Configure the Intent - Amazon Lex V1

If you are using Amazon Lex V2, refer to the Amazon Lex V2 guide instead.


If you are using Amazon Lex V1, we recommend upgrading your bots to Amazon Lex V2. We are no longer adding new features to V1 and strongly recommend using V2 for all new bots.

Configure the Intent

Configure the OrderPizza intent to fulfill a user's request to order a pizza.

To configure an intent
  • On the OrderPizza configuration page, configure the intent as follows:

    • Sample utterances – Type the following strings. The curly braces {} enclose slot names.

      • I want to order pizza please

      • I want to order a pizza

      • I want to order a {pizzaKind} pizza

      • I want to order a {size} {pizzaKind} pizza

      • I want a {size} {crust} crust {pizzaKind} pizza

      • Can I get a pizza please

      • Can I get a {pizzaKind} pizza

      • Can I get a {size} {pizzaKind} pizza

    • Lambda initialization and validation – Leave the default setting.

    • Confirmation prompt – Leave the default setting.

    • Fulfillment – Perform the following tasks:

      • Choose AWS Lambda function.

      • Choose PizzaOrderProcessor.

      • If the Add permission to Lambda function dialog box is shown, choose OK to give the OrderPizza intent permission to call the PizzaOrderProcessor Lambda function.

      • Leave None selected.

    The intent should look like the following:

    The intent editor.

Next Step

Configure the Bot