The following steps guide you through a Remote Desktop Gateway deployment with AWS Launch Wizard after you have launched it from the console.
When you select Choose application from the AWS Launch Wizard landing page, you are directed to the Choose application wizard where you are prompted to select the type of application that you want to deploy.
Select Microsoft Remote Desktop Gateway, select Deploy into an existing VPC, then select Create deployment.
You are prompted to enter the specifications for the new deployment. The following tabs provide information about the specification fields of the deployment model.
Deployment name. Enter a unique application name for your deployment.
Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic ARN — optional. Specify an Amazon SNS topic where AWS Launch Wizard can send notifications and alerts. For more information, see the Amazon Simple Notification Service Developer Guide.
Deactivate rollback on failed deployment. By default, if a deployment fails, your provisioned resources will be deleted. You can enable this setting during deployment to prevent this behavior.
Tags - optional. Enter a key and value to assign metadata to your deployment. For help with tagging, see Tagging Your Amazon EC2 Resources.
When you are satisfied with your infrastructure selections, select Next. If you don't want to complete the configuration, select Cancel. When you select Cancel, all of the selections on the specification page are lost and you are returned to the landing page. To go to the previous screen, select Previous.
After configuring your application, you are prompted to define the infrastructure requirements for the new deployment on the Define infrastructure requirements page. The following tabs provide information about the input fields.
Infrastructure requirements based on instance type. You can choose to select your instances, or to use AWS recommended resources. If you choose to use AWS recommended resources, you have the option of defining your performance needs. If no selections are made, default values are assigned.
Number of instance cores. Choose the number of CPU cores for your infrastructure. The default value assigned is 4.
Network performance. Choose your preferred network performance in Gbps.
Memory (GB). Choose the amount of RAM that you want to attach to your EC2 instances. The default value assigned is 4 GB.
Recommended resources. Launch Wizard displays the system-recommended resources based on your infrastructure selections. If you want to change the recommended resources, select different infrastructure requirements.
Infrastructure requirements based on instance type. You can choose to select your instance or use AWS recommended resources. If no selections are made, default values are assigned.
Instance type. Select your preferred instance type from the dropdown list.
When you are satisfied with your infrastructure selections, select Next. If you don't want to complete the configuration, select Cancel. When you select Cancel, all of the selections on the specification page are lost and you are returned to the landing page. To go to the previous screen, select Previous.
On the Review and deploy page, review your configuration details. If you want to make changes, select Previous. To stop, select Cancel. When you select Cancel, all of the selections on the specification page are lost and you are returned to the landing page. When you choose Deploy, you agree to the terms of the Acknowledgment. Launch Wizard validates the inputs and notifies you of any issues you must address.
When validation is complete, Launch Wizard deploys your AWS resources and configures your Microsoft Remote Desktop Gateway application. Launch Wizard provides you with status updates about the progress of the deployment on the Deployments page. From the Deployments page, you can view the list of current and previous deployments
When your deployment is ready, a notification informs you that your Remote Desktop Gateway application is successfully deployed. If you have set up an Amazon SNS notification, you are also alerted through Amazon SNS. You can manage and access all of the resources related to your application by selecting the deployment, and then selecting Manage from the Actions dropdown list.
When the application is deployed, you can access your EC2 instances through the Amazon EC2 console.