Setting request attributes for your Lex V2 bot - Amazon Lex

Setting request attributes for your Lex V2 bot

Request attributes contain request-specific information and apply only to the current request. A client application sends this information to Amazon Lex. Use request attributes to pass information that doesn't need to persist for the entire session. You can create your own request attributes or you can use predefined attributes. To send request attributes, use the x-amz-lex-request-attributes header in a RecognizeUtterance or the requestAttributes field in a RecognizeText request. Because request attributes don't persist across requests like session attributes do, they are not returned in RecognizeUtterance or RecognizeText responses.


To send information that persists across requests, use session attributes.

Setting user-defined request attributes for each Lex V2 bot request

A user-defined request attribute is data that you send to your bot in each request. You send the information in the amz-lex-request-attributes header of a RecognizeUtterance request or in the requestAttributes field of a RecognizeText request.

To send request attributes to Amazon Lex, you create a string-to-string map of the attributes. The following shows how to map request attributes:

{ "attributeName": "attributeValue", "attributeName": "attributeValue" }

For the PostText operation, you insert the map into the body of the request using the requestAttributes field, as follows:

"requestAttributes": { "attributeName": "attributeValue", "attributeName": "attributeValue" }

For the PostContent operation, you base64 encode the map, and then send it as the x-amz-lex-request-attributes header.

If you are sending binary or structured data in a request attribute, you must first transform the data to a simple string. For more information, see Setting complex attributes in your Lex V2 bot.