Creating intents and slot types - Amazon Lex

Creating intents and slot types

After the chatbot designer creates intents and slot types, you select the intents and slot types to add to your bot. You can review the details of each intent and slot type to help you decide which recommendations are the most relevant to your use case.

You can click on a recommended intent’s name to view the sample utterances and slots that the chatbot designer has suggested. If you select Show associated transcripts, you can also scroll through the conversations that you provided. These transcripts influence the chatbot designer’s recommendation of this intent. If you click on a sample utterance, you can review the primary conversation and the relevant turn of dialog, which influenced that specific utterance.

You can click on a specific slot type’s name to view the slot values that have been recommended. If you select Show associated transcripts, you can review the conversations that influenced this slot type, with the agent prompt that elicits for the slot type highlighted. If you click on a specific slot type value, you can review the primary conversation and the relevant turn of dialog that influenced this value.

To review and add intents and slot type
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Lex console at

  2. From the list of bots, choose the bot you want to work with.

  3. Choose View languages.

  4. From the list of languages, choose the language to work with.

  5. In Conversation structure, choose Review.

  6. In the list of intents and slot types, choose the ones to add to the bot. You can choose an intent or slot type to see details and the associated transcripts.

Intents are sorted by the confidence that Amazon Lex V2 has that the intent is associated with the processed transcripts.