you must also provide input for this specification.

    Required: Yes

  • DatabaseStandbyNodeCount

    Type: Number

    Min: 0

    Max: 17

    Description: The number of SAP HANA standby hosts to deploy.

    Conditional: If you specify fsx for your volume types and DatabaseHostAutoFailover is set to Yes, you must also provide input for this specification.

    Required: Yes

  • DatabaseStandbyHostnames

    Type: String

    Example: standby1, standby2, standby3

    Description: The host names, or DNS short names, to use for the SAP HANA standby nodes. You can specify multiple values as a comma-separated list.

    Conditional: If you specify fsx for your volume types, you must also provide input for this specification.

    Required: No

  • DatabaseStandbyByoips

    Type: String


    Description: A private IPv4 address to be used by the standby SAP HANA node. If no value is provided, Amazon EC2 will assign an available IPv4 address in the subnet.

    Required: No

  • DatabaseDataFsxVolumeSize

    Type: Number

    Example: 500

    Description: The volume size of the SAP HANA data volume on Amazon FSx, in GBs.

    Conditional: If you specify fsx for DatabaseDataVolumeType, you must also provide input for this specification.

    Required: No

  • DatabaseLogFsxVolumeSize

    Type: Number

    Example: 50

    Description: The volume size of the SAP HANA log volume on Amazon FSx, in GBs.

    Conditional: If you specify fsx for DatabaseLogVolumeType, you must also provide input for this specification.

    Required: No

  • DatabaseOtherFsxVolumeSize

    Type: Number

    Example: 50

    Description: The volume size of the other SAP HANA volume on Amazon FSx, in GBs.

    Conditional: If you specify fsx for DatabaseOthersVolumeType, you must also provide input for this specification.

    Required: No

  • SnsTopicArn

    Type: String

    Example: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:1234567890:Test-Topic

    Description: The Amazon SNS topic used to receive the final deployment status from Launch Wizard.

    Required: No

  • DisableDeploymentRollback

    Type: String

    AllowedValues: Yes | No

    Description: Specifies whether to disable rollback of the AWS CloudFormation stack if the stack creation fails.

    Required: Yes

  • SaveDeploymentArtifacts

    Type: String

    AllowedValues: Yes | No

    Description: Specifies whether to save the deployment artifacts in Service Catalog after deployment is complete.

    Required: Yes

  • DeploymentArtifactsS3Uri

    Type: String

    Example: s3://save-test-us-east-1

    Description: The Amazon S3 URI in which to save the deployment artifacts for Service Catalog.

    Required: No