AMAZON.FreeFormInput - Amazon Lex


AMAZON.FreeFormInput can be used to capture free form input from the end user. It recognizes strings that consist of words or characters. The resolved value is the entire input utterance.


Bot: Please provide feedback from your call experience.

User: I got the answers to all of my questions, and I was able to complete the transaction.


  • AMAZON.FreeFormInput can be used to capture free form input as-is from the end user.

  • AMAZON.FreeFormInput cannot be used in intent sample utterances.

  • AMAZON.FreeFormInput cannot have slot sample utterances.

  • AMAZON.FreeFormInput is only recognized when elicited for.

  • AMAZON.FreeFormInput does not support wait and continue.

  • AMAZON.FreeFormInput is currently not supported in the Amazon Connect Chat channel.

  • When a AMAZON.FreeFormInput slot is elicited, FallbackIntent will not be triggered.

  • When a AMAZON.FreeFormInput slot is elicited, there will be no intent switch.