SlotTypeRegexConfiguration - Amazon Lex V1

If you are using Amazon Lex V2, refer to the Amazon Lex V2 guide instead.


If you are using Amazon Lex V1, we recommend upgrading your bots to Amazon Lex V2. We are no longer adding new features to V1 and strongly recommend using V2 for all new bots.


Provides a regular expression used to validate the value of a slot.



A regular expression used to validate the value of a slot.

Use a standard regular expression. Amazon Lex supports the following characters in the regular expression:

  • A-Z, a-z

  • 0-9

  • Unicode characters ("\ u<Unicode>")

Represent Unicode characters with four digits, for example "\u0041" or "\u005A".

The following regular expression operators are not supported:

  • Infinite repeaters: *, +, or {x,} with no upper bound.

  • Wild card (.)

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 100.

Required: Yes

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: