AMAZON.QnAIntent (multiple use support) - Amazon Lex

AMAZON.QnAIntent (multiple use support)

You can choose to have multiple AMAZON.QnAIntents within a locale. Amazon Lex V2 support up to 5 AMAZON.QnAIntents within a bot locale.

AMAZON.QnAIntent can be triggered if one of the following cases is true:

  • If a bot locale contains only 1 AMAZON.QnAIntent and that intent does not contain sample utterances, then it is activated when an utterance is not classified into any of the other intents present in the bot. This intent is activated when an utterance is not classified into any of the other intents present in the bot. Note that this intent will not be activated for missed utterances when eliciting a slot value.


    If the response from the FM is unsatisfactory or the call to the FM fails, Amazon Lex V2 then invokes the AMAZON.FallbackIntent.

  • If AMAZON.QnAIntent does contain sample utterances, then it is only activated when Lex recognizes that the user wants to initiate that intent based on user input.


    If the response from the FM is unsatisfactory or the call to the FM fails, Amazon Lex V2 invokes the failure next step, defined in the fulfillment block.


If botLocale has more than 1 AMAZON.QnAIntent, then each AMAZON.QnAIntent needs to have at least 1 sample utterance.