Exporting bots from Lex V2 - Amazon Lex

Exporting bots from Lex V2

You export a bot, bot locale, or custom vocabulary using the console or the CreatExport operation. You specify the resource to export, and you can provide an optional password to help protect the .zip file when you start an export. After you download the .zip file, you must use the password to access the file before you can use it. For more information, see Using a password when importing or exporting.

Exporting is an asynchronous operation. Once you have started the export, you can use the console or the DescribeExport operation to monitor the progress of the export. Once the export is complete, the console or the DescribeExport operation shows a status of COMPLETED, and the console downloads the export .zip file to your browser. If you use the DescribeExport operation, Amazon Lex V2 provides a pre-signed Amazon S3 URL where you can download the results of the export. The download URL is available for only five minutes, but you can get a new URL by calling the DescribeExport operation again.

You can see the history of exports for a resource with the console or with the ListExports operation. The results show the exports along with their current status. An export is available in the history for seven days.

When you export the Draft version of a bot or a bot locale, it is possible for the definition in the JSON file to be in an inconsistent state because the Draft version of a bot or bot locale can be changed while an export is in progress. If the Draft version is changed while it is being exported, the changes may not be included in the export file.

When you export a bot locale, Amazon Lex exports all of the information that defines the locale, including the locale, custom vocabulary, intents, slot types, and slots.

When you export a bot, Amazon Lex exports all of the locales defined for the bot, including the intents, slot types, and slots. The following items are not exported with a bot:

  • Bot aliases

  • Role ARN associated with a bot

  • Tags associated with bots and bot aliases

  • Lambda code hooks associated with a bot alias

The role ARN and tags are entered as request parameters when you import a bot. You need to create bot aliases and assign Lambda code hooks after importing, if necessary.

You can remove an export and the associated .zip file using the console or the DeleteExport operation.

For an example of exporting a bot using the console, see Exporting a Lex V2 bot (console).

IAM permissions required to export bots in Lex V2

To export bots, bot locales, and custom vocabularies, the user running the export must have the following IAM permissions.

  • Required IAM actions

  • CreateExport

  • UpdateExport

  • DescribeExport

  • DescribeBot

  • DescribeCustomVocabulary

  • DescribeLocale

  • DescribeIntent

  • DescribeSlot

  • DescribeSlotType

  • ListLocale

  • ListIntent

  • ListSlot

  • ListSlotType

DescribeExport for custom vocabularies
  • DescribeExport

  • DescribeCustomVocabulary

  • DeleteExport

  • ListExports


For an example IAM policy, see Allow a user to export bots and bot locales .