DataSourceConfiguration - Amazon Lex API Reference


Contains details about the configuration of the knowledge store used for the AMAZON.QnAIntent. You must have already created the knowledge store and indexed the documents within it.



Contains details about the configuration of the Amazon Bedrock knowledge base used for the AMAZON.QnAIntent. To set up a knowledge base, follow the steps at Building a knowledge base.

Type: BedrockKnowledgeStoreConfiguration object

Required: No


Contains details about the configuration of the Amazon Kendra index used for the AMAZON.QnAIntent. To create a Amazon Kendra index, follow the steps at Creating an index.

Type: QnAKendraConfiguration object

Required: No


Contains details about the configuration of the Amazon OpenSearch Service database used for the AMAZON.QnAIntent. To create a domain, follow the steps at Creating and managing Amazon OpenSearch Service domains.

Type: OpensearchConfiguration object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: