View test validation errors in test workbench - Amazon Lex

View test validation errors in test workbench

You can correct test sets that report validation errors. These validation errors are generated when a test set is not ready to be tested. The Test Workbench can show you which required columns in the test set input CSV file did not have a value in the expected format.

To view test validation errors:
  1. From the list of test sets, select the name of the test set that reports a Status of Validation Error that you want to view. The names of the test sets are active links that take you to details regarding the test set.

  2. The test set record displays validation error details at the top of the screen. Choose View Details to see the report on Validation Errors.

  3. From the error report window, review the Line # and Error Type to see where the error occurs. For a lengthy list of errors, you can choose to Download the error report.

  4. Compare the errors listed in your test set input CSV file to your original test file to correct any issues and upload the test set again.

The following table lists the input CSV validation error messages with scenarios.

Scenario Error message Notes

Test Set File Size Exceeds

Test Set file size is larger than 200 MB. Provide smaller file and try your request again.

Test set exceeds max records

Input file had records more than supported maximum number of 200,000.

Upload Empty Test set

Imported test set is empty. Provide non-empty test set and try your request again.

Empty column header name Column Headers Row: found empty column name in column number 5.

Unrecognized column header name Column Headers Row: could not recognize column name 'dummy' in column number 2.

Duplicate column header name Column Headers Row: found multiple columns 'S3 audio link' and 'S3 audio link' that are same or equivalent. Remove or rename one of those columns.

Multi value column name exceeded the limit Column Headers Row: count of columns for 'Expected Output Slot' exceeded maximum supported count: 6. Remove some columns for 'Expected Output Slot' and try again.

Maximum Number of columns supported for multi value column is 6.

Text or Audio related column header not present Could not find columns for text or audio conversations. For text conversations, use {'Text input'} columns. For audio conversations, use {'S3 audio link', 'Expected transcription'} columns. Audio Mandatory Columns: {'S3 audio link', 'Expected transcription'}Text Mandatory Columns: {'Text input'}
Both Text and Audio related column header exist Found columns for both text and audio conversations. You can either use {'Text input'} columns for text conversations, or {'S3 audio link', 'Expected transcription'} columns for audio conversations. Audio Mandatory Columns: {'S3 audio link', 'Expected transcription'}Text Mandatory Columns: {'Text input'}
Mandatory column is missing Could not find mandatory columns ["Expected Output Intent"]. Mandatory Columns:{"Line #", "Source", "Expected Output Intent"}
Found a data in column with no header Found data in column number 8 for row number 6, but corresponding column did not have a column header.

Data not found for mandatory columns Row=12: no values found for mandatory columns: {"Source", "Expected Output Intent"}
Duplicate conversation id found conversation number '19' was seen for previous conversation at row number 39." Make sure that same conversation number has not been provided for two conversations, you can do this by ensuring that all rows for a conversation number are grouped together.
Invalid conversation id provided Found invalid value 'test_conversation' in 'Conversation #' column. Value for this column must be either numeric or N/A (i.e. Not Applicable) for a user row.
Non numeric value provided for line number Found non-numeric value 'test_line' in 'Line #' column. Its value must be numeric.
Conversation id not found in agent row No value found for 'Conversation #' column. It must be provided for an agent row.
Non numeric conversation id found in agent row Found non-numeric value 'test_conversation' in 'Conversation #' column. Its value must be numeric for an agent row.
Invalid S3 location Invalid value 'bucket/folder' was provided. Valid format is S3://<bucketName>/<keyName>.
Invalid S3 bucket name Invalid s3 bucket name 'test_bucket' was provided. Check the bucket name.
S3 audio location is folder Provided audio location 'S3://bucket/folder' is invalid. It points to an S3 folder.
Invalid intent name Invalid characters were present in intent 'intent@name'. Check the intent name. Regex check: ^([0-9a-zA-Z][_-]?)+$
Invalid slot name Invalid characters were present in slot 'Slot@Name'. Check the slot name. Regex: ^([0-9a-zA-Z][_-]?)+$It should not start or end with dot(.)
Slot value provided for parent slot Slot values were provided for subslot 'Address.City' as well as parent slot 'Address'. Values should be only provided for the subslot. Parent slot in CST should not have slot value
Invalid character in context name Invalid characters were present in context name 'context@1'. Check the context name. Regex: ^([A-Za-z]_?)+$
Invalid slot spelling style Invalid value 'test' was provided. Make sure that they are all upper case. Valid values are ["Default", "SpellByLetter", "SpellByWord"]. Supported values["Default", "SpellByLetter", "SpellByWord"
Participant or source has to be either agent or User Invalid value 'bot' was provided. Valid values are ["Agent", "User"]. Supported Enums: "Agent", "User"
Line Number should not be decimal Invalid value '10.1' was provided. It should be a valid number without any fractions.
Conversation Number should not be decimal Invalid value '10.1' was provided. It should be a valid number without any fractions.
Line number should be with in range Invalid value '92233720368547758071' was provided. It should be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 9223372036854775807.
Barge-in column only accepts boolean value Invalid value 'test' was provided. It should be a valid boolean value such as 'true' or 'false'. Alternatively 'yes' and 'no' can be used. Possible Values:"True", "true", "T", "Yes", "yEs", "Y", "1", "1.0", "False", "false", "F", "No", "no", "N", "0", "0.0"
Expected slot, Session Attribute, Request Attribute should be separated by equal to (=) Value 'slotName:slotValue' does not have '='. Such value should be provided as a key-value pair in format '<key>=<value>'. For example: slotName = slotType
Expected slot, Session Attribute, Request Attribute should be have key value pair '=slotValue' does not have a key before '='. Such value should be provided as a key-value pair in format '<key>=<value>'. For example: slotName = slotType
Invalid quote at end Found incorrect quoting in 'Lenny's Burger'“. It starts with quote character `"` but does not end with same quote character. For example: `"Lenny's Burger", KFC`
Invalid quote at middle Found incorrect quoting in `"Lenny's" Burger, KFC`. It contains quote character `"` inside its content. Values containing single quotes should be wrapped within double quotes and vice-versa. Correct For example: `"Lenny's Burger", KFC`
Required quotes `key = Lenny's Burger` contains single-quotes or double-quotes but has not been wrapped inside quotes. Values containing single quotes should be wrapped inside double quotes and vice-versa.
Duplicate Key repeated in column Key `key1` was repeated in two columns: `Session Attribute 3` and `Session Attribute 1`.
Invalid format in Runtime hint Invalid key `BookFlight.Car."` provided for Runtime Hints. For Runtime Hints, key should be in format <intentName>.<slotName>. If '.' must be present in middle of the key, intent name and slot name cannot be extracted from such key. examples of such incorrect formatting: "BookFlight", ".BookFlight.Car", "BookFlight.Car."
Invalid Intent name in runtime hint key Found invalid intent `intent@name` for Runtime Hints. Check intent name. Regex check: ^([0-9a-zA-Z][_-]?)+$
Invalid Slot name in runtime hint key Found invalid slot name in `Slot@Name` for Runtime Hints. Check slot name. Regex: ^([0-9a-zA-Z][_-]?)+$It should not start or end with dot(.)