AnalyticsIntentMetricResult - Amazon Lex API Reference


An object containing the results for the intent metric you requested.



The metric that you requested. See Key definitions for more details about these metrics.

  • Count – The number of times the intent was invoked.

  • Success – The number of times the intent succeeded.

  • Failure – The number of times the intent failed.

  • Switched – The number of times there was a switch to a different intent.

  • Dropped – The number of times the user dropped the intent.

Type: String

Valid Values: Count | Success | Failure | Switched | Dropped

Required: No


The statistic that you requested to calculate.

  • Sum – The total count for the category you provide in name.

  • Average – The total count divided by the number of intents in the category you provide in name.

  • Max – The highest count in the category you provide in name.

Type: String

Valid Values: Sum | Avg | Max

Required: No


The value of the summary statistic for the metric that you requested.

Type: Double

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: