Step 4: Complete Slack integration with your Lex V2 bot - Amazon Lex

Step 4: Complete Slack integration with your Lex V2 bot

In this section, use the Slack API console to complete integration with the Slack application.

  1. Sign in to the Slack API console at Choose the app that you created in Step 2: Create a Slack application .

  2. Update the OAuth & Permissions feature as follows:

    1. In the left menu, choose OAuth & Permissions.

    2. In the Redirect URLs section, add the OAuth endpoint that Amazon Lex provided in the preceding step. Choose Add, and then choose Save URLs.

    3. In the Bot Token Scopes section, add two permissions with the Add an OAuth Scope button. Filter the list with the following text:

      • chat:write

      • team:read

  3. Update the Interactivity & Shortcuts feature by updating the Request URL value to the endpoint that Amazon Lex provided in the preceding step. Enter the endpoint that you saved in step 3, and then choose Save Changes.

  4. Subscribe to the Event Subscriptions feature as follows:

    • Enable events by choosing the On option.

    • Set the Request URL value to the endpoint that Amazon Lex provided in the preceding step.

    • In the Subscribe to Bot Events section, select Add Bot User Event and add the bot event to enable direct messaging between the end user and the Slack bot.

    • Save the changes.

  5. Enable sending messages from the messages tab as follows:

    • From the left menu, choose App Home.

    • In the Show Tabs section, choose Allow users to send Slash commands and messages from the messages tab.

  6. Choose Manage Distribution under Settings. Choose Add to Slack to install the application. If you are authenticated to multiple workspaces, first choose the correct workspace in the upper right-hand corner from the drop-down list. Next, select Allow to authorize the bot to respond to messages.


    If you make any changes to your Slack application settings later, you must redo this substep.

Next step

Step 5: Test the integration between your Lex V2 bot and Slack